Everything posted by barkwindjammer
YOC T-shirt
beware...the POWER GLOVE
, its not plugged in Drew
Welcome to the 'ward' Barking mad , just had a look at your workshop pics, why is there a deep fat fryer in there ?
hi new member
Hi and welcome to the 'ward' Julls - your room is up this way
- YOC T-shirt
25% off AGV helmets
That looks like a real bargain DT, I've been spoilt now cos I have a Caberg V2, its got a flip down internal sunvisor and I'd be lost without it now, had a scan thru the AGV stuff-nice looking lids-but no internal sunvisors
YOC T-shirt
Get real, Tartan is so last year Nev
YOC T-shirt
Ah, but are they reversible ?
Buzzy Diversion
It shouldn't be causing enough buzz to cause numbness , if its started doing this after the service then get it back to them m8 oh have you noticed the linky in Pilningas's signature
YOC T-shirt
well we're a bit more up to date these days, oh yes, shellsuits are all the rage-and designer ranges too Mattalan, George (Asda), Lidl etc
XS 250 Sidestand Spring
A good opporchancity for a thread hi-jack Oldschool and others can sit at the back of the class with their arms folded-nodding, knowingly Tip for fitting a very tight spring, i.e. side or centre stand type. If you bend the spring the coils open up slightly-slip as many washers, bits of broken lolly sticks, penny pieces etc as you can along the length of the spring (alternating sides as you go)-this will make it longer-and you can slip the ends onto the pins with ease. no swearing and throwing/kicking things were involved in the making of this 'top-tip' I thang yu
650 turbo 75% painted
You're doing a grand job there Knight och aye
newbie represent!
Welcome to the nut house Garatingsky-your gonna fit right in
hi all!!!
Aye, welcome to the nuthoose like
Welcome to retardsville
Have a nice day ye all http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Dlmx-ApZGVk&feature=player_embedded#at=89
YOC T-shirt
Now we're talking, see, when you get to our age Paul you start to look for quality
YOC T-shirt
Well, that is disappointing about the footie shirt material, and as most members (even the younger ones) have 'Moobs' combined with a V neck isn't a good look-is it
Yamaha XJ6 Naked - rear fairing colour?
Yep mines is Titanium
Hi Piggle and welcome to the nuthouse How you doin ?
ARRRRGH the waiting is the worst........
Thems are lookin the dawgz Jason
For the Y-O-C space cadets
Hey, thats Blackies lost patch
Hello - Newbie here to the forum
Hi Ben and welcome to the 'ward'
I didn't til I got a great tip last year from an 'old hand'
Wherever you have 'your space' for working on your bike, save your already damaged knees with this stuff http://www.aldi.co.uk/uk/html/offers/special_buys3_19229.htm?WT.mc_id=2011-06-06-13-13
For the Y-O-C space cadets