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Everything posted by neversaydie

  1. neversaydie

    Hidden rust.

    Im sure the thought has crossed your mind, but stainless not available for the bike?
  2. neversaydie

    Seat Cover

    Buy a copy of Classic Motorcycle Mechanics monthly, there are usually a few advertise in that
  3. Guessing here, but it looks like it may be a plug?
  4. This topic has appeared before. The most sensible reply I can give is to buy an XVS 250, and if you need to, rebuild that. Its highly unlikely that you will find a second hand 250 engine, and boring/sleeving etc a 125 will cost a lot of cash, hard work, and time, for very little extra in performance
  5. Looks in very good order for its age
  6. I hope he doesn't. I just don't think he's a TV frontman, and I think he'll soon get pissed off with the demands
  7. If its a states bike, then it will be a H, 1981 to 1983. Code looks like it will be 4X7. Lights on as soon as the ignition is on, may also have self cancelling turn signals
  8. Yeah, sounds like thats the area to look at, 12.5 v is not enough at 3k You may find this useful http://www.electrexworld.co.uk/acatalog/Troubleshooting-3P-PMG-&-RR.pdf
  9. neversaydie


    Yep, go to the new members section
  10. Cant help with the tank, just keep looking, unless you can find someone to cut out the damaged section and weld a piece in You need to check what voltage the bike is giving out. Im guessing it needs to be 13volts to 14.5 volts to the battery. Youll need a multi meter with the engine running at approx 3k rpm An intro in the New Members area may result in additiional assistance
  11. Have a good day Meaty, the Peter Pan of biking
  12. Thats a heck of a step up and Id be inclined to go for a used bike as the first big one, get some miles under your belt with a decent cheaper bike that wont mind so much if you bin it (shit happens you know), learn how they work, how to maintain them etc then part chop it in for a biggie
  13. The following are the manual recommendations for my 20010 FZ6 Fazer S2: Anti-freeze-water mix ratio - 1:1 Recommended anti freeze - High quality ethylene glycol anti freeze containing corrosion inhibitors for aluminium engines errr, same as in your manual You should be able to pick that up in any decent motor factors, and if my memory is correct, its blue
  14. Looks like it may be a wet weekend
  15. Drewpy No1 in 1973 I suspect hes lost the hair since www.youtube.com/watch?v=2yDC-k8UhaQ
  16. Yea, modern paint strippers aint wot they used to be. If you can still find it, I think Strypit is supposed to be effective. Nice work by the way
  17. youve got to make sure that the oil is suitable for a motorcycle, and with your style of clutch ie wet/dry
  18. It was rammed today, few showers but weather not too bad Bargain of the day? Brand new set of RST race leathers, marked down from £495 to £120. Only problem, 42" not my size
  19. as above, dont use anything other than the type stated in the owners manual, the wrong type could lead top corrosion in the system
  20. Aye, i followed one on the way home form work yesterday, I could see in his rear view mirror tyhat he was looking down between his legs all the time, wandering all over the road. Probably sending a text message. Pulled alongside but just behind so he couldnt see me, then gave him a blast on the horn. Nearly shit himself
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