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Everything posted by barkwindjammer

  1. Stick the straw on the WD40 (I put up a post on how to make your own) and as it will do no harm-give it a good ole blast, if that doesn't sort it you'll have to bite the bullet and remove the switch body and have 'a swatch'
  2. WOW !!! is that a John Deere ?
  3. Hi and welcome to the 'hotel california', the nice nurse will be along shortly with your meds, as for the white smoke you could contact the 'British red arrows' (I think they're on Flea-bay now) and find out how to change it to blue or even red to be honest I haven't a clue, someone on this forum will though, you are on hold please wait.
  4. I cant say for certain but its most likely to be a 'draw' type restrictor, these come in various different forms, the 'draw' type can be found in the carb rubbers (intake side) and restrict the induction (sucking) oooer Mrs, most of them look like large washers stuck into the carb body
  5. With just over a week to go before the 'draw' its looking good so far, a very generous £99.00 has been raised so far another £51.00 would see the target met, remember this isn't a raffle, its for a very noble cause, however in just over 1 weeks time someone will be taking stock of an 8 person tent, all you need to do to take part in this fundraiser is go along to the page http://www.justgiving.com/shelter-me , and donate the cost of one pint of beer-belly ale, £2.00 and your in the draw, either you or a local group i.e. the Scouts, will be sent this 'shelter', to us this means holiday/fun/creepy crawlies etc, to the people of Haiti and other areas of disaster- this would mean 'home'. please, please visit the web-page and make your donation and may peace be with you all
  6. you on the Bolinger already ?
  7. Your still in with a chance Foamy, has one of them 3 doofer cigarette lighter sockets in the front,,,,,,, and the back-quality !
  8. ,,,Ahhh, now I got it, can picture it noo, have shown a few mates your 'flask' cup idea and they're thinking the same as me-its a very tidy solution, and 'rostfrei' ! cant wait to see the next instalment Drewpy keep 'em wheels a turnin m8
  9. read the spec on this little chuffa-sorted http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=230451057921#description
  10. You jammy sod , will we have to call you Sir now ?
  11. Its one of them tracker wojimacallits, you'll find these under most wheelie bins
  12. I know the area well, my uncle Bobby was a naval diver on the Holy loch and Faslane and Coulport-used to collect shell fish from the shores-they glowed in the dark
  13. Janie the BIG 40 not to be confused with the BIG O http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BVDJjc0HOl0
  14. Moving to London, taking a Tazer with me take lots of batteries
  15. I'm gonna head to Edinburgh tomorrow-I bet its pissing down, not so good for your m8 though-at least he's not broken anything, had a good run out to Helensburgh and Kilcreggan, came back via the Old Dumbarton rd to Stirling castle-roads were surprisingly quiet-bliss !
  16. You may have a sticky side stand switch, give it a good blast with WD40 ( I put up a post on how to make your own), then make sure the plunger in the switch is moving back and forth freely
  17. No thats a large bluebottle from all the rubbish lying down that ditch
  18. Gotta be honest Andrew, was liking this up til the point where that bit of flat plate appeared with the H/light holes in (looks a bit like the face from the animation "Iron man", loved the idea with the 'flask' cups used as dial casings-well classy look and a genius idea, couldn't you carry that 'theme' through and put the lights you have into two more 'flask' cups ?, just my tuppenceworth
  19. Was out for a blat today, weather was great, thoroughly enjoyed myself its written all over my face
  20. I have a Spada 2 piece, it leaks at the gooly area too but is ok for the price-plenty of armour, I generaly carry a thin 1 piece shell to go over my leathers for wet weather-packs away small, looks like a good buy Pat for the money, does it have armour/padding ?
  21. EUREKA ! this countrys transport problems solved by a homicidal maniac, we could 'stack half a dozen cars each containing 5 occupants' in front of one of these 'shunters' and drasticaly reduce road congestion, thats 31 commuters all going in the same direction-using one large diesel engine ! I think its the best idea-in the world J Clarkson
  22. You-tube vid has been pulled, this one hasn't http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/uk/8574600.stm
  23. <object width="640" height="385"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=caPmw3OVQMo&color1=0xb1b1b1&color2=0xcfcfcf&hl=en_US&feature=player_embedded&fs=1"></param><param'>http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=caPmw3OVQMo&color1=0xb1b1b1&color2=0xcfcfcf&hl=en_US&feature=player_embedded&fs=1"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowScriptAccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=caPmw3OVQMo&color1=0xb1b1b1&color2=0xcfcfcf&hl=en_US&feature=player_embedded&fs=1" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowfullscreen="true" allowScriptAccess="always" width="425" height="385"></embed></object>
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