Everything posted by PeterC
Just back from Greece
Lesvos does it for me - no jokes please
Just back from Greece
Janie Sorry to see you are wearing inappropriate footwear - flip-flops are the choice of the Greeks.
Yammy ybr 125
The ybr125 I had until March this year was fuel injected - no choke. It was a 2008 model. They are a nice bike to learn to ride on.
Diesel Bike???
..and there are more http://www.dieselmotorcycles.eu/
Diesel Bike???
Here's an option http://www.realclassic.co.uk/diesel05112800.html
YBR125 coughs and splutters when thottle is quickly opened from fully closed
It's a 'rich cut' - Too much fuel for the engine to deal with. Open the throttle more slowly, that will fix it
Module 1 test tomorrow (weds)
Sorry to hear that, - but don't we use MPH in this Country?
Point taken. I agree that a motorcycle 'Czar' may help.
This 'report' is in fact a memorandum submitted to the select committe on transport by Stephen Plowden in Dec 2006. It carries no more weight now than it did then. This guy is just anti-motorbike transport planner. Not aware he has published anything else since 2006.
Lift or drag?
Do not paint the box and car - you will be adding further weight and increasing the loss of mpg. By the way I have noted a rather large seam around the box. This will have an extremely deleterious effect on the lift - but you knew that. ps I have never been in the air cadets
Lift or drag?
As the others said you had too much John Smiths. The air travels faster over the top of the wing - it has further to go - and hence creates low pressure which equals lift. You could also tilt the box up at the front to get a better angle of attack and hence more lift at higher speeds. The risk, if this did work, would be that you would have little or no steering ability. Have you got a 'plan B'
Other forms of transport
I share this with a few other people.
Is high octain fuel any good ?
Bit of thread creep but you can get carb icing in the summer too in the right conditions. Can occur at temperatures between -7 and 21 degrees Celcius with high humidity. In fact it is more likely to happen when the temp is above freezing as the moisture will still be suspended in the air. There is a chart used by pilots to check possibility of icing here http://ibis.experimentals.de/images/carbic...romcaassl14.gif if you are interested
Word Association Thread
how much should i wash my bike?
You should never wash your bike - get your lady/man to do it
Word Association Thread
Old gits first bike unearthed
Yes you do - it's a total loss oil system. It's everywhere after a ride, and dripped all over the van floor on the way back from Brighton.
Word Association Thread
Word Association Thread
Old gits first bike unearthed
The technology hasn't changed much 1925 CW Douglas that a friend rode to Brighton this year - put it on the stand, pedal like H*** and let go the decompressor
ferry tips
Went to Gurnsey on the Condor seacat last month - by car, but saw that they covered the bikes with something like a thick duvet before strapping them down. They also had wheel chocks, one under the back and front wheels. They weren't going anywhere.
Phone charger on my YBR125?
Have a look at Towzatronics - I have just fitted a ciggy lighter type power take off to my 650 dragstar to run my phone charger/tomtom. I connected direct to battery and it is ok as long as you remember to unplug accessory when you stop. Alternatively you can connect on the switched side of the ignition.
Searching for......
Thanks - that's the one. Peter
...and don't forget that if you passed your A2 test you cannot just move to riding an unrestricted bike after two years - you have to get your licence changed as well, or risk a fine.
Virago xv125
2 CARB ICING It is not about temperature as such, it is to do with many factors but particularly as fuel vaporizes in the carb it cools so causing any moisture in the air to cool, condense and then freeze. So even on a warm day with moist air you can get carb icing. Some machines have heaters, electtric or water jackets, older bikes, I'm talking 1905 ish, rely on you being able to warm the carb with your hand. It can be a particular problem in light aircraft, which have acontrol to divert warm air through the carb to clear the ice