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Everything posted by mike1949

  1. Hi Jeff, From one old fogie to another, welcome to the forum. There are plenty of two stroke fans on here although I'm not one of them but we do have a common denominator in the fact that I have just retired.
  2. A long shot but is the vent in the filler cap blocked, try starting it with the cap open.
  3. Well, coke is a carbonated drink.
  4. You might have to give us a clue because it's out of focus, is it to do with a spring?
  5. This is what I'm trying to ascertain Blackie, big horsepower bikes should have rivit link Why?
  6. That's what I'm wondering too Paul, What is the purpose of an endless chain? my main worry is it because of the speed of the bike would a linked chain be more likely to come apart? I doubt it, so when do you stop putting a linked chain and then putting an endless chain?
  7. Can you replace an endless chain with a chain with a removable link? Why do some bikes have a removable link and some bikes have an endless chain which is a pain in the arse to remove?
  8. No such luck Cynic, when I committed a motoring offence in a Naval shore establishment in 1968 not only was I "done" by the local Cid but I also rec'd internal punishment by our own "regulating staff" as in seven days stoppage of leave and pay.
  9. How true :icon_biggrin: :icon_biggrin: :icon_biggrin: :icon_biggrin:
  10. Mind when you get back on your boat Jimmy, too much weight might think it's another type of "boat"
  11. Bleeding Ell Gerry, fantastic intro and I thought I, amongst others was old on here but you must be the most senior and I take my hat off to you, so I salute you. As suggested in earlier comments we would love a few photos of you and your bikes. You've now tickled our taste buds now Gerald.
  12. Four dads introducing their sons. Scottish dad says, "Let me introduce you to my son Andrew, we call him Andrew because he was born on St Andrews day which happens to be the patron saint of Scotland" Welsh dad says, "Let me introduce you to my son David, we call him David because he was born on St Davids day which happens to be the patron saint of Wales" English dad says, "Let me introduce you to my son George, we call him George because he was born on St Georges day which happens to be the patron saint of England" Irish dad says, "Let me introduce you to my son......................Pancake.
  13. Not quite dt, but in some ways yes. A gobshite is some someone that talks(gob) a load of rubbish(shite) A dumbass, is, dare I say somebody that is mentality challenged?
  14. I would prefer my Country flag to be Englands not GB's
  15. Fowlers of Bristol. Mail order second to none.
  16. I can only reciprocate what everybody else has said Drewps, at least you're ok.
  17. Hi Sean, my son is in South Australia at the moment, do you know him?
  18. That was brilliant Slicieboy, epically Supertramp in the background music.
  19. As we would say in England, "that's alright me old cocker"
  20. Fantastic intro bb3924 (a name would be better) So that's three generations working on the bike which is great.
  21. Brilliant photo Jimmy, I know which ones are you and your gorgeous wife but who are the two on the left?
  22. Thank you Bipps, and everyone else. I can only concur with you, not wishing to blow my own trumpet but I left school in 1964 at the age of 15 and have worked in continuous employment since then, in fact this is only my third job. I am still getting up at 04:30 in the morning but I'm sure I will slowly esculate. Sorry Jimmy if it seems like I have hi-jacked your thread.
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