Everything posted by neversaydie
My friend wants a bike...(X Post from The Bar)
He's no money to fix a bike up He's no money to buy a bike He's no income Without income, he wont be able to afford to run the bike (tax/insurance/mot/fuel) From the content of previous posts, it appears that his mothers benefits are keeping him then I conclude the best chance of him beng able to afford a motorcycle is for him to take employment
Mandy Mountain
:biglaugha: A model someone said? What for, settee throw overs?
Foamy's New Toy, XJ650 Turbo :)
Jeez foamy, that turbo looks like its been buried for century As for the egg cases, did you never see ALIEN ?
Tyres for Virago 750
Dont know why I didnt think of it before. The rear on the dragstar has done 6,000 miles since I bought the bike, it still handles foot perfect, and barely shows any signs of wear. So, bought a pair of Heidenhau tyres on line from PNEUS for the Virago. Ordered them, arrived 2 days later, fitted, handling better, no "wobble" when changing lanes over cats eyes
Ethanol in petrol
Yes, it looks that way. Thanks for your help on this.
Ethanol in petrol
Interesting chat in the works canteen today. After solving the problems of politicians taking the "chums" around the world at taxpayer expense (dont these people ever learn) pretending to be working for the nation, topic switched to ethanol in petrol. One chap was at stafford at the weekend, a number of people commenting that older bikes with brass components in the fuel system finding those components rotting away, allegedly due to the ethanol content. I am led to believe that the % content in petrol is destined to increase as govts strive to further cut emissions, so if true, the problems may get worse Do the petrol companines all put the same % content in their fuels, how do we know which ones put less in, shouldnt they advertise the %content at the point of sale?
Argos Catalogue 1976
What a summer, clear blue skys every day for nigh on 5 months. Knocking on the pub door at 6.00pm to get em to open so all that lost body fluid can be replaced, and 10.30pm closing too, more than long enough to get filled up. Happy days Pint of beer, 30p was it? Not a hoodie in sight Cyclists on the road, not the bloody pavement Walked out of a job one friday, passed a factory on the way home, stuck my head round the door of personnel (not Human effin Resources), any jobs duck, yes can you start Monday. Job done. No effin assessments, tests, phsycoanalysis etc Loved the seventies
YBR 125 issue tool kit
Hey If its a new bike, get back to the dealer and tell him you want the toolkit that should have been supplied with the bike. Dont expect much of a kit though, usually runs to a spanner, a spark plug spanner, a screwdriver, and if youre lucky a couple of allen keys. If youre new to biking, youll likely want to build up a more complete kit as time goes by
01 yzf600r and durring a ride the engine will loose spark and will cut off if i let it sit for a while it will start back up
Once a month? Its a girl bike then
touring europe 1953 style
Great story and pics. Must have been great fun, open roads, little traffic
Performance enhancements, especially for the young 'uns
Pikey trikey!!
If its taxed/insured and MOT'd, I dont mind seeing it on the road. I reckon its got character, reminds me a bit of those old type 2CV corrugated vans
Can anyone one shed some light please?
New carb? Unlikely Throttle position sensor. Hmmmmmm, cant be certain, and I could be wrong but, unlikely Restricted? Doubt it, only 11 bhp Try the easiest and cheapest possibilities first Spark plugs and leads/air filter/are both cylinders firing/if theres a rubber sleeve onto the carb does it have splits or cracks in it/stiff throttle cable/timing
Petrol, In or Out?
Surely the weathers not that bad in your area ALL winter? Try and take it out once a week and keep it moving when the opportunity prevents itself. Dont know about about your particular health concerns, but there is some good gear available against cold. Enjoy when and while you can
- passed theory test today
About time
The Highways Agency add extra lanes and widen motorways to increase capacity and reduce congestion, the number of lanes is irrelavant. The more traffic travelling faster, the more space it takes up. The Govt knows it, the Highways Agency knows it. Congestion and pollution is inevitable, as are the additional taxes that wil be raised as a result. Carbon offsets/emissions trading etc etc. Apparently its also designed to bring us into line with the EU, yes thats right, that gopvt body over the water currently sinking faster than a lead balloon because its bankrupt, and hasn't been able to get anyone to sign of its accounts for 15 years because its so corrupt. Yep, the same people behind the proposed changes that many of us are currently concerned about regarding forthcoming motorcycling legislation. Consutation: The period between a decision being taken and the decision being implemented. Sorry chaps, I have a particularly low opinion of politicians
About time
Bad move in my view. Faster traffic needs more space between vehicles. More space reqd means more congestion. Emmissions will rise, which will lead to more environmental taxes to deal with it Stop start driving conditions will prevail as the inner two lanes will be filled with HGV traffic and caravans Twats hurtling down the slip roads at 80 and expect every bugger else to clear out of their way rather than filter in as they should Soon after, the campaign to remove "old" vehicles from the roads to ease congestion will start, and encourage us to buy new. 20% vat on every new car sale. Easy money for HM Govt As has just been said, its all about raising revenue I'm sure I heard the govt minister right today on the radio."Clearly, many thousands of people break the law on a daily basis, so by doing this, we are bringing them back onto the right side of the law". Whats next then? Burglary, mobile phones whilst driving, drug abuse His statement is hardly sufficient justification to warrant this action, but I expect that it will split opinion hugely
I should've gone to B&Q
With lasses, its handbags and shoes. I can't walk past a tool stall at a market without buying something. Hypnotic.
Can it be leaner legal?
Well done on passing the test. Horses eh? Showing, competing, or just hacking out Good balance, anticipation, forward planning, and courage reqd, pretty much the same skills set for both
this bike looks familiar!
Fine looking machine
XVS650 Help - Throttle Stuck?
Is it revving even when the spring has pulled the throttle back shut? Lube the cables anyway, make a funnel from a lump of blue tack and squeeze it on around the cable ends, tie the cables up, fill the funnel, have a coffeee, and let gravity do the work for you. Same with the clutch cable, engine oil is fine.
Did We Do Any Good? 25/9/11
Protest was reported on East Midlands news programmes yesterday evening, with film of the event from Leicester south i think.
Barmy EU plans
I reckon thats the group that went south from leicester, we went south from Donington. Most recognisable in our lot were a cruiser flying a large Flag of the Union, and a super looking Kawasaki and sidecar.
Barmy EU plans
Good turn out at Donington Services adjacent to M1 junction 24. Rode south to Leicester Forest services, all 3 lanes 20 to 25 mph, no problems. Pissed it down coming back though
My Dragstar 650 Custom '02
Soooooper looking bike I thought Leatherats old steed was one of the best draggies ive seen, but it just goes to show that folk can ride their machines AND keep them looking terrific