Everything posted by neversaydie
Yamaha XV535 - Tempted!
The Viragos are capable of high mileages, they are robust and reliable, and easy to ride. Bags of spares available, hold their value, cheap to insure. I cant advise on your fit, try one an see.
Takes you back " 1970"s
Ah well, I spose it always comes to preference. Todays music fans are easily pleased. Manufactured pop/boy/girl bands who cant sing/play instruments/write music but are considrd to "look good" like all the apples in Tesco, and all look the same. Gimme the pit that was the Nottingham Boat Club 1970s Saturday nights, a couple of hundred or so folk packed in, Iron Maiden/Diamond Head/Trapeze/Nutz/Quartz, and all for £2.50, bladdered, then drove home.
Amazing discovery...
Thats a good point. I still have a pair of those from years ago, look stupid now though, but they worked very well.
Getting pissed off with SMIDSY's
Jeez, is it just BMW drivers? Following a bus this morning coming home from work, indicated to come of the dual carriageway to get onto junction M1 from the inside lane. Twat in blacked out windows big beamer cut straight across me from the outside track, between me and the bus. Obviously a late entry, then sped off down the M1 But this is the worrying bit, I DIDNT FEEL ANGRY. Whats wrong with me? Have I become acclimatised to stupidity? By the way, high viz jacket was on, so thats a waste of time then
bloody DVLA!
I take it your not with a riding school then?
Takes you back " 1970"s
Derby Assembly Rooms, mid 70s, ACDC just breaking over here, 1st tour. Hall full of seats for christs sake. Band struck up, everyone on the seats, security teams streak out and start flingin the chairs to the side of the hall, rapidly repeated by several hundred punters all doin the same. The place looked like a demolition site. Bon Scott carrying Angus around the hall among the punters on his shoulders still playin and singin What a night. I loved the 70s
Crimbo on it's way. What's on your list?
I have a hankering for a welder, not sure what I'd do with it though. I've managed 60 years without one. Vinyl to CD converting equipment, hundreds of LPs I've not been able to play for years (anyone here got one, I'm looking for a quality piece of kit with ease of transfer) Helmet cam (no doubt to be shared with X country/show jumping horse riding daughter) Riderscan rear view mirror
whats your preference.....
First cold day around here today, mine was the only bike in the park. I think I'd prefer cold and dry, its a pain getting to work wet and your clothes are still damp when you go home
Virago 535 Rotor issue
As above, sharp tap on the end of the jacking screw while the screw is tight. Could try a little gentle heat from a hair dryer to assist with breaking the join
mod 1
Well done Good luck with Mod 2. Be confident
~~Daily Feed, post what made you laugh today ~~
Thats one of those once in a lifetime, never forgotten moments. Hilarious
floor protection for my garage
Try slipping a piece of old hose pipe, or something similar, over the centre stand feet I've got to say, thats not very good concrete though
mod 2 last minute tips
Get into the habit of always indicating. TGSM7 comments make sound sense Examiners are looking for a confident rider, dominate your road position, you have a right to be there Good fortune on the day
Ethanol Based Fuels Destoryed my Carbs
We've been here before
YX Radian fuelling trouble?
Blanked off the vac port on the rubber sleeve, went out for a trial with cock on prime, ran super Even with vac on the vac line, no fuel flows. Looking at replacing the guts of the cock/replacement cock Thanks very much for your help. Ray
YX Radian fuelling trouble?
Yes, and the carb floats still control the level of fuel in the bowls, as if vac pulled?
Jimmy Saville
The flood gates are opening
burned plastic on my downpipe
Had burnt plastic on the dragstar exhaust. Soaked a cloth in Cillit Bang and wrapped it around the pipe, left it to soak for a couple hours, then just scraped off with a piece of hardwood (mahogany/maple etc)
YX Radian fuelling trouble?
Yes, that's much clearer now. So the vac is generated by the motor, sucks through the pipe that connects the rubber (between the carb and the cylinders) to the cock. The cock itself only lets fuel through the one outlet, but depending on what position the switch is in, could be vac pulled or free flowing. I had the carbs off at the weekend and couldn't fault them save for a bit of shite on a couple of the filters. The motor pulls like a train on prime, so I'm assuming that the carbs are ok. Im going to look again at the hoses, the one I took off wasn't too tight onto the carb inlet, and the one I put on is a tight fit under the tank and the bends might be restricting flow. Aftre a trawl on the net today, a direct replacement cock may be difficult to locate in the uk, but apparently it can be replaced by a non vac operated cock that is just either on or off. Ill take the cock off again and double check the guts in the petcock I don't think there's much wrong with this now Thanks for your help so far Ray
YX Radian fuelling trouble?
Still no joy Cant quite get my head around how the fuelling should work The petcock has 2 outlets, 1 for normal running via the vac, and 1 tagged as "prime, from which the fuel flows unrestricted when the petcock is turned to that position. Th outlet spigot form "prime" is the same size as the T inlet to the carbs. Th outlet spigot from the normal run position is smaller and the same size as the spigot on the rubber between the carbs and the cylinders. Since Ive had the bike, the spigot from the prime position has been connected to the carb inlet. The bike appears to run fine with the petcock in the prime position, but splutters to a halt if I turn it to run position. Is this connected up correctly?
YX Radian fuelling trouble?
I'd appreciate a little advice with this if anyone would be so kind. The motor has cut out on me 3 times now, slight stuttering like on 2 cylinders, then cuts out, this is after a mile or so. Wont restart with the petcock in the normal position, but starts up fine if I turn it to "prime". Runs fine if I leave it on "prime". Plenty of gas in the tank. Have taken the tank off and removed the petcock on the assumption that in run position the carbs are not getting sufficient supply to maintain run. The petcock doesn't look like the one in the parts manual, but I don't think that is the problem. Slight film on the filter, that's now cleaned off. When I removed the outlet pipe from the body to check/clean the hole, a very small disc dropped out of the body, I'assume that it sat at the bottom of the brass outlet pipe and that it is a small filter. I am thinking that I could run without the small disc filter in as the petcock filter should be good enough, this should allow better fuel flow through to the carbs Is the vacuum created by the carbs as I cant find any reference to a vac pump in the manual. Any comments greatly appreciated.
Duff links to service manual download sites
Its not impossible, just try a polite request
Engine Oil
I think you may have stirred up another hornets nest There are those who would advocate otherwise
New Virago owner from Devon
Make sure all the earth connections are good and clean, try a basic bike service ie oil &filter/spark plugs/air filter, check all electrical connections for cleanliness an put a dab of wd40 on them, make sure that youve got a good battery on the bike.
Bay City Rollers
Bet ya daren't post a piccy