Everything posted by little dave
Is there such a thing
that would hurt the integrity of the bike bark, better to just let the police tell you how fast youre going. they are usually awfully excited to catch up and let people know.
Is there such a thing
I assume that the gauges are part of a cluster. you could try a Fresnel lens. they are usually called "full page magnifiers" and you can get them at most drugstores for low price. they are plastic and could be trimmed to fit the gauge panel. (might as well cover the whole panel)
I dont think he went all that far to find it. Merv is the only person who has a smoking jacket with a button flap in the backside.......... (can I trouble you for a light?)
custom motorcycle seat
rofl!! would that chair have the heat and massage also then? starting to not sound so stupid now.....
ronded off bolt
never had vise grips slip myself, but, i usually turn the bottom adjuster a bit more than needed and almost break my hands squeezing the suckers into locked position.
custom motorcycle seat
this must be a kawasaki owners mind at work........
ronded off bolt
visegrips? always works for me....
Cleaning the chain.
i like to slather my chain with a tub of crisco or vaselene and then sling it all over the place for the next 200 miles or so.......
Cleaning the chain.
I heard that mink oil is the best, but that they are kind of hard to find, run over, and get snagged in your chain.
1973 yamaha dt125
air mixture screw 1 1/2 turns from seated. idle screw at 12-1500
What the heck is this??
in the states those are called a pcv (positive crankcase ventilation) valve.
Dogs, Bikes and legallity....
nah foamy, i live in the desert, and the park is only a few blocks away in a residential area. I dont take her out unless its warm enough for her to be comfortable
Dogs, Bikes and legallity....
Magenta, my iguana, has always been very well behaved in my car. she seems to like seeing things go by and the whole travel thing. (and my old iguana used to ride on my arm, while my arm was out the window in my car, on the freeway (not to worry, she was wearing a leash/harness)) well it was Saturday and she was getting restless in her cage. the weather was beautiful outside and it was a good time to take her to the park to run around a bit. I put her on my shoulder and went outside and climbed on my motorcycle. flipped up the kickstand and kicked it over. I fully expected Magenta to bail. instead, she just looked at me as if she were expecting to go someplace. so I drove off. carefully, at first, then faster. soon we were scooting down the road at 30 mph. she was just looking ahead tasting the air with her tongue occasionally. boy, did we get some strange looks. so there it is, my iguana loves to ride on a motorcycle. I never would have believed it myself.
somehow I imagined this song playing:
Cluthless changes.
not on my bike. (well not often, i have done it once or twice) but on the company truck (a gmc 6500 diesel with a cat motor) i only use the clutch to drive off from a start and to downshift if im going up a steep grade.
dt175 headlight project
i have a 74 dt175. i use a 12v car headlamp. fits fine. bit dim at idle but fine at drive speed. (my bike is 6v) the missing battery is gonna be the killer though. if i disconnect my battery i get 36v a/c across the lamp terminals at 6k rpm if i have the battery connected, i maintain at 14 v a/c across the headlamp terminals at 6k. and 4v at idle my advice: buy a cheap 6v sealed cell battery (about $20) and hook it up so that it will act as a buffer. its cheaper than a capacitor kit.
bined my bike yesterday :/
glad to hear that you made it with only a few scratches and dents to your pride and are looking at it from a positive point. i have to respect anybody that gears up all the time. especially where i live. i wear my full gear on the way to work, but on the way home i practically die since its 106 f. after i get home if i have to go to the market, i skip the jacket. but always wear boots, gloves, and helmet and jeans. I feel bad that i do this, especially after hearing what happened to you, as it makes me realize that if that happens to me and im without my coat, its gonna really peel me up. you made me think twice about not wearing the jacket thats for sure.
A potential life-changing question
defiantely would have to go with a high f-stop. prolly atleast 8-10 and shutter speed of 1/2500th sec or faster so as to capture the moment without blur. also the danger of the water would look superb in stopped motion. the droplets of water caught hanging, etc, just really freezes the tragic moment. may need a fill flash though to chase shadows. i would chose color, as B&W is an easy photoshop process and could be done pre-production if wanted. also i would shoot in raw or at least tiff if it were digital. jpg wouldnt be crisp enough.
my first shot of 100 proof tasted like rocket fuel too foamy. someday your jewels will drop and you will be able to drink like a man....
Mirror stalks on YBR125
one is reverse threaded. i believe that is what kept them from loosening due to wind. as you sit, left mirror would be ccw. right mirror would be cw. to tighten. my left mirror had a similar problem. i snugged is far as i dared and then tightened the retaining nut against the mount base. my threads were not completely stripped. if your inner threads are stripped, and the mirror stalk threads are ok, lubricate the threads on the stalk with wd40 and apply a generous amount of jb-weld then shove it back in the hole. you may have to come up with a creative way to hold it in place until it dries, or hold still with it for abot 20 minutes or less. but the end result should hold the mirror in place. you may even be able to unscrew it if you bore out the hole that the mirror goes into a little first.
Who Insures you?
granted that im riding an older bike. a 74 dt 175 to be exact, but im paying 275 per year for basic liability thru L.A. insurance. i live in las vegas, if you want more info, pm me.
goffs wedding tunes
love will keep us together by the captain and tenielle?
goffs wedding tunes
yeah with the screaming too.
goffs wedding tunes
I have the shower scene from psycho as mine....
goffs wedding tunes
1) wild thing (the troggs) 2) taking a ride (don felder) 3) ball and chain (social distortion) 4) amazing grace (dropkick murphy) 5) punk rock girl (the dead milkmen) my picks.