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little dave

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  1. the other day it was 29.3 F when i left for work. so around 29C although lately its been 40F about 35C more pics as soon as i can get out with a better camera.
  2. little dave posted a post in a topic in The Bar
    well, its been a while since i have been here. so i should explain myself. first off my little dt175 is binned for the time being. it started a horrible ratle in the top end that sounded like the piston came off the connecting rod. and as an early x-mas gift my folks went out and paid for me to get a new ride. I FEEL LIKE SUCH A TRAITOR because its a honda rebel. i will continue to visit here because its such a great place with many friends. drewps, if you need me to pay for the patch, i completely understand. let me know, it dosent make sense for me to have one if i dont ride a yamaha naymore, but i wont leave you screwed. im hoping that you all will look at the pic and understand why i had to get this bike. believe me, if i could have found a v-star at that price and style i would have jumped on it. its a rebel 250 with a blue collar bob kit, rhino liner paint, led tail and turn lamps, shortened exhaust, and dragbars.
  3. shoot, i still remember my first post here. and damned im suprised that any of you talk to me at all. in case you are wondering i made a post ripping all over impatient or dangerous riders. i did it in an insulting way. it was pointed out to me that i was being RUDE. and i made amends. and have gone on to give and get advice since then. and became a part of the community. i think that sometimes, new members are mostly intrested in getting an answer first and making friends later. the answer they need is often of a more instant need than making friends. i do agree that at teh very least they should introduce themselves as it would help to know where they are from to give a beter answer sometimes. but as with picking a mechanic or a new hangout, it is often best to get to know the place before asking for help. although sometimes it can work the other way around. i suppose its hard to hang out and get to know people when all you need is an answer to fix your ride so that you can feel good again. its a shame though that AFTER getting advice, so many members dont check back in and give thanks, or let us know what happened.
  4. its happend to me on rare occasions. NOTHING makes you look dumber than being in a carpark and kicking the bike over, revving it up, and shooting backwards about 5 feet when you let out the clutch. the "im gonna sh*t my pants" look on my face was obscured by the tint in my shield, so i just looked like a doofus
  5. little dave replied to ReBorne's post in a topic in Yamabyss
    WIN! i call mine "the flea" because its small and matte black, but loves to hop off the line
  6. allrighty, lets get this small little item out of the way first. if you are getting spark. that means that the ONE thing that is responsible for igniting the fuel/air mixture is working like it should. that being said, unless you arent getting air or fuel, or have a lack of cylinder compression. it should run. maybe not well if your fuel air mix is all wonky. but thats the only wire you need to make it run. now, if its a newer bike with some sort of electronic powervalve or something that may be a different story. check on the frame near the forks, there should be some sort of label or badge that states year, model, etc. anybody with more to know than I (which is quite a few of you out there) please feel to correct me if im wrong or am being misleading, as thats the last thing i want. my goal is to help.
  7. when the temps went up last year (spring in vega$ is 90+ f) my bike did the sme sort of thing. eventually i discovered that i had a severely clogged main jet intake tube. turns out that the idiot before me or before him has replaced the banjo bolt and main jet assy with a nasty chunk of lead out of a small calibre firearm.(what their thinking was i will never, ever know (or want to)) during the winter it was a bit starved for fuel but seemed to do ok, but when it warmed up it was running just on the wrong side of too lean and since the air was thinner due to the temp, fuel was not able to be sucked around the chunk of lead as well as it had been before. so im with OG on this one. drop your bowl, pull your main jet and then really clean out the whole tube assembly.
  8. little dave replied to drewpy's post in a topic in The Bar
    awwww drewps, dont bin it yet. you can still swing it around by its cord to ward off intruders.
  9. little dave replied to little dave's post in a topic in Classics
    thank you merv! thats what i had thought. hence "to span an object" but it was better to ask beforehand so that i didnt find out that it was some sort of bizzare split end screwdriver or something.
  10. little dave replied to little dave's post in a topic in Classics
    thanks to all of you. will i need to remove the oil pump assy and the tach cable before i start? also, i know it may sound dumb, and i probably have one. but whats a spanner? my mind conjures up an image of a crescent wrench. buy im sure its not that. considering that i have rebuilt the carb on the bike and also my car. done my own car brakes and last month swapped out my steering column on my suburban in 2 hours, it seems like something i can handle. the job just sounds more daunting than it is. using glass to make sure the plates are flat is a great idea. i have an old car windshield that would do the trick (haha) this week i shall pop the cover and see what i got going on in there. then i will source the parts. i may as well try switching the plates and such around while im in there. i will be back later on this month when im done to let you all know how it went. (to praise you or curse you) if anybody has more advice i would still like to hear it. until it started slipping, it (the whole bike) was doing well. even gave a camaro a run for his money. hahaha he looked a bit buggered when i kept up with him when he came off the line. my glee didnt last too long tho, but he still had to put more effort into winning than he would have reckoned. i suppose 68-70 mph down a busy street isnt mature at all. but dang tootin it was fun!
  11. little dave posted a post in a topic in Classics
    sad day, my clutch is strating to slip in the higher revs. when im in 5th gear and at 5k if i go WOT it jumps from 5 to 7k still holds its own speed wise just seems to get to top rev a bit faster than before. so i figured that i may need a new clutch. or parts therein. it started out when i put fresh oil in the box and yes im sure that i used the right stuff. its the same stuff i have been using for the past year and a half. while i was at it i put in a new spark plug, at first i thought that it was just running better, but the gearbox is getting kinda hot. i dont smell burned oil when i take off teh fill cap, but.. anyway, i know that many of my friends here with dt's may know a bit more than i, and would like to know what is entailed in doing the job, or should i just have a mechanic do it. please help. its been a week and im going thru DTs from not riding my dt. i was thinking that i would order all the parts and then if i decided to have a mechanic do it i could give him all the parts, so i would like to know what to buy. also, if anybody has done the job themself, please tell me how it was done. im fairly good with my hands but dont want to get in too deep. thanks a bunch, and im sorry i havent been around as often as i was. new job and all keeping me too busy.
  12. little dave posted a post in a topic in The Bar
    its been a while since i posted here.so heres whats goingon in my life. I almost got a 1983 yamaha v-twin 920 cc bike but it was too big. still riding the dt 175 and added a new custom designed (by me) sticker to the gas tank. i will post a shot here later. god, its been so long since i been here that i dont want to go thru all the new posts. so somebody fill me in on the good ones.
  13. little dave replied to hebrew hammer's post in a topic in Classics
    I use soethig similar, on my DT. its a werker 5 amp battery at 6v. it holds out ok, but about every 6 months, the vibratons tend to get to it and render it useless. thank god they have a 1 year warranty.
  14. little dave replied to mervin's post in a topic in The Bar
    have a good one goff!!!!!
  15. little dave posted a post in a topic in Yamabyss
    i just logged my ten thousandth mile on the old dt!!! yay!!! ten thousandth of my miles, god only knows how many miles it had on it before. the odometer said 2600 when i got it, but it may have been replaced. not bad for a 36 year old bike.