Everything posted by barkwindjammer
new test
Have no worries m8, you'll 'sinch' it , when you thinkin of goin 4 it ?
DTX 125 project
Whats all this shouting?
The Sons Of Anarchy thread....
Eastenders, shite, wo-choo oan abaaaaat, you slaggg !, I've got a wellard now yes agreed, we should all get out more
The Dukes pass
Emdy ? watch out I nearly got 'Rhino'd' by a screamer on a gixxer las nite, not good twisted !
XJ600, Poss Colour Change
yeah I want that one ! no I dont like it ! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uxsVM3Guivs
Word Association Thread
Jamie Oliver and his hottie Jools (pucka lips) Oliver etc
Word Association Thread
Floyd, (We're just two lost souls swimming in a fishbowl, day after day)
Newbie to forum
Your welome !
XJ600, Poss Colour Change
thanks Dave thats not too bad a colour scheme me thinks, needs loads of pretentious stickers all over it now no seriously I could live wi that, your a wizard m8
XJ600, Poss Colour Change
I would 2nd that although the blue with yellow (if it was more yellowie) kinda grows on you ? would be keen to see this combo with a white frame, rear footpeg hanger and front muddy
Newbie to forum
I dont ride one of those but I'm sure you'll find ppl that do, anyway welcome aboard the starship loony toons (honestly its a great site with lots of help and humour)
The Dukes pass
Shahoorsur ! that sounds michty sair
The Dukes pass
Aye nae haverin tha' ken hoos it hingin yersel ?
The Dukes pass
Emdy else hae a belt roon the pass the nite or Callander ?
Foamy goes touring
awesome !
Don't you just love tools??
lol, the badness is in you m8
Don't you just love tools??
Just had a call from the manager at my local Aldi, it turns out that after I had gone through my long speil about the Old Git on the computermabob that said Aldi were getting coffins in, soon, she had thought I was talking about 'Halls mentholiptus'?, the language barrier I guess, anyway take back what I said about Aldi customer service, the guy went that extra mile, an example to us all and their not doing a coffin in the near future as far as he's aware !
Don't you just love tools??
Why has'nt someone invented an 'emoticon' for snigger out loud ? oh and meant to add, dont throw away the 'weedol' bottle, you can fill it with weedkiller, handy !
Diversion torque settings
Personaly I'd just go with Mr Haynes, and theres many talked about fixes for the Div clutch, Its just the nature of the beast, if I can find it again I'll PM you with one I thought was a possible.
Don't you just love tools??
Hey shooter, would be a good idea to fabricate some kind of 'curtained - catcher' so you can save as much sand as poss for re-use, OG's coffin is'nt too far away from a brilliant idea, phoned Aldi about them, the young Polish girl said she didnt know when they were getting them in?, shite customer service eh !
Pointless, but meh
Quote by OG : Ah Bisto
Pointless, but meh
Quote by Goff: Ah men !
Foamy showing off at RAF parents night
Word Association Thread
xj600 exhaust
Has anyone tried these? will post anyway for future reference, if theyre as they seem will be a good fix for the stupid f@rkin rotty steel mid section of an otherwise stainless system, who thinks these things up? the marketing and sales guys, I would guess anyway, fix is here http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?Vie...%3D1&_rdc=1