Everything posted by mike1949
Is this big Kev,,, near twatsville
I'm glad I live in the South West and not in the North East where it was possible that I could've resided due to meeting a young lady when I was in the RN and visited a port on my travels. It seems that we are more refined down here.
If you use at least two tyre levers, three would be easier and start from the valve and "walk" them round, i.e. put the first lever in to break the seal then the second lever to elongate the break then remove the first lever to continue breaking the seal and by doing that until you get round to the valve the tyre should be free from the rim. Undo the nut that is holding the tube in then remove the tube. When inserting the new/repaired tube insert the tubes valve into hole, screw the nut on and work it carefully around inside the rim of the wheel, when tube is inside the rim slightly inflate the tube and smear plenty of lubricant around the tyres edge, neat washing up liquid is ideal then use the tyre levers to prise tyre back into the rim being careful not to pinch the inner tube. I presume you know how to patch up a tube. So easy to do so if you don't I will go through step by step.
Well done Grouchy, now you've got the wheel off can you get the tyre off?
OH bugger !
I have pondered about the "get me home" fixes. I have thought about the gooey inject into the tyre valve stuff that seals the tyre but the tyre fitters don't like. But do you know what? After so many push the bike home from work times on my old small tubed bikes when all you had to do is run over a nail or screw. After getting a tubeless bigger bike for the last twelve years I've never had a puncture so I do think that the tubeless are more robust than the tubed ones. Maybe I'm tempting fate but I do have more confidence in the thicker tubeless tyres when doing **mph on the motorway.
Tit of a Man
Well done Jimmy, I must say that when I'm following a learner driver I always keep well back and give them plenty of room for two reasons. The last thing they want is a vehicle right up their arse.And to keep cars at a good distance behind them.And I always think that the annoying thing is that the impatient car behind them had at one time been in that situation at one time also.
Hi From Cambridgeshire - First DT Video Made!
What? And you say I'm a rebel? I think there's a bit of a James Dean in all of us. For some reason I strictly adhere to the 30mph limit but when on the motorway if traffic is light I tend to "let myself go" reaching speeds of **mph, not ***mph I should emphasise. I personally think that the problem/frustration is that in the UK you can't travel more than 5-10 miles without coming into a speed restriction of either 30 or 40 mph.
What's the problem getting the wheel off? Seized wheel nuts?
Blimey Grouchey. On my older bikes which had a tube fitted and when I had a puncture I used to patch/repair them no trouble at all. All you need is a couple of tyre levers and a bicycle puncture kit from Halfords and away you go.
what happens on the island, stays on the island
Fantastic Tommy and Drewps. If only we had that type of camaraderie down here but alas we don't.
Polishing scratches
Clear nail varnish. I'm surprised you hadn't thought about that Katie.
New Member
Hi Yarzie. Blimey, you've had more bikes than I've had hot dinners. Anyway, welcome to the forum. I think this must qualify as the most interesting intro ever. Mike.
Thunderace using oil
Billy, oh Billy, what can I say. I think you will get more joy by introducing yourself in the new members section first rather than come in the workshop section and expecting an answer straight away. This is a friendly type of community forum to which we all help each other out, but what we don't like is "one hit wonders" who ask a question, somebody answers, then we never get a response and never hear from again.
OH bugger !
I have got to be honest slicey boy but two things I won't mess about with myself is tyres and brakes.
My brand new baby grandaughter
Congrats Meatloaf. Mum and dad look happy, and as for Grandad the picture says it all. I hope their not going to call her spam though. (only joking)
RIP Oldtimer
RIP Oldtimer. We did have something in common, RNAS Brawdy. Highest of regards from a matelot to a pongo. Romeo, India, Papa.
Country flag
As we've gone onto the subject of football, may I state that Chippenham Town FC who are in the Evostik Southern Premier League have won five out of the first six games of their league and have drawn one which puts us at top of the league, but not to be too complacent we are only three points ahead.
Just joined!
Hi Lloyd, welcome to the forum. If it's technical post in the workshop section.
Country flag
I've just noticed that we can now display our country of origin flag in our profile, Yeah!! But, also I have realised that for us Brits we cannot select individual flags as in England, Wales, Scotland or Northern Ireland. But what I have noticed in the Union flag is that it's the right way up.
New rider from Manchester
Welcome Alex, Manchester? I could tell you a few stories about the canal when we went there in the seventies.
I concur, makes all the difference when you say Hi.
Hi All
Blimey Leigh. I'm 66 and just upgraded from a 600 to a 1250.
Random (2nd attempt)
I cannot access the random section, any ideas?
Went into Poundland in Salisbury today, as like most husbands do, waited at the exit for the for "the wife". Anyway while waiting, was watching the queue at the tills. An old dear went up to the till with a bottle of water and the young lad said "that's two for a pound" and the old dear said "but I only want one" to which the young lad said "but we can't sell only one, you have to have two" To which the old dear said "Well I only want one" then stormed out of the shop. About five minutes later she came back in the shop and sheepishly bought two bottles.
Went into Poundland in Salisbury today, as like most husbands do, waited at the exit for the for "the wife". Anyway while waiting, was watching the queue at the tills. An old dear went up to the till with a bottle of water and the young lad said "that's two for a pound" and the old dear said "but I only want one" to which the young lad said "but we can't sell only one, you have to have two" To which the old dear said "Well I only want one" then stormed out of the shop. About five minutes later she came back in the shop and sheepishly bought two bottles.