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Everything posted by neversaydie

  1. A flood defence is just a Dam by another name. Protect one area and some other poor sod gets it
  2. As you say, cos it comes back on by itself, it looks like a dodgy connection, and as thay all go off, first port of call is the fuse holder, and Id work back from there. Check all earth connectors too
  3. Thats it, all done. Locker keys and swipe card handed over. Tools all brought home (now I need a tool cabinet :)) No more 4.15 am get ups in winter No more KPIs, stretch targets, rca, blah blah blah I have far too many spanners/socket sets/screwdrivers, think Ill do a car boot in the spring
  4. neversaydie

    sneeking in

    Youve had plastic surgery? Look years younger. Seriously, congrats
  5. If its till under warranty, cant they get one of the net and courier it to yours?
  6. Clear blue, cruiser out, and a ride up to Matlock for a bacon buttie and coffee. Lovely Looking forward to more spontaneous moments next year, when I no longer have to work
  7. Its a long biolt that goes through. Remove covers, then the nut and washer on the left hand side. I dont think the bolt is screwed into anything other than the nut. Get some PLUSGAS release oil, put the bike on its side stand, and soak the bolt at then head end for a few days, the angle of lean will help the oil filter through the assembly. There are a number of pins/bushes/seals on the assmebly. Might also help to get the weight off the arm when you next try to get the bolt out. After youve soaked it, get a good socket on the head of the bolt and try working it both ways. Itd be nice to have an ali drift to tap the scrwed end with, but dont mushroom the end of the bolt. Be patient, plenty of PLUSGAS, and itll come.
  8. Id be tempted to set the idle speed to what it says in the owners manual. Whats that, around 1,000 to 1,200? Then see if the problem goes
  9. Aye, it was the size of a town https://www.google.co.uk/search?q=stanton+ironworks&biw=1024&bih=655&tbm=isch&tbo=u&source=univ&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwj0rZOCwsrJAhVCDg8KHSw9DVQQ7AkIPw#imgrc=mPhf58fpKPwpCM%3A
  10. I reckon they mean dont use used engine oil, cos it full of crap
  11. After 48 years of hard graft, I've decided to chuck it in and finish at 64. Not quite sure how we're going to manage without income the next 12 months, but something'll turn up I'm sure. Started in 68, at the old iron and steel works at Stanton Ironworks, massive site, around 10,000 worked there at the time, wonderful memories of that place, proper old characters, many of whom saw action 39-45. A few jobs in between, some great fun, some bloody awful. Gonna need to fill my time in the new year
  12. Price up both, if youve got to replace, then the cost difference is less significant. They made a difference when I fitted them to my Virago.
  13. Ill assume you mean the battery is not holding charge. First check the supply to the battery with the bike running at approx 3000rpm, you should be getting around 13.5 to 14volts, absolutely nio more or your batt will fry.
  14. and indeed it has made a difference in the handling, also a little less clatter at gear changes.
  15. Aye, the gritters are out tonight around here
  16. Ask em. Did you test ride it?
  17. Finally got around to checking the alignment tonight (cos its still pissing down here), I've been meaning to check it for a while but I've had the cruiser up on the platform while I serviced it. Anyhow, when Id strung up both sides of the rear wheel, though the frame, and measured how much it was out at the front, I couldn't believe my eyes. I double checked my lining up again, same result. It was as if the front and rear wheels were in different planes. The object of the lesson is, don't pay any attention to the markings on the swing arm for setting up wheel alignment, they can only be considered as a rough guide. Ill take it out tomorrow to see if it handles any differently.
  18. Foamys already got a bid in
  19. Assuming its your first bike and your new to riding and maintenance, then Id say buy the geniune pukka part, ie a yamaha filter, as its been designed to run on the bike. There is the potential, small maybe, that non OEM parts can alter the performance
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