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Everything posted by neversaydie

  1. neversaydie posted a post in a topic in Yamaha Customs
    Looks like the tyres on the Virago aren't goin give me much more than another 200-300 miles. That means theyll only have done approx 2750 t0 3000, which i think is piss poor. Based on previous topics on tyre life/performance etc on the site, I'd like to try a pair of Avon Venoms. Tyre size is front 100/90-19 57h, rear 140-90-15 70h. Anyone know of any reason for me not to proceed with this? Any advice greatly appreciated Thanks
  2. Not all. I wonder how many of would step up to the plate in such circumstances
  3. Try to keep well clear of the ali. Try almost red heating a nut with the same thread then screw that on with a socket and let the heat transfer through to the stud. That keeps the flame well away. Thing is to be very patient, keep trying the stud both ways, dont give up at the first attempt
  4. Thats a big NO NO Needs to be a castellated nut and split pin. Is there a hole for the pin in the shaft? Is it a replacement shaft? Your torque may not be right, as the Nyloc will give some resistance when tightening, so may not be torqued up properly. Nylocs are best used once then throw away. How about putting a plain nut on, torquing it up, then drilling a hole through for a split pin? If youve still got the old shaft, measure the size of the split pin hole and copy that. Drill through towards the outerside of the nut. Whatever combination of the above, there needs to be (in my view) some form of physical locking of the nut onto the shaft to prevent it coming loose. Dont take risks with this sort of stuff
  5. neversaydie replied to Mallory1's post in a topic in Random
    Nod to as many as I can, even the scoots Scoots dont rrsond at all, apart from the finger. Power rangers, rarely Harleys, occaisionally. I reckon its an age related thing, hence I link it to manners
  6. neversaydie replied to drewpy's post in a topic in Video Section
    OMG Thats rolled back the years for me. Who else noticed, no litter - no hoodies - no piles of dog shit Cracking film
  7. Looks like there is a crankcase vent hose attached to the cam chain sprocket cover
  8. www.electrexworld.co.uk for electrical fault finding info, follow the links
  9. Drain on the battery could be a factor, dark and cold weather puts additional load on. Its wind chill that does the hands, ever considered handshields? Barkbusters do a range
  10. Bike should start in neutral without the clutch being pulled in and with the sidestand down Kill switch has to be in the correct position If youve ran out of gas, you may need to switch the fuel cock to "prime"
  11. front passenger seat, 1972ish, my arse against the dash Glory days
  12. Hope this works
  13. neversaydie replied to Paulwhite's post in a topic in General
    Try for Direct Acess Paul, and if possible, get some training with an approved school. The school will focus only on how to pass the test. A 125cc test will be cheaper, but you will be restricted for 2 years to 33 bhp. Training for that is around the £110 to £130 mark, usually a day DAS should be around the £550 to £650 mark, for 4 days training, pass and go directly to any size bike you choose. Having that that, some of the 33bhp bikes today are pretty lively Let us know what you decide Good luck
  14. neversaydie replied to 125Viking's post in a topic in The Bar
    Stick at it, the more you ride, the more confidence you will get
  15. neversaydie replied to iSoupz's post in a topic in General
    Well done Good luck with the Mod 2
  16. neversaydie replied to AndyDtr08's post in a topic in General
    Well done to you Enjoy
  17. neversaydie replied to blackhat250's post in a topic in Yamabyss
    I've never considered my self to be racist, and would be disapponited if some felt that to be the case, but multiculturalism has catastrophically failed. Rather than integration, these huge enclaves have simply continued as they did in their previous land, imported their own culture and ways of life and imposed them over ours. In most of out towns and cities, the retail areas now resemble any in Kabul or Baghdad, steel security shutters on all the shop fronts. The gun toting, drug dealing, thieving bastards havent been forced to do it since theyve been here, its how they earned a living in their own lands, and they're smart enough to realise that there are rich pickings here with little chance of being stopped. Even if caught, they are well aware of there rights, and if they arent, then some smart alec lawyer being paid through the legal aid system will make sure they do, no doubt followed by community payback/letter to parents/social behaviour contract/restoritave justice
  18. neversaydie replied to blackhat250's post in a topic in Yamabyss
    Pilningas, you aint far wrong As for colour, the majority of the original protesters to the shooting of the guntoting waster sure werent white However, the current crop of looters in towns and cities are a mixed bag of the scum sucking pond life of which there are far too many for a healthy society. These represent the current crop of the Jeremy Kyle generation, "you cant touch me ive got rights, I want it and I want it now, the world owes me a living etc" These useless non contributors will continue to out breed us until we arrive at a point where they represent such a significant section of society that it collapses As always, nothing rarely happens by chance, so how have we got to this point? Lack of responsibility by those in governance, decades of evading taking the nessacery actions to maintain order, bowing down to the short term interests of the financial world and corporate empires, failure to take short/medium term unpopular actions at the appropriate time thereby making the problems much more deep seated and difficult to correct. Possible remedies involve more authoritarian government for perhaps a decade and a half as personal responsibility and discipline are re-introduced back into society, curfew on the streets after 9.pm if youve no good reason to be there youre in trouble, disable the mobile phone network in the troubled areas after 9.00pm Whos gonna do this? None of the current crop of lily livered do gooders thats for sure, theyll only act when it begins to impact upon them. cameron might be talking tough about the several hundred that have been arrested being punished, but what will they be charged with? Where are you gonna put them david, youve filled the prisons with people who cant pay their council tax/single fathers who cant pay the maintenance bill/people who have fiddled company expenses etc while keeping the flotsam and jetsom on the streets. Dont be surprised if only a few are ever brought before the courts, theyll all be on legal aid, there be little chance of conviction, and the public purse is empty, which will cause the CPS to abandon the vast majority of cases. Good behaviour contracts by the boxfull. Im sick of hearing about the rights of those whose violate ours, who never have and never will make any contribution to the nation and will always be an ever increasing drain on our ever dwindling resources but they sure as hell aint gonna beat me
  19. neversaydie replied to smitty74's post in a topic in Yamaha Workshop
    Tank capacity up to 1989 was only 1.9 gallons, whuich would only get you approx 102 miles 1989 0n, tank capacity was increased to 3 gallons, enough to take you approx 160 miles Even if you are runing rich, I doubt that youd run a 3 gallon tnak dry after just 100 miles or so on a 535 You sure about the year? You should be getting around 50 - 55 mpg Is the engine smoking, are you having to top up the oil, whats the mileage?
  20. neversaydie replied to stormbringer's post in a topic in The Bar
    A number of things, all which more or less coincided. Both daughters now able to fend for themselves (well, almost, so more pennies available for the old man) Wanted one for years but couldnt afford it Nottingham City Councils stoooopid Worklace Parking Levy (dont worry, coming soon to a Council near you!)whereby, although I dont drive on any roads owned, administered, maintained, or paid for in any way by that Council, park my car in a privately owned car park, travel to and leave work at unsocial hours so do not contribute to congestion, i look like having to pay an ever increasing annual sum into the Councils coffers to pay for a tram system that dosent come anywhere near where i live so cant use it to get to work, wont run at my shift starting and finishing times, said contribution is also to pay for modernising Nottingham railway station (I thought the railways were privately owned now), and "other" improvements to public transport within the City I never visit, but there are never going to be any improvements that I will be able to use to get to work by. Highway bloody robbery, no doubt subject to annual increases as its inevitable that the said associated costs have been incorreclty assessed (as is always the case with public/MOD/NHS contracts), crafted deliberately by petty part time politicians to extort money from people who live outside of their admistrative boundiaries so that we cant vote them out of office. Democracy in action
  21. Granby Motors, Ilkeston, Derbys, 0115 9441346
  22. neversaydie replied to IceWhyte's post in a topic in General
    is it moving on the ball joint or is the nut securing the mirror head not tight enough?
  23. neversaydie replied to anthony125's post in a topic in General
    Well done fella, take your time shopping around, enjoy yourself
  24. neversaydie replied to James Roland's post in a topic in The Bar
    Boston, Lincolnshire, or Boston, USA?