Everything posted by mits007
Royal Enfield Bullet
Any1 tried riding one of these?... I had a crash course (literally) when I went to India abt. 3 years ago.. Never been on a bike before learning on an Enfield... So for me, gear changing on the Right and brakind with the left foot was normal... Great fun they are!.. but not when they land on you because you try to avoid a bullock heading for a collision course (totally oblivious those things!!!) The best thing about riding in India is that you dont need to wear a helmet - such a sense of freedom!... - just pop your flip flops an and away you go.. err ensuring you've clothed all other necessary bits.. regards -mits-
bike stealing scumbag vigilante group sign up!!!
Darts are an excellent projectile!... however don't miss!.. you you'll end up getting them back your way!... Suggest a bunch of 10 - 15 & go kamikaze style....
HELP!! What do I have??
- Accessories
still a Virgin
I've had my bike since December, (only started using it now the weather is picking up).. However, I've never ever ever been out on a ride out with other fellow bikers... Any1 willing to help me lose my virginity to biking in a group?!?!?!... Any takers?... or when is the next planned event around Preston / blackpool area?... regards! -Mits-
Bikesafe event - Blackpool
Did any1 go to the Bikesafe event in Blackpool on Sunday?... I managed to get some nice saddle bags, there were some beautiful bikes there!... Some of which, look as though they must only come out of the "temperature controlled garage" for these shows... Absolutely mint!.. I might get slapped for saying this but there was this awesome honda shadow!.. absolutely gorgeous!.. I tried my luck on the guess the 6 digit code for the harley rocket.. (1 in a million chance).. but nope, I was destined not to win it.. :-(
V-star - dragstar - V-star - Dragstar?... :unsure:
cheers, yeah, I was looking at some accessories from chromeworld.com
V-star - dragstar - V-star - Dragstar?... :unsure:
V-star - dragstar - V-star - Dragstar?... :unsure:
I've got a 650 dragstar custom, is that the same as the 650 V-star custom?.... regards, -Mits-
A few more....
hehe!.. been a loong time since I last left skid marks!
A few more....
on the road / driveway, its easy enough, but its when I decided to push it on the grass, tried pushing it, and all that happened was my feet were sliding back on the muddy grass, so I thought, - hmm, lets ride it on the spot where I want to take the pics... - I was pulling skid marks left right and centre!.... In the end, realised I needed a combination of careful clutch control and a bit of pushing... Lesson learnt...
My Dragstar
Where is the best place to get them powder coated then?... The reason why yellow is on my mind is because I used to have a bright yellow car.... I miss it :-(
My Dragstar
robanglim: suprisingly, not that long at all if you use the right stuff - I use something called NEVR DULL (comes in a tin - wool with a non abrasive cleaner - smells a bit like brasso - lovely smell!) so whilst I'm cleaning I'm getting high!... Simple directions: wash chrome, blot dry, apply nevr dull, leave to haze(wo a whitish colour - abt. 5 minutes), polish off, spokes are a bit more hard work - not figured the best way to do these yet!... any advice?!?!. Goff: Thanks!... I'd love to get it sprayed bright yellow - what do you think?!?!..
A few more....
Tried shifting it back from the grass onto the driveway (with what little energy I had left) - This thing is sooo freakin heavy!... Thought the engine might give me a helping hand, - helping hand in making skid marks!.... I don't think I'll be pushing it onto the garden again!... Not until I've doubled the size of my quadriceps!...
My Dragstar
Why cheers!.... I spent aaaages polishing the chrome on Saturday - NEVR DULL works wonders!... regards, -mits-
- My Dragstar
Got it sorted Cov_al?...
I can be a bit heavy handed with these so I'm goiung to be extra careful now...
just had a look at mine (ahem - thats the PM list).. Everything ok, however, looking at the screen shot, gawd, I almost thought I needed glasses again..... :-p regards, -Mits-
Where is the best place to get good quality accessories for my bike (xvs650 Custom)?... Looking on the UK websites, prices are stupicly high compared to prices in the states!.. Are there any commercial implications regarding taxation or goods if bought from the States?.. Any1 done this / got around this?... Any advice would be greatly appreciated. (Presumably the V-Star Custom = Dragstar Custom?) regards, -Mits-
ker-plinck, ka-chink, ka-chunk,
cheers bigears
Chrome Polish which one ??
I use NEVR DULL, (got it from Heine Gerricke) probably spelt the name wrong and can't be 4r$ed to look the name up on google.. How lazy I am...
ker-plinck, ka-chink, ka-chunk,
Silly question, but then again, I am a silly person - So Is my bike a Custom, or a Classic?... How can I tell?!?!... regards, -Mits-
ker-plinck, ka-chink, ka-chunk,
hehe!.. yeah, the pillion seat is really something isn't it?!?.. Will have to find a stock replacement... know any1 selling one?... weekends looking a bit crap over here, Sundays meant to be a bit better,
ker-plinck, ka-chink, ka-chunk,
yep, a definite dull tunk sound which really makes me cringe!.. (Cov AL & PeterC thanks for the message, I decided to invest some time and register to photobucket, and oh!.. heres my bike... ) Pics of my bike - http://s637.photobucket.com/albums/uu93/000bambam000/bike/ err yeah, I guess this should be in the gallery area?!?!.. Why oh why have I got such a high pillion seat?!??!. I'd love to get a thinner one that flows with the shape of my seat.. regards, -Mits-