With just over a week to go before the 'draw' its looking good so far, a very generous £99.00 has been raised so far another £51.00 would see the target met, remember this isn't a raffle, its for a very noble cause, however in just over 1 weeks time someone will be taking stock of an 8 person tent, all you need to do to take part in this fundraiser is go along to the page http://www.justgiving.com/shelter-me , and donate the cost of one pint of beer-belly ale, £2.00 and your in the draw, either you or a local group i.e. the Scouts, will be sent this 'shelter',
to us this means holiday/fun/creepy crawlies etc, to the people of Haiti and other areas of disaster- this would mean 'home'.
please, please visit the web-page and make your donation
and may peace be with you all