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Everything posted by neversaydie

  1. Some petcocks have a screen that sticks up inside the tank, you can only clean them by taking the cock off
  2. I dunno. These modern "street/naked" bikes look too agressive, too angular. I guess its like everything these days, all about image Not sure who they are targetting with these bikes
  3. Really looks a good find on the photos
  4. Do it yourself? Well done
  5. Thorough rinse all over with cold water Use Muc Off or similar all ove rthe bike and wash the bike Dry thoroughly ACF50 sprayed/wiped all over APART FROM BRAKE DISCS/PADS SHOES ETC Remember that a little goes a long way as it tends to creep You can put it on your chain too Should last for weeks
  6. Thorough rinse all over with cold water Use Muc Off or similar all ove rthe bike and wash the bike Dry thoroughly ACF50 sprayed/wiped all over APART FROM BRAKE DISCS/PADS SHOES ETC Remember that a little goes a long way as it tends to creep You can put it on your chain too Should last for weeks
  7. Just seen a news item on the northern mid west storm, record lows. Take care fishing Pike and perch - remember catching them up in the Lake District here, ate both types. Pike is a bit earthy, perch was nice.
  8. You are absolutely spot on The wealthy continue to live longer, which bumps up the average. Politicians then use the higher average as justification for raising the working age Its all about cutting public spending
  9. Can't wait for December 2016, and I can chuck work in for good. I'll have been at work then for 45 years and have just evaded the changes to retirement age so can finish at 65. It looks as if my income will be reduced by some 2/3rds, as Govt and mis-managed insurance companies have robbed me of significant sums, and been allowed to get away scott free, with only a fraction of the losses paid back "to reduce the threat to the public purse". BUT I AM THE PUBLIC AND ITS MY PURSE THAT HAS BEEN ROBBED. Ah well, not like you youngsters, be working till 70 soon Enjoy
  10. Chances are he''ll take some poor innocent out with him
  11. If you're riding all winter, then you've got to try and wash the road salt off, it will destroy paintwork and chrome I would suggest (others may disagree), thorough clean and rinse with plenty of clean cold water Dry off thoroughly Wipe/spray all over with ACF50 DONT GET IT ON BRAKE DISCS/PADS/SHOES ETC It tends to creep, and a little goes a long way Should be good for 2 to 3 months, then repeat Clean chain and re-lubricate weekly Throwing a rain cover on when the bike is already wet is probably not the best thing to do
  12. I dont't recall there being 3 lines to/from mine. Fuel feeds into the petcock from the tank direct by gravity One line from the carb rubber to operate the vac and open the valve Second line feeds into the carb Prime operates by permantly opening the valve and by-passing the vac On your new tank/petcock, you'd have to blank off the outlet on the carb rubber. You should be ok with the cock in "open" while running, but remember to switch to "off" when stopped or the carb may flood
  13. Breather connects onto spigot on the airbox Read the manual, on its way to you
  14. Do you get it holding your knife when eating, or at any other times? If so, could be Carpal Tunnel Syndrome. If not, try moving handlebar position, position of brake lever so that forearm/wrist/hand when on lever are all in the same plane Its not just the hand to relax, shoulders and arms too Gloves too tight? Plenty of wrist loosening exercise available on the web
  15. Just checked a XV125 owners manual, they definitely have both side stand and clutch switches in the ignition circuit, as does the XV250 Symptoms sound similar to the problem I had recently on my Radian, cut out on me 4 times riding home from work, re-started every time agian on the button, found the clutch switch faulty Check the clutch switch out agian kelum, if its been removed, find out how/where its been bypassed
  16. Yep, it sounds to me like the whole bike is shutting off, damn difficult to ascertain the facts though Environments completely different in Sri Lanka too
  17. Have a good Christmas all Ray
  18. Try swapping battery and regulator from one of your good bikes
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