Everything posted by mike1949
~~Daily Feed, post what made you laugh today ~~
Number four sums up my daughter 100% As she adds it to her "stolen sweater" collection.
So tell me about high speed driving ?
The basic thing is if your riding on the motorway with the wind behind you it's fast and comfortable, but if you are riding into the wind it's a struggle. If you are riding with a cross wind it's dangerous. I was on the M5 going south years ago with a cross wind and couldn't even overtake a lorry.
A nice easy job
Sticking up for Grouchie. If there's two things I wouldn't mess about with is tyres and brakes. I always go to my local bike dealer for that.
- Passed!
Oldtimers grumpy old gits musical quiz.
I can't remember which radio station it was either Caroline or Luxemburg but there was a bloke called Horace Bachelor selling ways to win the pools and his finishing line was I'm Horace Bachelor from Keynsham spelt K-E-Y-N-S-H-A-M. I always thought if his systems that good why's he selling on the radio why not just get rich from his way of doing the pools.
One hit wonders
A couple more. Thunderclap Newman "Something in the Air" Nina Simone "Ain't Got No, I Got Life"
One hit wonders
Has anybody got any favourite "One hit wonders" To start off, here's a few of mine. B. Bumble and the Stingers "Nut Rocker" Zager and Evans "In the Year 2525 " The Archies "Sugar Sugar" And my favourite of all times. Norman Greenbaum "Spirit in the Sky"
~~Daily Feed, post what made you laugh today ~~
You worry me Sacha. I thought that you were a prim and proper lady.
Oldtimers grumpy old gits musical quiz.
Not wishing to dwell on the sixties music too much but one of the songs mentioned. Melting Pot by Blue Mink was a bit "brave" for the sixties as in they were trying to bring, or at least make people aware of mixed race marriage. Bearing in mind that just a few years before in the fifties it was a taboo subject. Some of the opening lyrics so you know what I'm talking about. "Take a pinch of white man Wrap him up in black skin Add a touch of blue blood And a little bitty bit of Red Indian boy Curly Latin kinkies Mixed with yellow Chinkees If you lump it all together Well,"
- MOD 1 booked!
What to wear with textiles...?
Another believe it or not Katie and Slice but submariners in the sixties/seventies used to wear tights while at sea although I preferred long johns.
Can anyone help make me something
25 quid/2 weeks. Don't look a gift horse in the mouth. Go for it. By the time youv'e got replys/answers you would most likeley have had it done.
Oldtimers grumpy old gits musical quiz.
Meatloaf got It right Kev, "Johnny remember me" Tell Laura I love her was a hit for Ricky Valance in 1960
Hi,at last
Hi Steve, welcome to the forum. As for leaving the disc lock on join the club. I've done it three times so far so what I tend to do is park the bike into the curb or somewhere that I have to pull it back out.
anyone Been out today?
Yeah, went to Frome in Somerset to watch Chipp draw with Frome but the ride there and back was brilliant but had to get back quick so as to take daughter to the second largest railway junction in the country so she could get back home.
Oldtimers grumpy old gits musical quiz.
All correct. That was too easy. No you wouldn't Steve, but then you don't come under the catagory of a grumpy old git.
anyone Been out today?
Hopefully go on the bike to Frome in Somerset tomorrow.
anyone Been out today?
Yeah Tommy, but unfortunatly not on bike because we had our daughter down for the weekend so we went to National Trust at Stourhead.
Oldtimers grumpy old gits musical quiz.
Does anybody espically Paul know the answers to these music of the sixties questions? Q - What was the Rolling Stones first number one hit? A - Q - Who had a hit with "Blockbuster" A - Q - Who had a hit with "Come tomorrow" A - Q - Who had a hit with "Melting pot" A - Joe Meek produced a massive hit called "Telstar" by the Tornados, Q - What was the hit before that by John Leyton,
Shorts and shirts?
That's not you is it Andrew?
Shorts and shirts?
This is one of my pet hates. Young kids on bikes in the summer wearing just jeans and teeshirts with no gloves. But I'm glad he has had the inituitive to show that to let others know what can happen.
ello :)
That is absolutley brill Sacha, why didn't I think of that one. But I suppose "it's all over now"
Blind spots
Can somebody enlighten us who this cristy21 is?
check your driving licence online
Have you not got a driving licence then Kev?
twix of doom
His name wasn't Errol Brown by any chance?