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Everything posted by barkwindjammer

  1. barkwindjammer replied to 2 Wheels's post in a topic in General
    Nice pics Sir Pat, Kev's right BTW were those taken near Craggy Island ?
  2. Welcome to the Y-O-C 95V
  3. There's a youngish lady seeking your experteeze look here
  4. Kishan ! Why you little %$£*()"@rd
  5. barkwindjammer replied to Rambler's post in a topic in New Members Welcome Area
    Hei ! nice intro thingwy yer, Rambler, good user name too
  6. barkwindjammer replied to Sammyt80's post in a topic in Yamaha Gallery
    My first ever 'hurl' on a bike was on the little Honda, my uncle Rob had one, that bike did 283mph well as a 9yr old it felt like that, the helmet I had on was so big I could hold onto the inside of the chin bar with both hands
  7. http://www.wemoto.com/bikes/Yamaha/T_80_Townmate/83-97/picture/Rock_Oil_-_Guardian_Semi_Synthetic_-_Per_Litre/
  8. barkwindjammer replied to Sammyt80's post in a topic in Yamaha Gallery
    Thats a cracking wee bike Sammy-if this recession gets worse there will be a lot more of those on the road
  9. Hein Gericke, thats Hein Gericke dont have an 'In-store' customer services as can clearly be seen by the 'Gerald Ratner' (google that name) type response to a 'within easy sweaty grasp reach' of a credit card transaction for £250, if I had an incompetent like **** ***** at the Hein Gericke branch in ******* ********* (soon to be named) working for me, and came across the 'Branch refund transaction sheet' my limited brainpower would immediately have conjured up an image of Trinity saying "you dont work here now"
  10. In't broad daylight
  11. barkwindjammer replied to anthony125's post in a topic in General
    Thats 3 more 'sleeps' Anthony best of luck m8, sit up proud, use your stomach and back muscles to 'lighten' your grip on the bars, imagine your riding over slippy cobbles when doing the slow maneouvres, and tell us how you got on-good or bad
  12. Quite a lot of difference Luke, The CBT is 'compulsory BASIC training', most pass this on the first or second attempt-but it is NOT a test ! they will assess you and then train you in a car park-around cones etc, then if you seem capable you are taken out on the road-miked up-its 1 day-if you 'complete' the training to a 'standard' you are given the certificate, that will give you 2 years on an L plate, as your a car driver you will already have 'road sense' , it will be 2 years growing extra eyes, ears, a 7th sense, advanced intuition, telepathy, an uncanny nack for 'radar-ing' old geezers driving Rovers/Micras, women drivers, chavs, young women drivers, tyre biting dogs etc etc-the list goes on. DA-Direct access-all of the above, at todays credit crunch busting prices, and the goal you'd be looking to acheive in 2 years time anyway-but not on a cruiser type like an XV IMHO, they're low, slow, more difficult to handle (especially on slow maneouvres like the dreaded U-turn), go for the bigger, heavier 500-600 test bike-yes I thought bigger bikes were harder to handle too-how wrong was I
  13. barkwindjammer replied to Zombi's post in a topic in New Members Welcome Area
    Nice intro Trev, welcome to the nuthoose your room is up there on the right
  14. Nice late intro ! Rock on Tommy
  15. Sammy
  16. Hi

    barkwindjammer replied to 67Wardy's post in a topic in New Members Welcome Area
    Welcome to the 'ward' Wardy
  17. So in a Hein Gericke sort of way, the franchisees of Hein Gericke, thats Hein Gericke, the staff working at these franchisees of Hein Gericke are guilty of being lying b@astards, so as well as letting Hein Gericke themselves down, in a franchisee fail sort of way, they are also letting the wages paying customers of Hein Gericke, and their franchisee staff who might be good, honest and hard working-unlike the lying b@astard who works at the Heine Gericke franchise at *********** (soon to be named and shamed) down ? I spoke to a famous friend I have about this disturbing lack of customer care, and the couldn't care less attitude from at least 2 franchisees (so far) at Hein Gericke she said " I'm genewawwy fwabbergasted", "Hein Gericke fwanchises are letting Hein Gericke down, "Unless you know better"
  18. After DirtyDT's extremely poor customer service from Hein Gericke, thats Hein Gericke, I see that there are some other people who are disappointed to have received poor and unhelpfull service from Hein Gericke, Hein Gericke gear is not a cheap low end merchandiser of any sort, their gear is of a very high quality and is reflected in Hein Gerickes pricing strategy, i.e. you get quality at a premium cost from Hein Gericke-try telling that to the staff at Hein Gericke, here's an excerpt from the MCN, thats the Motorcycle news, the Motor Cycle News is a magazine, containing News about Motor Cycles-hence its name Motor Cycle News, or MCN for short, here they posted a letter about Hein Gericke and another example of poor customer service-the letter writer has vowed NEVER to buy from Hein Gericke again, a member of staff from Hein Gericke has posted a reply to the former customer (who will go and spend his hard earned elsewhere), read what they have to say about Hein Gericke in the Motor Cycle News (MCN) http://www.motorcyclenews.com/MCN/community/Forums/Categories/Topic/?&topic-id=396607 and here is the link about Hein Gericke and their poor customer service as experienced by one of our members
  19. Thats a pish poor response and customer interest from Hein Gericke DDT, an obvious marketing ploy to get as many 'google hits' as they can, and drum up interest in their gear. It works both ways though, for good and bad publicity Google do your magic ! Hein Gericke Hein Gericke Hein Gericke Hein Gericke Hein Gericke Hein Gericke Hein Gericke Hein Gericke Hein Gericke Hein Gericke, If my compadre DirtyDT gets a 'good and generous' gesture of goodwill from Hein Gericke, thats Hein Gericke, then I will remove this post about Hein Gericke and its recent 'gaff' when dealing with a 'possible valued customer' of Hein Gericke. Managerial staff within marketing and sales at Hein Gericke, please note-we pay your fukking wages, one thing that makes my blood boil is bad customer service from lying b@stards like ****** *********, an employee at Hein Gericke
  20. barkwindjammer replied to Cynic's post in a topic in General
    Cant wait to see the 'cab-cam' pics Jason
  21. Hiand welcome to the Y-O-C W,,,,,,,,,
  22. barkwindjammer replied to sfyamr1's post in a topic in New Members Welcome Area
    Hi and welcome, and your first name is?
  23. Welcome to the 'ward' oldfirsttimer
  24. Hi and welcome to the Y-O-C printmitch
  25. Welcome to the 'ward' Tonto