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Everything posted by mike1949

  1. mike1949 replied to groglewis's post in a topic in The Bar
    Hi grog, bike vibration is a common fault on divvys but mine usually happens around 4500rpm (60mph) As for fitting the spring the last time I fitted one I got a longish heavy duty screwdriver put it through the hook on the spring then put the end of the blade over the pivot on centre stand then levered it over. Took a few attempts but got it on in the end.
  2. Cheers Slicey boy. That's more or less what I had hoped to hear.
  3. Getting back on this topic, I have been looking at a couple of xj900's which is the same as mine but obviously more gumph in the engine but they have got 47K (1998) and 49K (1996) on the clock. But look very tidy. Is 47/49K high mileage for that sort of bike?
  4. mike1949 replied to up.yours's post in a topic in Random
    Blimey Kev. That's as bad as saying that I got in touch with my "inner self" last night. That's the last time I buy Tesco's Super saver toilet roll.
  5. mike1949 replied to madeucer's post in a topic in General
    Well - if there's a pub involved, who knows?
  6. Hi Jamie and welcome to the forum. As they say, it's not if you fall off the bike but when.
  7. mike1949 replied to Airhead's post in a topic in The Bar
  8. mike1949 replied to vayduh's post in a topic in New Members Welcome Area
    Hi and welcome vayduh? or even Old Fart. "Had a minor moments today at a junction as a car pulled out - does anyone even notice bikes on roads? Maybe I'll try the Lady Godiva in a helmet approach - bet I'd get noticed then; and probably arrested into the bargain!" does anyone even notice bikes on roads? Basically, No. You have got to notice every vehicle on the road. Being a biker makes you more vigilant on the road and as to what's going on around you, believe it or not you tend to be more aware of cars coming out of side roads/junctions because you don't know if they see you or not, I always presume they don't.
  9. Welcome Nathan. 0834?
  10. mike1949 posted a post in a topic in Random
    A bit of tarmac from the motorway being built down the road went into a bar and asked for a pint of lager. Two minutes later another bit of tarmac walked in and sat next to him on a barstool and also asked for a pint of lager. The second bit of tarmac said to the first, “Where do you come from then?” He replied, “I'm from the motorway” “Bleeding ell, you must be really hard to bear all that traffic especially heavy lorries” “Yeah pretty hard, where do you come from then?” asked the first. “I'm from the slipway” replied the second. “Well, you must still be hard to bear all the traffic coming on to the motorway” At that time a third bit of small tarmac entered the bar and tarmac #1 and #2 leapt off their stools and ran like hell towards the door. The barman who was clearing glasses at the time stopped them and said, “Whoah there, why the panic, he's only half your size?” #1 and #2 both replied in unison, “Yeah, but he's a cyclepath!”
  11. mike1949 posted a post in a topic in Random
    A typical family on a Sunday evening, Mum doing the ironing, Dad reading the paper in his favorite armchair and the son doing his homework. All of a sudden the boy says. “Mum, how do you spell vagina?” Mum went all flustered and embarrassed and said. “I don't know, spelling isn't my favourite subject, you had better ask your dad.” So the boy said “Dad, how do you spell vagina?” To which his dad replied. “Hang on a minute there son, hang on, don't say anything, hang on, hang on” “No sorry son, but it was on the tip of my tongue last night.”
  12. Hi John, welcome to the forum. Don't know much about the Genesis range, more into the Divvy's.
  13. mike1949 replied to jimmy's post in a topic in Yamabyss
    Where you going then Jimmy? Off to sea?
  14. mike1949 replied to Pendle Witch's post in a topic in New Members Welcome Area
    Hi and welcome to the forum PW. Going by what you are saying, or even by what you are not saying I would guess at your age as about, well let's say you were born in the 70's
  15. mike1949 replied to bippo's post in a topic in The Bar
    BIPPO, What can I say? You are my hero. :D
  16. mike1949 posted a post in a topic in Random
    A man found a penguin wandering the streets so he took him under his wing so to speak. That night he took him to his local pub. His mate said pointing to the penguin. "where did you get that from?" "I found him this morning and he follows me around everywhere". So his mate suggested he take him to the zoo. "Good idea, I'll take him tomorrow morning". Anyway, tomorrow night when he went to the pub with the penguin his mate said. "I though you were going to take him to the zoo" "I did, and tomorrow I'm going to take him to the pictures"
  17. mike1949 replied to lauragilmour's post in a topic in General
    I remember a few days before my test my kick start snapped in half so I very amaturely welded it back together with a stick welder. On the test I was praying that it would hold together and fortunately it did. But I did pass and made history by being the last person in the driving test centre to to take a test. As the examiner was going through his highway code flip chart in the corridor the removal men were emptying the building out.
  18. mike1949 replied to meatloaf's post in a topic in Yamabyss
    My favorite is................................
  19. mike1949 replied to HarleyJay's post in a topic in New Members Welcome Area
    Do you follow St Neots FC? They will be playing my local football club this season but unfortunately to far to travel to away games.
  20. mike1949 replied to mike1949's post in a topic in Random
    Blimey DT, Jimmy and Johney are only fictional. I never slapped my kids, especially on the head, My voice alone kept them in order.
  21. mike1949 replied to HarleyJay's post in a topic in New Members Welcome Area
    I've been up there once on a course. Haven't they got according to the Guinness book of records the smallest pub in the UK?
  22. mike1949 replied to inpar's post in a topic in The Bar
    Sorry John, but I cannot believe that. You're talking of about 130 miles. I've had punctures in tubed bikes and within about twenty feet I can't even control the bike so have had to push it home. But as previously said by Cynic. "Tyres don't fail like they used to." I totally agree, since I've had my present bike with tubeless tyres for about ten years I've never had a puncture. As said by a few a good breakdown cover is advisable.
  23. mike1949 replied to AndrewElvisFan's post in a topic in The Bar
    Agree Slice, he has got that mischievous look about him.
  24. mike1949 replied to HarleyJay's post in a topic in New Members Welcome Area
    Hello Harley, welcome to the forum. Where abouts do you come from?
  25. Brake caliper seals?