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Everything posted by barkwindjammer

  1. even skinny girls can do it , no seriously though , I wouldn't try this on anything bigger than a 600
  2. Yep I do it all the time Chris
  3. I'm not good at foreign languages but I'll have a go "hot-dang", "be gone-squirly thing"!
  4. Was a DT, now badged as a DR (dirt and refuse)
  5. Well done Drewpy on the prize, you must av bin well chuffed, the 'Saxon' looks like it would be an 'interesting' ride-not that I would even dare if I had an iconic investment like that , hope you steered OT around by the arm, you know what he's like, he's worse than OG
  6. The XJ6 (FZ6R to give it its european/USA tag) is being sold with 0% finance, its been stickered as a 'diversion' which it is nothing at all like (I have the old Diversion and the new XJ6) the new XJ6(FZ6R-there is a clue with this tag) is a de-tuned Fazer !, is an excellent beginners bike, extremely easy to handle, very agile, has a 'screamer engine' which means it settles nicely and is comfortable above 5000rpm a lot lighter than the older 'Diversion', and has good enough power and acceleration for the road, wont challenge much on a track-but how often are you likely to be on a track? its cheap and cheerfull
  7. My apologies, I didn't think that this thread would be placed in 'Yamabyss', anyways, I'd like to say Awesome game from both teams, those Americans are a notch higher than I had initialy thought, Bravo as Fabio would say !
  8. Wishing all the crew on the other side of the 'wall' a very good game tonight, and good results in the rest of the competition
  9. I'd agree with Mike19canteen, you cannot go wrong with a diversion, solid mechanicaly-will easily go round the clock with regular(ish) oil and filter change, loads and loads of cheap 2nd hand parts, not stuffed with electronic jiggery-pokery, easy to handle, cheap to shod, a real 'jack-of-all-bikes' and highly under rated, and like Mike if mines ever bites the dust (52,000 miles on clock-easily another 52,000 still in her) I'll be hunting down a Div900
  10. very cheap Haynes(heinous) manual for the XJ600 http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=330437287003&ssPageName=STRK
  11. Happy birthday Blackhat250, and many happy returns We all chipped in and paid for a personal musical fanfare (no expense spared)
  12. How many of you have had the scrote in front of you 'wash their windows' on a perfectly dry day knowing that the fine soapy overspray is go end up in your eyes or visor ?
  13. Hondas new 'crumpet thing' http://www.youtube.com/watch_popup?v=cuIJRsAuCHQ
  14. barkwindjammer


    The Chat function, is it now 'open' to anyone ????
  15. Shanklin Chine-that brings back mammories !
  16. Its BWJ furfuxake, how hard is that to remember, ok heres an easy way to remember Dog(Bark) Fart(wind) Cork(jammer), now lets try it ! ARMADILLOS !
  17. Annoyance is actually good for taking the edge off nerves and adrenaline, I'm convinced your gonna do it anyway-I can feel it in my water ! cant remember the lines from the film but I'll have a go "your a mean, lean flying chicken fondler, you fart thunder, you crap hedgehogs, you sweat profusely, but hey kid-your gonna be the best"
  18. http://www.marca.com/deporte/futbol/mundial/sudafrica-2010/calendario.html
  19. :lol: My beloved team aren't playing Scotland Jimmy Jimmy Jock Jimmy Jimmy Jimmy cuJimmy Jock Wullie Jimmy Jimmy SUBS Jimmy Jimmy Jimmy Jimmy Jimmy
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