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little dave

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Everything posted by little dave

  1. attention all units, be on the lookout for a wookie with a spray can.....
  2. "genuine Ben Franklin glasses $2500.00"
  3. dude! seriously, as if tagging wasnt bad enough, but on a graveyard? no respect at all. it makes me sick! and think of the poor feck that has to clean that off. somebody didnt raise thier kids right. but then again the parents prolly bought the paint!
  4. little dave replied to Goff's post in a topic in General
    congrats goff, if yer ever in vegas look me up!
  5. I think thats my old bike. i grew up in san luis obispo which is near paso robles. its what i learned to ride on. last time i saw it it was abandoned in a friends garage because the main gear had slipped off. years later i learned that he had sent it to the dump.
  6. little dave replied to parkey5's post in a topic in General
    nah, wont work. i have tried everything to clean up scratches in plastic for scratched cd's and i found that turtle wax or kit worked really well. didnt remove the scratch, but polished the rough edges of the scratch ok. but heres the thing, any change you make to the shield to remove the scratch is going to alter the thickness of the shield in the place where you remove the scratch, which will give you an optical blurble in that area anyways. unless you have access to a polishing cloth wheel and even then its really tricky. best off replacing the shield IMO.
  7. little dave replied to DirtyDT's post in a topic in The Bar
    you car have a hatchback? put the box on the ass. (of the car)
  8. little dave replied to DirtyDT's post in a topic in The Bar
    PHOTOSHOP TO THE RESCUE! saw one of these once as a kid, i think it was somebodys college project. not only is it areodynamic but, has the bonus of improving ones on road respect.
  9. little dave replied to DirtyDT's post in a topic in The Bar
    im not sure. i myself have wondered why the rice racer boys always put spoilers on the back of a front wheel drive car. wouldnt that push the back down and lift the front where the drive wheels are at, and decrease traction? im just sayin.
  10. sorry goff but when i saw this i immediatly thought of you de loo hoo hoo.
  11. little dave replied to little dave's post in a topic in The Bar
    yeah its getting kinda hot out here now. I'm gonna have to park the bike for a few months and cage it to work. only ride in the evening or early morning to the market and such. the only thing that my suburban has over the bike is a good stereo and bucket seats. still no air conditioning. and the extra 1000% gas money increase is gonna hurt, but its better than seizing the motor in the DT
  12. you have ruled out the bulbs right?
  13. little dave posted a post in a topic in The Bar
    The Lost Bagpiper As a bagpiper, I was asked by a funeral director to play at a graveside service for a homeless man who had no family or friends. The funeral was to be held at a cemetery in the remote countryside and this man would be the first to be laid to rest there. As I was not familiar with the backwoods area, I became lost and being a typical man, did not stop for directions. I finally arrived an hour late. I saw the backhoe and the crew who were eating lunch but the hearse was nowhere in sight. I apologized to the workers for my tardiness and stepped to the side of the open grave, where I saw the vault lid already in place. I assured the workers I would not hold them up for long but this was the proper thing to do. The workers gathered around, still eating their lunch. I played out my heart and soul. As I played the workers began to weep. I played and I played like I'd never played before, from Going Home and The Lord is My Shepherd to Flowers of the Forest . I closed the lengthy session with Amazing Grace and walked to my car. As I was opening the door and taking off my coat, I overheard one of the workers saying to another, Holy Moley Man O Man O, I have never seen nothin' like that before and ……………………. …………………………I've been putting in septic tanks for twenty years.
  14. Scotland seems to be a fine example of how putting together a bunch if dim bulbs can achieve a bright light. (the same can be said for beaurocracies)
  15. one could always hope they rise up and improve themselves to the level of "tits on a board"
  16. valve timing is relatively simple. when the tail goes up, its in the exhaust stroke. then its just a mayyer of adjusting the fuel intake to achive a semi firm exhaust emission.
  17. yeah foamy, I think he still does. why, are you looking for something a bit more powerfull than the JAWA?
  18. ok, so, barkwindjammer suggested this idea to me. I put about 2 hours into it, and had a bunch of fun. thanks for the idea bark! later in time, around the turn of the century, steam power took over: (this one I worked for over 3 weeks on. over 25 different pieces went into this. it was for a competetion at a photoshop site that im part of, to make an everyday object look like it came from the steam era.I started with a pic of my dt175. the only thing that remains from the original pic is the tires and the front shocks which i colored to look copper, the kickstand and shifter. oh, and the pavement)
  19. thanks sluggo, cna you define "over rev"? lately, in 5th gear at about 4k rpm it seems to want to bog if i try to speed up. if i drop to 4th and runup to speed and then shift back into 5th it works better. is that a sigh of it getting to hot? I only have to ride about 14 miles in the city to get home. average speed is 40-45 mph. should i shut it off at stoplights? I really need all the advice i can get since i dont want to kill it by overdoing it. and it will be way more costly to drive my suburban for 3 months. (but not as costly as destroying my motorcycle)
  20. little dave replied to Yamigirl's post in a topic in General
    R.I.P MJ. talented artist, freak, and ledgend. qiuck everybody upload and copy all the beatles albums you can, while the copyrights are in probate.
  21. hahahehehe its 3 pm here in the land of hot at heck. heck im imported from all over. a quick rundown lest i be too longwinded. my dads side came to america in 1763 as part of a spanish expedition and settled in coastal california. I also have finnish, dutch and scottish in me. somewhere I have some lompoc indian in me (i think 1/512th) I never get offended, just so you know. (im more likely to offend ) I think the smurf-div is your style!
  22. its funny, that im part scottish. from my grandfathers side. the only way i can tell is that i have hair in my legs only from just below my knees down. i call it kilt socks!
  23. what are the symptoms of an overheating 2 stroke air cooled yammy? and what happens if my bike does overheat? (I havent yet, but living in the desert here its gonna be in the 110+F soon enough, think i should know beforehand) - thanks.
  24. little dave replied to VO5's post in a topic in The Bar
    ok bark, this ones for you then.... sorry its a bit grainy, i was in a hurry.
  25. little dave replied to VO5's post in a topic in The Bar
    little dave's build a bike shop is now open