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Everything posted by neversaydie

  1. Buy one with an induction motor and not a brush motor, you'll get a longer life ( for the washer)
  2. Pleased to hear your not hurt Plenty of places to look at for Yamaha parts, Fowlers/Granby/AJ Suttons/Yambits Anticipation plays an important part when approaching lights etc. Work your way down through the gearbox wehn appoaching them to reduce speed, slip it into first before you come to a stop, then feet down (into neutral). Try to avoid going down through he gears with bike stationery Thsi means that if the lights go green as your approaching them, youll be in the right gear to move of smoothly Ditch the throttle lock thingy, if its making your wrists ache, then maybe think about moving the bars/levers to find a more comfortable position Goes something like this, sit on the bike with hands just above the bars, forearms and hands in a line (not cocked at the wrist). Lower hands onto the bars, if you cant reach the levers without cocking, adjust the positions Also bear in mind that you are new to this, and are likely using muscles that have never had to this this work before. They will take time to acclimatise. A coule of those hand held squeezy balls may help firm them up
  3. Is the bike turning and but just not firing?
  4. Hi Martin, I would have thought something like this would do the job, shop around for a better price http://www.sportsbikeshop.co.uk/motorcycle_parts/content_prod/90193
  5. Yep, I would replace the gaskets with new Soak the nuts overnight first with Plusgas, use a 6 point socket if you can get one on the nuts. If they're fast, try workign them both ways a bit at a time, dont shear them or you'll have real big trouble If you get them off, when ref-fitting use copper grease as the others have said When the pipes are off and before re-fitting, just put a piece of screwd up rag in each of the ports to prevent any shite dropping in
  6. If its just keeping warm, then the outdoor type stores for lined outdoor trousers. A couple of pairs for less than £50
  7. If it were anyone else, I'd suggest buying a shed load load of old floorboards and frame timber and building your own You dont get much for your money with bought sheds these days, paper thin boarding, cheap tacky composite floor, rotten through in ten years Always remember, buy/build the biggest shed you can cos it'll always be full and never big enough
  8. Save yourself some money, you can do it yourself Wash/clean/dry/ ACF50 all over (apart from brakes/discs/seat/pegs, common sense applies here) A bottle of ACF50 should last at least all winter, can wash and re-apply as reqd
  9. Depends on what you want Some have drilled 6mm dia holes in the end plates (there are vids on the web), others physically remove the baffles, others fit slip ons Just got to be wary of potential MOT failure as a result If it were me wanting more noise, I'd consider slip ons and keep the stock pipes (if cash were no problem)
  10. Yeah, stuck in the pitch black, solo, for 3 days, no concept of time, cant fall asleep or youll drown
  11. Fuckin marvellous!!!!!!!!! I'm always in awe when I see stuff like this, people prepared to lay themselves on the line to preserve thier way of life Imagine how that guy feels seeing the film after 60 years
  12. eee that looks posh look after it next up, get rid of the L plates
  13. Good luck with the new bike, sounds like you've got away with it
  14. I think the road salt decays if its not used,so they may have to get rid of it to make room for fresh supplies? Same round here, chucking it on with no freeze
  15. Great stuff, well done
  16. absolutely, make sure the fluid is warm before spraying, it sprays out easier and covers better. I put it in a Hozelock hand held garden sprayer, then warm it up with a heat gun Remember that it "creeps" after spraying, so keep well clear of brakes/discs, wipe/spread excess spray with brush or rag
  17. as above, but keep the acf-50 away from brake discs/pads etc
  18. Yes, coldest one this winter, thick layer of ice on the bike seat this morning in the works car park. Wrapped up nice an warm though
  19. have the police checked her phone records? Pleased to hear that you look to come come of it in fair shape Be prepared for some soreness in areas that you may not have noticed yet, the internal organs dont liked being slammed into the rib cage at 20mph If I could offer some advice, consider appoint your own solicitior, the ones that work with the insurance companies are paid to settle as quick as possible, for as little as possible Are the police prosecuting her?
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