Everything posted by little dave
short ass people
as a shorty myself, 5'-3 or 4" with a 27-28" inseam i have to say that when i went bike shopping at the local "bike shop" where the sales staff are a rowdy bunch of gearheads with sales on the mind... couldn't shake them with a "no i cant afford a new bike no matter what you say or want" they even offered me lower payments when i said "I don't have a job" (not that i don't, i was just trying to shake the twit) anyhow, i digress. i sat on a Honda shadow. nice looking bike, fit me well, until i put my feet down and the air cleaner cover was pressing against my thigh. uncomfortably so. you would think with the growing interest among women, and other short of stature riders that manufacturing companies would start to address our comfort for a change. as for scooting forward, when i first got my little dt175 i hiked forward on the seat too, it wasn't a need to reach things since it was an enduro, it was just how i started sitting on it. i have worked my way back on the seat to a normal position only because i made a conscious effort to do so. that and i managed to make a comfy "butt print" (perhaps as you wear one in, your feet will be more comfortable reaching the ground and controls) although now i find myself wondering if i would be more comfortable with some more sweep in the handlebars, i feel a bit hunched over. not much, but just a bit. which i suppose brings me to the point, which is: i have to agree with ttaskmaster about the handlebars. since most of the time, you're holding them, you want to make that the most comfortable aspect. your legs will learn to keep up. also, however, its just like having a different car or desk or shoes for that matter. it is gonna take a while to get used to the fit.
PC wallpapers/backkgrounds
bark, you may look a trifle odd with a caber in the front of your kilt.....
rd snatches
drewpy was trying to lose you. that "slipping" was you hitting the oil patches he was laying out to slow you down. (he modified his scottoiler to lay slicks.)
no offence intended
up.yours: you are right, it is your choice. have what you want. I really dont care, and it dosent offend me in the least bit. I was just curious.
no offence intended
up.yours: no return offense intended, but i am trying to figure out your avitar. it looks to me like a member of the KKK im just wondering why someone would have that.
no offence intended
tea sippers? how far you wanna go back? redcoats. not really thought about it much tho, i always called you fellows "british people"
R.I.P. "H" from steps
survived by i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y, and z
Aerox 50 new exhaust, wont run :S
im no expert. hell im not even a novice. but this is how i understand it. if you alter the way an engine breathes in any way it is a good possibility that you may need to rejet. it could be that if its running really lean that it just isnt getting the fuel needed to supply enough of a bang in the combustion chamber to accomplish much. or it could be running rich and overreving because its like having the choke out. do a plug chop test to see if its rich or lean and go from there. then again i could be 100% wrong. any other members out there have an opinion? am i pointing bezza in the right diriection or should i just shaddap?
winter glove reveiw anyone
I got some fieldsheer aquasport gloves last winter right after we had a freak snowstorm here. all thru january it was in the low 30's (f) when i would leave in the mornings and i stayed nice and toasty. nice long gauntlets with vercro overstrap, and a seperate wrist strap. flexable enough to touch thumb to all fingertips too. although the most helpfull thing i learned was from my boss who saw mw come in one morning all blue and told me that he used to cut the leg (thigh) off of a pair of sweatpants and pull them over his head.he was right too. i cut them nice and long and could tuck one end into my coat and the other i could pull up my neck and pull it thru the helmet strap. kept my neck and torso nice and warm. the other thing i have done to stay really warm is to cut the bottom off of a plastic shopping bag and wear it like a wifebeater. (i think you call them stellas in some parts) anyway it makes a nice barrier for under the jacket and it reflects all your body heat back at you. then again, i am a little guy, you may have trouble wearing a shopping bag. cut a head and arm holes in a hefty bag. if youre carefull taking it off, you can roll it up and stuff it into your glove or helmet for when you come back to the bike.
My Baby Rossi
Greetings fellow photoshopper. we should talk. as for your ride; I'm sure you have put loads of love into it, but when it comes to motorcycles like yours, they all kinda look the same to me. that's not to say that i don't like them, because i do. I'm scared to ride one. all 110 pounds of me. they are a powerful machine and i would have too much fun on one for my own safety. and i believe that I'm a bit too lightweight to properly tame one. I suppose i prefer the upright sitting and cruiser style more simply because they tend to inspire less hothogging among their ridership. that, and i like the look of the classic motorcycle style.
getting the horn
too bad this wont fit on a motorcycle (easily) I treated myself after I paid off my suburban and bought this: http://www.hadley-products.com/catalog/Catalog.aspx?cmd=prd&div=3&cat=52&prd=17 there is a thing you can click to hear the horn on the right. I will never go back to "beep" if they made a 6v kit that fit my dt i would be on it. Gas-up, I love how you used the term "man's horn" thats how i feel. men dont "beep"
Gettin the beers in at the bar .....
smirnoff red. leave the bottle.
cant spell
chaaa, fer sure. i mean, like, dude, its like, omg, chill. srsly, you might H8 it but since we serve multiple nations, a little empathy will go a long way. but since yer a n00b i wont suggest that you STFU you dont have 2 answer anything you dont want to, but, sadly you may have to just deal or GTFO. btw. im 38 and if you havent guessed yet I am merely yanking your chain.
How to impress the Lassies at the check-out
balloon animals anyone?
help please
here: this is mine. i have nothing plugged into my carb. the overflow lines are gone. mine runs fine. if you think that your carb has an input for the oil, and your motor looks like mine, then start the bike. plug the outlets on the carb. if you feel a vacuum. cap it.
help please
godfather, if you have an oil tank, heres what you can do. (well at least what i would do) run premix for now. but put some oil into the tank, just until it goes and fills the bubble about 1/2 way. then ride it around for a few days and see if the level goes down. make sure you always park in exactly the same spot when you check the level though.
"short term memory stick" i think every guy has one of those.....
dt125lc engine reverse running
happened to me on my dt once. i had kicked it in neutral, but i didnt kick very hadr. it chuffed and then fired up. gave it a few good revs, dropped it in gear and drove off about 15 mph in reverse! scary. so, it happens
help please
thank you cynic, for pointing out what a useful organ the brain can be when used properly
Tripometer/clock problems....
the bike is 10 years old. im really not sure of anything mind you, but perhaps it (the clock/trip) has a small button cell battery inside to keep the memory after the key is turned off and its just dead?
- bio hazard
Hard video
very hard to watch because its the truth. this should be mandatory viewing for drivers education. back when i was a-learnin' there was a film called" red asphalt", and another called "signal 30" the were old even in my time, black and white or barely color. horrid acting and narration. but compared to most films of the time it looked pretty real. the idea of these older films was that they were supposed to be actual accident scenes. choppy, grainy footage of burnt bodies and dismembered limbs. brains being scraped up and dumped into a bag after they fall out of the head of a helmet less motorcyclist. back then we all kind of made fun of it, and yet were kinda grossed out by it. and you know what? it made us all think! hell, you ask most people in the states my age about these films and they will remember them to this day. yeah, we still ignored some driving laws as young drivers. but in the back of our heads, we could still remember what we had seen; and it made us give pause for a second, and realize our own mortality. today's parents are all to often behaving like a good parent should, i suppose. wanting to protect their children from things that they know to be unpleasant. they saw that film when they were kids and it gave them nightmares for weeks, so there's no way their kid is watching it. but the thing is: just because it was unpleasant doesn't mean that they didn't learn a great lesson from it. and by sheltering their children they are merely allowing their children to continue to be disillusioned.
1980 DT175 Carb Issues?
thanks for the link og.
black light tattoos
the only tattoo that i currently have is one that i gave myself with a tech pen in drafting class at college. but i would never use any glowing ink. I do however want to get another tattoo.
Gear Lever keeps falling off
why not just take the lever to a hardawre store and pick one that fits out of a bin? i would suggest a blob of silicone to keep it from coming loose.