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Everything posted by AndyDtr08

  1. AndyDtr08 replied to AndyDtr08's post in a topic in Projects
    So the tale so far... I started by removing all the plastics and tank to see the damage. The most annoying of which was the tank. Someone has used far too long bolts to mount the rad scoops and has twisted them right into the tank. 3 out of 4 i think have holes. Oh well I planned not to use that tank but would have been useful for the next one. I removed all the plastics which i'll sell on ( if you're interested let me know) There were a few hidden suprises in there but nothing else too major. Part of the wiring is cut coming from the tail light but i'm not yet sure what it is for but will get to the wiring later once the engine and brakes are done. This leads me on to the engine. I was told when I bought the bike that he couldnt get it started an that was about it. I had the exhaust off and looked up the port. The piston and barrel looked scored so I decided to have the barrel off. Lucky i did: I'm going to take the barrel up to boretech engineering tomorrow and book it in for a re bore. Re-bore and piston kit should be 100 + VAT. Bottom end looks ok so have packed it and will just leave as is in the bike for now. I'd already had the carb out and replace with a far better condition one that I bought off ebay ages ago as a replacement for the one on my DT200WR. It's from an RE but i think they were exactly the same. I had a feeling they had 240 jets but im not sure. If anyone knows it would be useful. Whilst the carb was off i took the inlet manifold out with the reedblock and cleaned/check those. To my suprise someone had decided to have a go at the rumoured de restriction of cutting the inlet manifold up with a stanley knife. so had to replace that. Luckily I had about 3 spares due to my pallet shipment lol! Moving on to the brakes. They were all seized up as I said before. Now I've never done any caliper work before so i broke out the haynes manual and the expertise of a friend on the recovery from a bady ended relationship and we slowly made progress. I removed the calipers and stripped them back. I hadn't ordered any seals as It's a bit hit and miss about when I'll be doing what on the bike due to time constraints and wasnt organised enough before the weekend. Here they are in their present state. Still unsure about what seals, circlipsc etc i need as the kits and what the parts manual says vary. Will be asking advice in the workshop section after i finish posting here if im still awake. Looks like the fork seals need doing too as oil from them appears to be the cluprit in sticking the front caliper up. I got myself a DEP end can and did a bit of cleaning on it. Actually I got 2 but have lent one to a friend for his 2001 DTR for the time being. I also got myself a 3MB head and have cleaned and polished it up ready for the re build. I've ordered genuine Yamaha head and base gaskets. The headlight surround is now laquered and is hardening. The colour match could be better but is ok and wont be too noticable i dont think. I also managed to get hold of another Frame with numbers. I'll be applying for the log book tomorrow via post. Will have 1 complete bike with logbook, 2 frames with logbooks so the projects will continue It seems! I'm not sure which of these boost bottle is right? Anyone know? Thats all for now I think. If anyone has any useful info that they thik will help regarding calpier re building, fork seals or anything else really it would be greatly appreciated! Andy
  2. RD

    AndyDtr08 replied to kiers's post in a topic in Naked
    I have an RD350LC YPVS F2. I have an old rd125lc engine knocking around. If it's of any use to use for spares, its in a terrible state but may be of use. Let me know and i'll get some pics up to see if it is any good.
  3. AndyDtr08 posted a post in a topic in The Bar
    Just worked out how to use the IPB mobile app to get the forum up and useable. You have to add a community. Name : Yamaha Club Forum URL : www.yamahaclub.com Then it adds it to your list and works quite well from there.
  4. When i saw the title from outside the section my immediate thoughts were that posting it on a forum is a slow way to get hold of the fire brigade but looks like it wasnt that bad!
  5. AndyDtr08 replied to DirtyDT's post in a topic in General
    Mixed day really. Got a few bits done on the DTR, got another DTR engine delivered which had the 3MB cyclinder head i've been searching for. Visited my Dad in the hospital. ( on my way had to manouvre around a pallet lorry who's driver decided to park it just over the brow of a hill half in the road.....i live by the seaside by the way...where was it you were delivering cynic?
  6. AndyDtr08 replied to Baggo's post in a topic in The Bar
    LOL I wasnt suggesting using it on the cover. I meant for the bike. Sorry was abit off topic just thought it might be of use if he hadnt heard of the stuff.
  7. If you look on the side of the engine near the front sprocket it will say 1N23456 which is your gears. I think even the early LC's had 6. Do you know how many teeth the front and rear sprockets have. As Ryan was suggesting it could be that it's been set up for loads of acceleration which would kill off the top end speed.
  8. It should have 6 gears yes. Sounds like you're not getting use of 6th gear. 55-60 would be the time to change from 5th to 6th.
  9. Am I missing something?
  10. Does it pull like a TZR125? ADONFINKSOOO
  11. AndyDtr08 replied to NEV's post in a topic in Projects
    Sounds very nice! Do you consider it finished now or are you going to carry on?
  12. Yeah I know, but what he was saying was that it was just sucking. Never blowing....ooh err...careful! Didn't get a chance to strip it down today as my Father was taken to hospital so has been sidelined.
  13. AndyDtr08 replied to Baggo's post in a topic in The Bar
    If you have the ground space then I would go for that. They make metal sheds specifically designed as motorbike storage now although im not sure if you need a concrete base.
  14. AndyDtr08 replied to Baggo's post in a topic in The Bar
    At the same time?
  15. Hi Andy, what a great name. You've made a wise decision in looking for a DT and coming here to aks advice. There are loads of DT125 nuts on here and we're always pooling our research and theorys about the bikes. First things first is to decide whether you want a DTR or a DTRE. The DTR ran from 88-04 and in 04 the RE took over til around 2008. The E in RE standard for electric start; there is no kick start. I love to kick a bike over ! The RE obviously has different tank and plastics and the oil/coolant header tanks are in different places. Other than that theres not much difference. I owned an RE for over 4 years from 17-21 and kept repeating CBT's as i loved the bike. I'm now building 2 DTR's with all new plastics etc to restoration level finish. The RE exhaust is heavy restricted by the means of a CAT If you're looking at buying one then theres a few major things to check -Frame and engine numbers match the V5 -Powervalve - if it has a servo unit operating it, when the ignition is turned on, the powervalve runs a self clean/ set up. It will turn fully open and fully back and then return to a resting position. -Suspension linkage, often gets play and will fail an MOT, lean it towards you on the side stand and try and lift the rear wheel up. Should be no movement. -Panel mounts are intact including clips. -Exhaust, check for holes where it bends away from the exhaust manifold. Got to go now but if you want any more advice etc theres tonnes on here or give me a pm and i can give you a number to txt. Andy
  16. AndyDtr08 replied to Baggo's post in a topic in The Bar
    That one Nev posted looks good. About the same price you pay for the argos/halfords ones. I've used the argos/halfords ones before and as soon as the wind gets under them the seem to tear. I guess if you're keeping it outside, keep it clean to avoid the dirt and subsequent corrosion. I think it was you Nev talking about ACF-50. What results did you have from that? Theres lots of other brands of water repellent stuff that leaves a film to protecton it out there so I'd get some of that and go for anywhere that water might collect or run down too and anywhere else prone to rust. Depending on what bike it is I'd also look out for where water might collect on top of the seat etc with the cover on. Mirrors are the place that stretched/ripped my covers for my DT's. Also I have thought before about trying de humidifiers inside the cover but some might say thats getting silly. In my house i use disposable de humidifier that they sell in tesco for about a quid. They're plastic casings with salt n stuff inside that draws moisture out of the air. I have a glass door to a balcony over my garage that is in my room and condensation builds alot so I have one at the bottom always. It suprises me how much water it absorbs. I keep meaning to get a few for my shed:
  17. Well thats a relief. I don't know why I've never heard/ noticed it on any other DTR engines though. I'll probably have it apart today for peace of mind. It needs a clean up on the exterior anyway. When I bought the bike the seller said that he thought the reeds were blocked as when you put your finger over the plug hole, it sucked, rather than pushing your finger out. Surely it's going to do both depending on the direction the piston is travelling. He wasnt exactly mechanically minded so i dismissed it but just remember and thought it might be worth adding.
  18. Yeah, exhaust is still on. DEP downpipe and standard silencer at the time. Carb, inlent manifold, reedbock, yeis bottle, carb to airbox hose, airbox. Snorkel missing. Sound was coming from the inlet area with all in place. I manouvered my dumbo ears around as i turned the kickstart to track down the noise before i started taking it apart.
  19. AndyDtr08 replied to AndyDtr08's post in a topic in Projects
    Sprayed up the headlight surround. Will need to laquer tomorrow evening.
  20. Ok guys thanks very much. A little more I should have added. I took the reeddblock etc out because I could hear it when kicked it over with it all together. Another point which might help diagnose is that the rubber inlet has had the sides cut away like mentioned as a de-restriction on the dtr.net site. Not by myself, I opened it up to find it like that. A reall bodge job of it too. I was told when I bought the bike that Stan Stephens did some work on it previously but no receipts to show that. The crank cases have definitely been split at somepoint and there is a black gasket gooey stuff with excess coming away. I've never heard a noise like it on any other DT's that I've had but maybe im just paranoid. Tomorrow Im going to have the exhaust off so i'll look up and see what the rings/ piston looks like. If i get any worries I'm gonna whip the engine out and take it apart for a better look. Another quick one. I'm no good with electrics. If the headlight is removed and the wiring from that just hanging down an not connected, will this create a break in the circuit and stop things working? I hooked up a battery and tried the new igniton barrel i fitted today and the servo didnt do anything and no electrics seemed to be there. Thanks for the help guys, much appreciated.
  21. AndyDtr08 replied to AndyDtr08's post in a topic in Projects
    Well, progress on the Frame front. Thanks to David I managed to get hold of a full HPI check on the 1990 Frame. I have the reg now and so can apply for the logbook but turns out is marked as scrapped by DVLA due to being a Cat C write off. I think I can stil get it re registered i'll just have to get it inspected probably. The DT200WR needs that too so will do them both at the same time if poss. Been out stripping down the 98 today. Brakes are all seized up, engine is making a strange air noise, vid below as posted in workshop: I put the new ignition barrel on, torques to undo it....that'll stop theives, no one has torques do they! Anyway had a little mess around with some Peek on the dep pipe and rims. Won't be using the DEP pipe as I'm going to have a go at a standard with the plated knocked out etc. Bought a DEP silencer though and that came today so 'peeked' that too a bit. Sold my 86 DT finally so theres more space in the shed now. Well i use the word 'space' very loosely.
  22. AndyDtr08 posted a post in a topic in Yamaha Workshop
    What is this strange noise, never herd it before? Air escaping into or out of somewhere. Any ideas?
  23. AndyDtr08 replied to willkerrnot's post in a topic in The Bar
    Welcome Will, just read through. Thats good that its 2002 The DTR's are better imo and I've owned a DTRE too so i'm not just jealous of the new styling. Omce you've had the head gasket done, don't forget to keep checking the cylinder hear nuts and tightening them if needed. I'm currently rebuilding a 1998 and will be building a 1990 from the ground up afterwards. Great bikes!
  24. What about 34X heads from the earlier LC's? They appear to be smooth. gonna whip one off some of the spares i have. It's on a 3MB barrel at the mo.
  25. Thanks guys, much appreciated. I suddenly remembered it coming up in the de restricting DTR thread and theres lots more on there to prove your theory. I'll clean up my 3MB heads. I'm looking out for one of the TZR125 4dl/4hw heads too.