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Everything posted by barwell1992

  1. haha lol my GF ould tell me where to shove it (plus woulent want her to touch it any way )
  2. no where i just sead a bit of tarmac i would have sead on the road if i ment the road. and im dislexic thats why my spelling sucks
  3. yes and this is a sensible topic...... i dont see any thing wrong with it .... i could if i was on the road trying but im not. and as far as "im sick if this site" and "mupets talking crap" well all i can say is hello and good by if you dont like it/us then as far as im concerned you can walk on by... and loved the way you back tracked in the last centence " not everyone on here is a total ideot" now thats what i call covering ure ass
  4. as far as im conserned you can go do ure self as i sead i did it buy acident when i was out side sainsburys and then when i was trying to do it i was on private land near my house so next time you should consider reading more carfuly as it does state i was on a random pice of tarmac nearmy house in my first post .......
  5. haa i see well my front pipes are actuly prety coverd already so the extender will cover them fully also my rear shock is side mounted so i dont know why there is a hugger there
  6. cheers for that was helpful think im going to invest in a fender extender and need to find a way to get a bigger or extend the standard rear huger
  7. hi my bike tends to get verry Sh*tty verry quickly because i ride in all conditions i have cleand it about 5 times in 2 weeks and was wondering how much i should actuly wash my bike and when i say wash i mean thorougly in all the nuts a crannies then i tend to polish the exhaust pipes to stop corosion and use protectant all over the main bits apart from break's also what are the best products to use to stop rust and corosion especialy for the exhaust's(Down pipes)
  8. barwell1992 replied to barkwindjammer's post in a topic in The Bar
  9. hmm the problem with the cycle ones is that they take time to react and the wires look messy and i wouldent like to bett on the longjevity of them in the wet
  10. cheers for that i thoght that was the way you did it properly but wasent sure but will have to wait to try it when i have my crosser or a bike i paid for lol
  11. haha or i could just sit on the back LOL
  12. if you are worried about it been pinched then use shear off bolts
  13. haha ok well maybe i will wait till i paid for my own bike then give it a go and i have never actuly falen off my push bike when on the back wheel allways have the back break coverd (i did when i was on the MT to) could be somthing to do with me been verry heavy at 15stone lol but dont think i will bother trying again unles i buy and crosser cheers for the advice btw ohh and foamy i never let my mates wach lol i allways get it wrong when they are there and i dident want to do it to show off any way just somthing that i have always wanted to try because it looks fun
  14. well i was pulling out of sainsburys the other day and gave it some welly and the front came up (quite high) and then went down as fast as it came up i have been trying to do it ever since on a bit of tarmack near where i live and for the life of me i carnt get it up i was in first when i did it and im prety sure all i did was wack the throttle back now when i try it only come up about a inch max i know you can do it buy droping out the cluch but not confident doing this at the moment all i want to know is it the bike thats the problem or me ?? lol and i know i shouldent be doing it but just find it fun and have been doing it on bikes(mountain bike) for years so im kinda used to the fealing
  15. seen one working on a road legal yamaha yfz450 quad and was quite good but dident see it in the dark as i was only on it for a hour in the afternoon pricy thogh
  16. also forgot to mention i dont think the bike will produce enough torque to get the front wheal up without messing with the gearing ratio but the faster the top speed the slower the acceloration so if u want higer top end the you will have to live with the slower pulling power another way you could get higer speed is by geting some road tyres on it instead of the enduro tyers
  17. yup unsles you have chaged all the parts foamy sead then dont even bother i shreaded my crank and melted my drive barings from uping my 50cc form 3bhp(30mph) to 6.5bhp(55mph+) it sized on me in the midle of now where wasent fun..... just a warnin of what can happen
  18. barwell1992 replied to DirtyDT's post in a topic in Yamaha Workshop
    a JAWA never heard on them befor obviously not verry good then joking foamy but still to expensif lol can you get any thing for £60 ?? lol and yeh rounded bots/screws are a pain in the ass my dads exhaust clamp bolt rounded as i was trying to get it off so had to use a saw blade and slice through it in the midle of the bolt then wrech the bit in the thread out with my monkey pliors now i have noce big heded bolt on there so i can get more leverage with a the socket set (was to small to use it with original bolt)
  19. right well if ure taking advice of chavs then a moped (50cc) can do 70mph acording to them lol well the XT660x is my dads bike i have the MT-03 wich is the same just in a diforent frame both bikes get to 60mph in about 4 seconds ish and pull the front up in 1-3 gear hears some picks my bike my dads bike back on topic the reson ure bike was more power full when the electrics were out was because the CDI is electronicly restricted the only way you can solve the problem is buy doing a chop shop mod or buying a racing CDI i dont know about the mod but you might be able to find out somthing on the web
  20. barwell1992 replied to DirtyDT's post in a topic in Yamaha Workshop
    wooo thats a hefty price lol i think i would find one with a exhaust just to cut down the costs but yeh it looks like fun and good luck
  21. barwell1992 replied to DirtyDT's post in a topic in Yamaha Workshop
    holy cow the bloke befor you dident know how to use a screw driver lol i would love to buy a bike that dident run then fix it but dont have the cash
  22. 90mph haha dont think so my 660c does 110mph tops so ure almost asking the imposible unles u want to do big bore kits and bigger carb messing with the gearing u will be lucky to get 80mph and thats geting sports exhaust replaceing the air filter uping the jet sizes in the long run its not worth the hastle you might as well do ure full license and get a biger bike like i did sorry to burst ure bubble but to get 70mph out of it aint bad at all
  23. barwell1992 replied to drewpy's post in a topic in The Bar
    wow sounds fun
  24. barwell1992 replied to barkwindjammer's post in a topic in The Bar
  25. barwell1992 replied to barkwindjammer's post in a topic in The Bar