Everything posted by barkwindjammer
New Project - don't laugh (not too much anyway)
First pic, I thought 'bugs-life'
Went for a ride this afternoon
Turn your love spuds into 'creamy white mash @ mountainbikes.come-on-now' snot for me .
warning beware of this latest scam by women
Harry Enfield ! splendid
Theory Test
If you fail the HP, you shouldnt be on a bike, or outside of secure accomodation un-attended, in other words its a sinch !, you cant fail, its a test for dolphins thats been adapted (for a fee to the UK dept oT, from the USA, ok some format and script files have been changed, to suit the end user), but it pays £30 sterling into the revenue system, oh and costs you the aforementioned £30 sterling,,,,' its an 'attendance fee', dont put any other thought to it, as for the practical: keep your youthfull 'attitude-dude' switched off and view the 'old' guy (your examiner) as your kool uncle,just ride like a proper jessie for 40 mins, or something.
ive won again!!!
good eve foamy, have you decided on your route/small country yet, y not try Scotland ?, theres some spectacular camping places.
ive won again!!!
Quote;; Mind you im a damn good chef. dnt need to go elsewere to eat curry. oh dear, here we go again, look Handai just stop this, you dont need to impress anybody in here, just be yourself ! and stop the lies- please !, you cant make currys can you-otherwise you'd be able to 'oozie 9mm' a recipe,any (curry recipe) onto here, in a second, wood'n you ? you are charming already, you've got one eye bigger than the other,an your tongue is slightly on view all the time, I'm in awe of that, ! anyhow, good to see you back (no doubt from your mediteranian voyage), jus keep it close to real ?
ive won again!!!
You told me I was getting a new bike the last time you won the lotto, and you were helping Rolf Harris move house !
Bike comfort....
Well thats the bike choices sorted out-challenge here is finding a bike shop thats staffed with ppl that can be arsed lol Quote -''I've been to the Honda and Suzuki dealers near me and neither could be arsed when i said that i wanted something with plenty of leg room/good riding position. The Honda man looked straight at a Duvall or whatever it is ( oh no) and the suzuki man just mumbled that you wont get better than the gsx and fucked of somewhere else, for a coffee i suppose.''
xj 600
I know for a fact that the rear brake discs match-cos I've just done it !
Old leathers
If theres a place near you wiv horses, ask em to get you a wee bottle of 'neatsfoot' oil.
R.O. Ireland - Update!
yep come up to Scoatlin an fly fish for haggis, its BRILLIANT (Billy Connoly accent used)
Favorite record ?
The Stone Roses, emdy got any update/gen on a re-formation this summer, or is it all cack ?
Nodding / Gesture Signals...
switch it off foamy, am gettin the spins an,, I'm feeling sick, amgobbysick
Nodding / Gesture Signals...
I know one !, , , , no, , thats the 'hokey cokey' , sorry, . erm,
tit monday
and the tuna has got that extra 'moistnessness' oooh c'mere. Gregs am talking aboot ! sake !
The Old Divi came out of hibernation
a bill should be passed that truckers should be selected from bike riders only, no, hold on, every road user should be selected from the bottom up, by license category, i.e. shetland ponies first, then tractors, mopeds etc, etc.
Newbie Needs some advice!
1 : park your land rover on firm level ground, (see owners manual).
horsemill inn
any members attend this rally, after this event, a woman in my street told me that her bush now smells of pee ?
Favorite record ?
"should I stay or should I go" the mighty Clash, first riff I learned on geetar
:D got my first big bike!
Congratulations you jammy wee blasterd, wish I'd started at your age, safe motoring an listen to your Da', even if it sounds like white noise/interference, he'll be shittin it more than you every time you go out, strive to become old at it, not bold at it, now go out there an charm the pants off the birds !
I know as little about bikes as you m8, I would show the guys at the 'Garage' the 'yamaha' paperwork, simples
Sick to the core
Its an insult to public indecency !
just had a look at your profile,,,,, your names not Ahhcchhhhmeeddd is it, I kill you !
self defence
so people of Britain, lets make this nation Great again ! not because it is easy, but because its hard, and in self defence REMEMBER - HUKHKK !
That reminds me
Hi to the more experienced out there, how do you go about body swerving, a safety manouvre I'm told, that question to contestant number 3 , Sharon.