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Everything posted by neversaydie

  1. To continue to grow old disgracefully (once the broken back is mended )
  2. I never heard a set of after market pipes that did anything for the XVS125, other than make them sound tinny Dont chuck the stock pipes away, there getting as rare as rocking horse poo
  3. Out walking, fell onto the lower back. Knew something wrong immediately, head spinning, couldn't get up for 5 minutes due to pain. Managed to walk the half mile back to daughters motor, gave up trying to bear it, went the A&E a few hours later as it got worse. Got to go back next week for more x rays, look like being out of action for at least 6 to 8 weeks Not looking forward to being cooped up, I'm an active/outdoor type Might have to drain the carbs on the bikes now
  4. Head cams are becoming popular with riders, could be useful in these sort of situations
  5. I think Id consider a welding repair first
  6. Not a good start. Gone arse over tit, fractured a vertabrae, trussed up for at least 6 to 8 weeks Keep safe all
  7. All I can suggest, never having owned one, is that you look up reviews on the web. Ive had a look, the motors appear to be robust, style is possibly a little outdated, but plenty of spares still avialble, the later models look to be the ones to go for, prices seem cheap enough too.
  8. Ouch! Whats the mileage? Second hand engines are rare too Its labour charges that are a killer, can you do it yourself?
  9. For the last 35 years, we've "entertianed" on Christmas Day. Sadly, only one of the four parents left now, and both children now in their 30s, so we've been invited around to our eldests for the day I guess its another sign of the times, but I do so want to grow old disgracefully
  10. Generally, the weather I miss those crystal clear, cold, frosty days, when the hoar frost coated the trees like tinsel, and we could make slides down the hill at the end of the street in the frost covered pavements. No central heating of course, and I used to be fascinated by the frost patterns/swirls on the inside of my bedroom window
  11. You've no choice regarding "stars" Its unleaded or super unleaded Its a can of worms opening this up again, since both types have their advocates I only use super in my two as it contains no Ethanol, but that's due to them both being pre 1997 bikes, one 17 years old, the other 28 years old
  12. Broke down twice last winter, RAC were out to me in around 1 1/2 hours, both times loaded onto trailer and returned home. Also covered under Insurance Policy with Carole Nash
  13. Could do with a bit more history How long have you had the bike Was it running fine for a period before Is the fuel fresh When was it last serviced etc etc
  14. +1 for the sprouts, love em but not boiled into mush
  15. Aye, the snow tends to make the others soggy
  16. Should be able to get it from this http://www.cmsnl.com/yamaha-xv250hc-1996_model10369/partslist/C-12.html#results
  17. Have an hour riding with the instructor just before the test. be confident
  18. Always start with the cheapest possible cause first Spark plug?
  19. I really now go out of my way to avoid going anywhere in the car, no matter what the weather, it takes an age to get anywhere. Returning from the Queens Hospital Nottingham recently 3.30pm on a weekday in car to home (7 miles) took 1hr Next day, same time, same traffic, on the yx600, 20 minutes. Its a no brainer
  20. Thats a 125Dragstar Loved mine while I had it
  21. Need to confirm plugs are sparking Pull lead off one plug, unscrew the plug from the engine, reconnect the lead to the plug, rest the plug on the engine casing sp that it wont fall off and the plug metal is in contact with the engine metal, try to start and look for spark at the plug tip (its easier if someone is holding the plug in contact)
  22. Dont buy anything yet, you dont know what the problem is. Strip down first, then assess what you need. Take photos as you go, then youve something to refer to when re-assembling
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