Everything posted by barkwindjammer
New XJ6 and Diversion forum is here
If I wasn't so thick I could be hurt by a statement like that
Help / Advice needed please
nail in rear tyre, repair or discard
Tyre repair kits are widely available- http://shop.motorcyclenews.com/Wheels,_Brakes__and__Tyres/Tyre_Repair/Tyre_Repair/Stop_and_Go/Pocket_Tyre_Plugger/Record_1/ListMerchants.aspx but maybe only offer a 'temp' solution (maybe thats stated in the instructions, I dont know), but have a couple of mates who have used these things as a permanent fix-with no failure, personaly like Oldtimer I'd be constantly thinking about it , for the rear tyre on a cruiser I'd use it, and like Mervin says maybe put a tube in there just for luck
New XJ6 and Diversion forum is here
My Lords, Ladies and Gentlemen of the Y-O-C The honour has been bestowed upon me* to let you know that one of our distinguished gentry has set up his own forum, Pilningas (Mervin) has taken the plunge to provide a site for the XJ6 and new Diversion models, with a more British and Euro slant to it. Mervin did try to get a TV celebrity to make the announcement but he said :Quote "Eh, No" so, it is with great trombosity and vernacular inadequacy that I'm proud to make this announcement, raise your reading glasses to a new venture, and be upstanding The site is here http://yamahaxj6.proboards.com/index.cgi and the very best of luck with it Merv
The Y-O-C motorcycle display team
Some characters are easily recognisable http://www.gaskrank.tv/tv/motorrad-fun/stunt-riding-11100.htm <div style="width: 472px;"><object type="application/x-shockwave-flash" data="http://www.gaskrank.tv/tv/intradat/etc/player/gaskrank.swf?image=http://www.gaskrank.tv/tv/intradat/branding/playbg.php&logo=http://www.gaskrank.tv/tv/intradat/etc/player/t1.png" width="472" height="374" wmode="transparent" flashvars="file=http://files.evisor.tv/201001/11100.flv"> <param name="movie" value="http://www.gaskrank.tv/tv/intradat/etc/player/gaskrank.swf" /> <param name="wmode" value="transparent" /> <param name="flashvars" value="file=http://files.evisor.tv/201001/11100.flv&image=http://www.gaskrank.tv/tv/intradat/branding/playbg.php&logo=http://www.gaskrank.tv/tv/intradat/etc/player/t1.png" /> </object> <div style="text-align: center; font-size: 10px;"><a href="http://www.gaskrank.tv/tv/motorrad-fun/stunt-riding-11100.htm" target="_blank">Abgefahren: The Purple Helmets - Stunt Riding mal bescheuert. Sehr geil!, roller</a> <br>powered by Gaskrank.TV</div> </div>
'Cafe racer' coming soon to discovery Shed channel
Aww bless, must be terrible to get to that stage in life, oh that reminds me, I was to remind you to pick up your prescription at the chemist, did you get them ?
'Cafe racer' coming soon to discovery Shed channel
That reminds me, I was to remind you to pick up your prescription at the chemist, did you get them ?
'Cafe racer' coming soon to discovery Shed channel
I knew this was a one horse town but furfuxake ! is it good Broony ?
'Cafe racer' coming soon to discovery Shed channel
Just saw a clip on the TV-looks good
'91 xj600 pre div rear brake problem
Bet your strutting around with your chest out now
curb,s are dangerous
:lol: good find Mervin
First Divvy
Welcome to the 'ward' Paul
Day Trip to France
130 if you fasten your cape
New Girl
A bit like the Fockers err, no,,no,,, like the MesherSmiths
New Girl
Foamy you remind me of Superman for some strange reason
New Girl
Eow Helleeeow
2 tips for getting piston out of brake caliper, add yours.
The bike pump and a valve from an inner tube you'd have more success with a drinking straw from MacDonalds and a world championship piper
New Member :)
Hi Matty and welcome to the 'ward' and congrats on the new bike-if you go to your bed early then tomorrow will come around quicker, has always worked for me a Christmas time
AEROX 50cc HELP pleaseeeeee
Take da shame , think you'll have to wait for Kishan to come on he might know a thing or two
'91 xj600 pre div rear brake problem
Well personaly I'de take it back off the bike and clean the silicone grease off all the parts and start again I'm afraid
AEROX 50cc HELP pleaseeeeee
You're not using the bus are you ? Arrrrrrgggghhhhhh thats sooooo gaaaaaayyyyy
'91 xj600 pre div rear brake problem
when you assembled everything did you 'paint' all the parts, 'o' rings and cups with brake fluid as you went ?
New to the club
Hi and welcome to the nuthouse Richard
New Arrival
Many congratulations Da' , great news m8, all the best to the three (tree) of ya dont let Blackie "wet the weans heid" when he's over-Glayva is terrible for staining knitwear
Starter not turning motor
sounds like the starter isn't engaging, sorry dont know anything about the SR but I'm sure there will be someone on here who does Erin, bide a little more time before you go splitting her