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Everything posted by arbo

  1. arbo

    My 1990 FJ1200 3CV

    My 1990 FJ1200 3CV
  2. arbo

    The Stick of Rock

    From the album: My 1990 FJ1200 3CV

    The paint job is what I call the Marmite!!!
  3. arbo


    From the album: My 1990 FJ1200 3CV

  4. HI Adam, soon as I get my pictures together of my FJ I will post!! Mr T
  5. Hi All I am a new member I am in the UK, I have a FJ1200 3CV I've had this for 4 years I have been riding bikes from the age of 10 my first bike was a BSA Danndey, I was luckey to live on a farm so had lots of space to play. I have been looking for info on how to set up my carbs using Vacuum Gauges, this is one job I have not done so far. hope any can help!!! thanks Arbo
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