Everything posted by Richard_Bolton
Don't you hate it when...
(Patient) Doctor Doctor, I feel like a pack of cards! (Doctor) ... Sit over there and I will deal with you later
My new toy!
G'day all! Been a member for a while and never really post so take this opportunity to show off my toys Finally got my new toy for general use and fun! I say new... but new to me, 02 Mini Cooper which is a lovely step up from my Ford KA! I just love the central locking, haha as that was my main must have with a new car. Fairly low mileage for an 8 year old car at just 39,OOO Had to be good old British Racing Green with go-faster stripes! On a more depressing note... the summer toy is now for sale to pay off the rents for my new mota! Timing couldnt be better with the gorgeous weather we ware having!!! Just got 12 months tax, going for MOT next week and had a brand spanking new Avon Viper tyre on the rear! along with all the other bits over the year, so thought I would show her off while I have her, but hoping to sell it before the end of April and come next year have a shiny new bike for 2011! been looking at loads already and my wish list is full! Here are some pictures before with the original purple wheels and some after with new tyre on and polished rims! Going to the Stafford Show on saturday with the father! See if there are any bargins to be had! Also.... advertised the bike on piston heads and has been on there for a while now. If anyone has any pointers on my advert please let me know. Been told its reasonably priced and its a reluctant sale as the bike weather has just begun but please take a peek and let me know, would really appreciate it! P.S If you want a Summer-ready toy message me! Need it gone http://www.pistonheads.com/sales/1593012.htm Cheers! Richard
1994 Yamaha FZR600R
Thanks, well it needs to go now getting car on friday and will have to pay rents back by end april. Will go to £1000 but no lower really
1994 Yamaha FZR600R
Thats it... my biking days are coming to an end! after 2 years of owning it, making way for my Mini Cooper! Anybody fancy it? http://www.pistonheads.com/sales/1593012.htm Reluctant sale and still considering keeping it! oww... Check out the pictures anyway will try post some more on ere show it off Richard
cbt restriction confusion
Man, Barwell time flies with the restrictors on. You will have a HUGE smile on your last day Its like your riding a new bike. And funny about the R6 with restrictors, I wouldnt have minded one myself but bit too expensive and out my price range. I will upload a picture of my bike and the £300 restrictors that were inside.... my face dropped when I saw them! such a rip off! Lol Paulwhite, I have to agree with you about the car/bike but like barwell said, once you take your test which you should as soon as possible, your options go up :)plus the restricted bikes still pull good, look the part and have a fairly good top end for 33bhp! well I thought that on my FZR600R when that was restricted Richard
cbt restriction confusion
Yeah all your info is there now 16 years of age is a 50cc ped/bike 17 years of age is 125cc (14.5bhp) ped/bike under 21 with full licence is 33bhp for 2 years or until age of 21 over 21 with full licence is full power baby! my 2 years have just come to an end! YAY! get all your tests done ASAP! im 20 with full licence now and car too!
The Bikes are going... :(
Well... A while back bought a Suzuki GP100 non-runner, 6 months later... had enough of the GOD DAMN thing! still can't get the bugger going after spending over £100 on it for a good little commuter so there goes my project, and the FZR600R will soon be going my pride and joy! had lots of time and money spent on that keeping it in great condition as a dry weather bike only but hardly use the thing now... been out on it once in over 8 months... so will be looking for a new home soon! I will post some pictures up so show off my pride and joy extremely low miliage for a 1994 model! under 16k and looks the part! ... so yeah, there both going to make way for a Mini Cooper i think... Ford KA's dont cut it for me anymore so time for an upgrade! BUT... i think i will save for another bike as i cant live without one! was thinking more enduro/supermoto... 400cc maybe? anyone have one for a summer bike for a good laugh? let me know because i can't decide between a super bike/ spork like the FZR600R, GSXR600/750 (has to be '98 '99 model), YZF750R or something for a good mess around on like supermoto! Advise?
Bloody Suzuki...
Cheers for the posts all! Not had chance to tinker with the bike tonight but will be taking a look tomorrow, and I'll let you know how it goes. Sorry for the Suzi topic on a Yamaha site... was only a quick post for a few suggestions really. I will update tomorrow!
small bore touring
Haha, that sounds amazing... I am wanting to do something like this, but my only fear is breaking down on a smaller bike with an unknown cause/ problem like my GP100! Heard all good about this little bike, and the GP125! My plans were to do something small like spain and back maybe on 125-250cc Good think about 2 strokes... usually... is easy to repair... rich coming from myself having many problems so far but im slowly learning, which is why i bought the bike! was either that or Honda C90 but they have reached classic collectors status! damn... lol Keep us updated on your plans would quite like to hear them! Richard
Bloody Suzuki...
Hi all, Thanks for the replies, and sorry for my lack of information, after spending 7 hours on it Sunday... was tired and had enough! Right, BlackHat250, Timing was set to book standards, the bike is 1989 model U I think, but that’s the year of the GP100. My neighbour said something about the disc valve, as he had one around 20 years ago but wasn’t sure... Well I had it running after around an hour of play, setting the timing, checking the carb settings and cables, cleaned spark plug and kicked over which only lasted for around 5 minutes... then after a few more hours of play with the neighbours, the timing was altered ever so slightly every kick, carb checked again and was running for around 10 mins, took choke off after a few minutes of running but it wasn’t ticking over properly, so whilst we were altering this, it then died, but... the choke cable was pulled accidentally sending revs to 6k and that killed it. Getting towards the end of the day, checked oil pump settings, again the usual, points etc... kicked over twice and ran BUT only on 4k revs minimum... letting it drop below 4k meant death ---------------------------------------------- Pepperami, I ordered NOS seals online and they all fitted snug when the engine was split, didn’t slip in with ease but a good tight fit with the seals. The Condenser wasn’t NOS but haven't had any problems from it. ---------------------------------------------- Last time the bike went up the road before it died, simply checked timing, cleaned spark, and away, but the woodruff key flywheel side was obliterated... the previous owner couldn’t be bothered to get the wheel align with the key, so hammered it on where it was, and on removing this, a new one has been fitted, and all align correctly. Cheers All!
Bloody Suzuki...
Right... Don't make many posts, but I am losing the will to live with my Suzuki GP100! I have my FZR600R which is currently having its winter strip and service, and last year in September, I stupidly decided to buy myself a little project, non runner to learn about the amazing 2 stroke engines. So... £200 non-runner GP100 local, decided to buy, clean to a certain degree and get on the road for a laugh! BUT I am facing a huge problem and would really appreciate your opinions on how to solve my Suzuki problems! I have so far... Completely stripped the bike to just the frame, completely removed all paint and rust, re-sprayed and lacquered Split engine, replaced all seals, cleaned crank shaft, new piston kit fitted, new oil, filters cleaned Carburetor completely striped, rebuilt New spark plug, battery, sprocket and chain set, condenser and points Ignition coil checked, good earth Now... I have had it running a few times, but only for around 5 minutes maximum... The timing has been set spot on, oil pump set, carb checked, all lines free... but still wont run. It has been back firing a little, but this comes and goes. It was backfiring earlier today but carb was checked again, timing set again, oil pump checked, spark from plug yet... no life in the bike! Does anyone have any suggestions, or have had dealings with these monsters before? Heard lots of good things about this little machine, granted its a suzuki, but I couldnt find a Yamaha TY175 for sale within my small budget this is my next project HELP! thanks, Richard
RAF attestation tomorrow :)
Sounds mental, been keeping up with your posts, Im awaiting my interview for GEN TECH. Best thing you've ever done?
Suzuki Gp100....BUT!
haha Yeah bought it only as a project and will probably keep it for a while, I know, i was looking to buy a gp125 from the off but none were at the price i wanted to pay, but i have just bought stuff for my gp100 now to get it back on the road eventually... its in 1000 pieces at the moment, but pretty basic to put back i think. .... my mum had one of these bikes, cool factor at an all time low
Suzuki Gp100....BUT!
Just bought a Spares/Repairs GP100 and was wondering if anyone had or knew of anyone selling a few parts? Been looking on Ebay but cant find the ones i need Im looking for: GP125 Barrel and head unit GP125 Carburetor Expansion Chamber/ Micron Exhaust One of the previous owners ran the bike until the engine packed in, and taking off the gp100 barrel, found the problem... huge hole in the piston! with lots of crap nearly falling into the crank shaft, so engine is coming out and splitting, so while its off looking for small mods to make, and completely strip and tidy bike up A little project for myself and something to fart around on, If anyone knows of anywhere to locate these parts would REALLLLLLLLY appreciate it if you would post a reply and i will get back to you Many thanks, Richard
Damn! i wouldnt mind that invite from her
Thank you Not liking the horrible weather at the moment... no time for a good ride Need to clean my bike too! got caught out by the weather.
Dear all YOH users, Just thought I would introduce myself as i am a regular user, nearly every day looking at this forum but for the last 6 months, i have been unable to remember my user name/ password and have decided to do something about it so i can post! I currently own a Yamaha FZR600R 1994 Cocktail motosickle which to me is a dream machine! keeping my eyes open for a RD250LC mars bar bike.... Mmmmm.... but we will see! From Nottingham/ Shottingham... and dont know if there is anyone else from around here? But there... you will probably be seeing odd posts from me and when i have worked out how to display my bike as user picture you can see my little machine! Dick
weres foamy
Hello all i lost my account/password AGES ago but finally found it! always on this forum Just in reply i wish him luck too, does anyone know what trade/area he is applying for? Im waiting for my interview for the RAF at the moment! Richard
FZR600R Fork Oil Question
Still need info if anyone has it? please
FZR600R Fork Oil Question
Hi there, New member to Yamaha Owners Club : ) General question im hoping someone can help me with regarding a 1994 FZR600R Genesis Foxeye. Ive recently had the bike in bits for its winter clean as i had to ride it in the horrid weather every day for work, but now its ready for its clean and im driving around in my car My question... Well ive just taken the forks off and replaced the fork oil seals, BUT what is the EXACT amount of oil for each fork? I have a Haynes Manual but its useless because it doesnt have the amount for a FZR600R... So if anyone knows please email me or leave post! Plus, leave post let me know about your FZRs Thanks!