Everything posted by barkwindjammer
Gday from Swansea Australia.
Bonzer Bengo, welcome to the online equivelent of 'one flew over the cuckoos nest'
Best solvent
Good old fashioned parrafin
Newbie to the forum
Welcome to the nuthouse Donald
One Down Two to go, XJ600 Finished
Bloody hell thats looking good
Welcome to the Y-O-C Denis
*Tips helmet in your direction*
Welcome to the nuthouse Clive
Hi and welcome to the 'ward' James
New to biking
Aww, just bad luck Colin, well at least now you know what your up against-you'll do it next time m8, brave man to come back to tell everyone you didn't pass-no such thing as fail
First Bike
update on the dt50
Whoa horsie take on board what Oldgit and JimR are telling you-9 times out of 10 its always something simple
Hi, how you doin ? welcome to the nuthouse Pamela
Hi and welcome to the 'ward' Marc
Welcome to the Y-O-C Jon
new group, familiar name
Exorcist advert
dont look Pat, once seen you wont forget, ever
The Regular Birthday slot
Many happy returns Mervin :beerchug: well, it took a dozen of us constantly searching E-bay and car booties, butt we finaly got you one and all chipped in to buy you it, its in the post m8 and a musical request sent in by the lady at 'R Sphincter-tobacconists'
DT125R owner just joined up and saying Hi
Wot, next May ? kin 'Ell
New Guy joined today
Nurse, its him, he's hearing things again
DT125R owner just joined up and saying Hi
Great intro BEng, I've just finished reading it, I started reading at 5:28 GMT , yeah like Paul (Oldgit) says you should start/paste this into the 'Projects' part of the forum, its a new section for peeps like you-will be avidly reading up on your progress-best of luck with it
Stopping rust
A dehumidifier wont work, it will suck in air basicaly from Earths atmosphere and turn it into water-these things need to be in a hermeticaly sealed environment-a daft m8 of mine has one and grins when he gets to empty 2 gallons of water out of it-eejit !
Stopping rust
nothing beats bourbon creams or Tunnocks caramel wafers Garibaldi are for old people
Stopping rust
Not used Bergom but it gets high praises from those that do, it might have carnabau wax in it to seal a surface, but the problem you have is the 'dew point' in your garage which allows moisture to creep under any kind of seal, have heard of some old timers putting a 60w lightbulb in a biscuit tin under their pride and joy to keep them warm (its the cold metal that causes dew to form)-but then you run the risk of a fire -so I've not tried the lightbulb trick, just plenty or circulated air is the best you can do m8, and best of luck with your health and the re-build
First things first
Gen dobry Oscar and welcome to the Y-O-C
another xj6
Ahhhh a condor moment Mervin Mupp Mupp pfffff
Dating certificates for all Yamahas
:lol: good 1 Jimbo