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Everything posted by drewpy

  1. I have those sold secure gold U locks, I can tuck it down my jacket or put it in the rucksack. supposed to be anti car jack as well (what they use on U locks) BTW they will still get to your bike, but with sold secure it takes longer for them to do it so puts them off.
  2. Kn'ell that was lucky. don't use any chain they are shite. you need a sold secure gold stuff for example; http://www.tredz.co.uk/.Oxford-Chain8-Sold-Secure-Pedal-Cycle-Silver-Chain-Lock-With-Padlock_64686.htm?sku=190701&utm_source=Google&utm_medium=AdwordsProductAds&utm_campaign=Adwords&gclid=Cj0KEQiAg7ayBRD8qqSGt-fj6uYBEiQAucjOwdVY49V0A4QSWGOcfnZwyrHJYYxTfwpOsaZ-Gn_xmnkaAibO8P8HAQ#
  3. check for cracks in the inlet manifolds too, it might be letting air in somewhere. do you have a compressoin checker? when I did my xj motor, I inadvertantly skipped a tooth on the exhaust, it started but would rev over 5 k. luckily no damage was done. I would double check timing and everything to get a base line, then have another look at those carbs as mikunis have some real small holes and needs a ultrasonic bath to get rid of detrious.
  4. drewpy

    2015 R1 oil leak

    there was supposed to be one in place, Alex said it was so. not heard from him in a while though
  5. wow, that's mighty good of you. There are toy runs up and down the country, but if your up for a ride out, your welcome to join us. it normally only takes a few hours along normal roads, and due to the amount of traffic a cyclist kept up with us.
  6. fecking idiot had the camra the wrong way round
  7. I used to go to origami classes, but the club folded
  8. nice one, martial arts teaches discipline and restraint. 1st thing i was taught in Shoto Ryu was defence, ie run away from the situation.
  9. that was a hot day, think Paul Brownie (OT) went to that one too as he was complaining of overheating the engine. mine was vapour locking shame that the Sally army one was cancelled due to the Police
  10. need to use a tank liner, POR15 seems to be the most ethanol proof
  11. mostly with CV carbs, you'll need to rejet the carb if you go that way
  12. Steve Glad you could make it in just for other members, he's the other baldy in this thread
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