Everything posted by GeordieSteve
At last I'm back!
Not impressed with MCE trying to bully me into taking out a policy tho. Bitching at me down the phone that he'd spent 3 hours getting me a quote & if I didn't take it out he'd charge me £200 more when I renewed! Needless to say he was told where to get off!!!
At last I'm back!
Apparently R1's, wet roads and new tyres don't mix
At last I'm back!
Hello folks Well I'm back on here as a member since September when some mad old woman in a polo wiped out me and the ex when out on the R6 Bike was totally written off and due to it coming up to winter, I decided not to rush out and buy another bike... until now Complete spur of moment but I fell in love with this R1 and bought it straight away this morning. She's gorgeous and to be perfect honest... I'm a bit nervous about riding her (had about 5 month experience on a bike). Should get her this week I hope... excited???? Yep
Fingers crossed for my R6
They better bloody not do mate! To be fair I'd rather it was written off. I need the cash to get the car sorted and she was going up for sale anyway when I got back from the Lakes Just so glad she and the insurance company have put their hands up and went "yep... our fault, sorry... here's some cash"
Fingers crossed for my R6
About 4 weeks or so ago now me and the misses went for a much earned break in the Lakes (Keswick to be exact). Monday morning I was woken by the phone going off... bloody great news, new job just came through. To celebrate... we took a ride out to Windemere. Weather was great, not a cloud in the sky... perfect Almost at the lake with the misses on the back we noticed that someone needed to cross on the zebra crossing so we stopped to let her over... however the elderly lady behind us had other ideas A quick THUD and I was off down the road at a rate of knotts and the misses went skywards and landed back on top of the bike... great! Police, ambulance, fire brigade etc. etc. etc. were all there. The misses had trouble walking for a while and still can't stand up for too long or gets aches and pains. Me, I just had a black knee and a fooked holiday Got a call from the insurance company today and the old bugger lady has admitted fault and her insurance is paying out for the lot (we didn't do any personal injury or damage to our clothing). Guy from the local garage is coming out Wednesday to assess the damage which is buckled back wheel, exhaust off, scratched plastics, smashed wing mirror, burst tire etc. but it's not bad at all... infact I'm amaized at how little damage there is... considering we were stationary and the lady didn't even brake! I must say an absolute 100% to Windermere taxis who turned up and picked my bike up and kept it in their lock up until I could come back the week after to collect it. They had 4 garages PACKED with bikes, made my misses cups of tea (she kept bursting into tears with shock), organised us lifts back to our digs... even offered to give us a lift back up to Newcastle(!!!!) and refused point blank to take a penny. They insisted that I give them a call next time I'm up and we go for a pint tho... what a fantastic bunch of people... I take my hat off to them
Can I Beat My Friends Supra?
I know my Supra at BPU would have just taken my R6 over the quarter mile in my opinion. With the single turbo on it'll distroy the R6 (if some old lady hadn't done it first with her car last week )
Can I Beat My Friends Supra?
Over a quarter I doubt it. You will have him off the mark but Supras are very fast mid range to top end. I take it his car is standard? Steve (Supra owner )
I'm New here!
I'm new here!
Welcome! The R6 is a great first bike in my eyes
anyone going to stormin the castle???
We're there for the lot mate Yeah the misses is going along with another couple. One question tho being a newby.... how the bloody hell do you take a tent, 48 cans, 4 bottles of whiskey and some spare clothes on the back of a bike with a passenger?!?!?! lol
anyone going to stormin the castle???
The misses ordered the tickets yesterday! Hope the weather isn't like it is today
anyone going to stormin the castle???
That sounds great! You coming on the ride out? Think I saw it go past a few years back. I'll be there without a doubt
anyone going to stormin the castle???
I still don't have mine (lazy bugger). Pick them up in a couple of weeks I'd have thought. Do they have the ride out like they do at the Farmyard?
Riding Gear in the Hot weather!
Full leathers
My first bike was/is the R6. Yeah it'll let you know about it if you do something silly (I've learnt THAT one a few times) but it's nothing that should cause you too many problems
Has anyone taken their IAM bike test?
Still a bit early for me but intersted in what you get tested on and how it is
anyone going to stormin the castle???
I'll find out the arrangments and post them here for you mate. Got an R6 at the minute but stupidly chomping at the bit for an R1
anyone going to stormin the castle???
Sounds mighty find mate. Should be about 20 of us going I think from the Gateshead area
anyone going to stormin the castle???
Sure am matie! New to bikes myself so first trip up there. There's photo's to be had on the Stormin site:) http://www.storminthecastle.co.uk/gallery/Stormin2205
Yamaha Owners Club business opportunities!
Wish I didn't post it up now... always fun to keep them on their toes
Yamaha Owners Club business opportunities!
Just been sent this through PM on here: From Lizy Benson. Abidjan Cote D' I voire. Please reply to : [email protected] For my safety and security of my future I am making this proposal to you for our mutual benefit. This however is not mandatory nor will I in any manner compel you to honour it against your will. I am Miss Lizy Benson., 19 years old and the daughter of late Mr. and Mrs.Benson. My father was a highly reputable busnness magnet-(a cocoa merchant)who operated in the capital of Ivory coast during his days. It is sad to say that he passed away mysteriously during one of his business trips ,Though his sudden death was linked or rather suspected to have been masterminded by an uncle who travelled with him at that time. But God knows the truth! My mother died when I was just 4 years old, and since then my father took me so special. Before his death, he called the secretary who accompanied him to the hospital and told him that he has the sum of Ten million, Five hundred thousand United State Dollars.(USD$10.500,000) deposited in one of the Security Company here in Cote D'Ivoire which he use my name as next of kin . He further told him that he deposited the money with my name as the next of kin, and finally told him to tell me where to find the documents of the deposit which he said was in possession of his lawyer in sealed documents held by him and asked me to collect it from him and all the necessary documents to this fund. but since I am 19 years old girl and a first year university undergraduate and really don't know what to do. Now I want a trust worthy person who can help me get this money transfered out from the Security Company here and provide an account overseas where I can get in this funds.This is because I have suffered a lot of set backs as a result of incessant political crisis here in Ivory coast. The death of my father actually brought sorrow to my life.I am in a sincere desire of your humble assistance in this regards. Your suggestions and ideas will be highly regarded. Now permit me to ask these few questions:- 1. Can you honestly take me as your own and help me. 2. Can I completely trust you? 3. What percentage of the total amount in question will be good for you after the money is in your account? Please, Consider this and get back to me as soon as possible so that i can forward the documents to you after we have agreed on the conditions for your assistance. My life is not safe here and i need to be out of here as soon as possible because now that my father is dead and with me only as a female child, my uncles will be seeking to kill me so that they can have all my fathers properties. i really don't want to struggle anything with them in terms of properties but my presence will still be disturbing them. thank God they are not aware of this fund in the Security Company here, I want to leave here as soon as you help me to lodge it into a safe account in your stable country and then send me some amount to enable me prepare to meet you. Without your help, I will find it difficult to travel and transfer it myself alone with my little or no experience. I am waiting for your urgent reply with your contact phone number so that I can give you the contact of the Security Company were my late father deposited this money for you to contact them as my late father's partner. please dont forget to write me back with my private email address: [email protected] Thank you so much. My sincere regards Miss Lizy Benson.
I've recently noticed this on my R6
Coming to work in the rain this morning.....
I learned VERY quickly not to use the front brake in the snow a few weeks back! Front wheel lock up is NOT nice at all. Still... there's only one way to learn
B3ta.com... HIGHLY recommend it
fao alex pete or any other "original clever" peolple
Was here but now tis no more http://www.yamahaclub.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=830&hl=