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Everything posted by drewpy

  1. oops your right, i was looking at the NOS case when it was upside down thanks for checking!! I now need to get a plug made and seal the case, strange it wasn't already done in the first place!!
  2. drewpy


    I had a Z400 once can anyone tell me how old that is (that's if you can answer curt92x question)
  3. drewpy

    Another thought

    one's a bloke, i rekon that's Merv
  4. I have a new xs case (NOS) which I am going to use instead of my currently (porous) one The only concern I have is that there is a machined hole under the case in front right quadrant ( as you sit on the bike) Mine has the casting, but is either had an alloy bung drifted in or it has not been machined out! there is no aparant use for this and is maybe for a future/past mod that didn't materalise with me so far? The reason I'm asking 360 owners is, what do you have there?, is it like my 400 or do you have someting else in its place. Cheers Drewps
  5. anyone know of a decent dynamic crank balancer in the manchester/northwest area of the UK? looking to having it done when I rebuild the engine into new cases in a couple of weeks time drewps
  6. I'd be inclined to leave standard so its easer to sell. cables need to be loobed yearly ( all you readers do that don't you?) you can loob a cable using a funnel and plasticene to seal it and leave overnight, you can use a small cableoiler which uses the power from the wd40 (or whatever) oil spray or you can get a hydraulic cable oiler (£18 from Frost) and these force the oil through in seconds and are great (cos I got one )
  7. thought graphite was slippy? maybe put thread lock on your nut (not your head) maybe you could lap in the taper to get max friction using fine valve paste!!!
  8. sounds like you also need to make sure the earthing is sound and not corroded. you would need to undo every terminal and clean using wd40. BTW to the forum
  9. I did my old kh125 A3 with spray cans and also laquered it to stop any oil/petrol reacting with the paint!!
  10. does sound like a woodruff key, although they are only there to locate the part, its the taper friction that keeps it on. Maybe a loose bolt causing it to jump
  11. central wheel in birmingham wilde in leeds hagon
  12. If its a hydraulic clutch, it may need bleeding
  13. sorry to hear this chop! I know you love that bike all the best for the new year mate
  14. to the forum I love the xs400 sohc, there are only general tips i can give. just don't throw anything away as it invariably is the the part you need 6 months down the line, or someone wants to buy it from you!! the camshaft runs in the head with no bearing surface, so always keep the oil topped up and use the best 20/50 you can get. you can use RD stuff as the bikes chassis are similar and can also use some engine parts (rd400 D shift shaft is one) the bikes are simple beasts get a parts list ( or the online one from motogrid/yamahatopdog/bikebandit) and there are manuals links around the forum (yamagod is the one who has these at the mo') if you get stuck, search the forum first as we have discussed lots of xs400 problems over the year or so. If your still stuck, post in here and you'll get lots of info (good and bad ) drewps
  15. drewpy

    LOL not again

    they HAVE to be jokes right? I can't belive peeps would be that thick
  16. drewpy


    when did you buy the bike, i would say you are liable from then. If its still in the other persons name I would think they would be sending the fine to him!!
  17. never thought they used Keihn that's usually Honda stuff
  18. drewpy

    theme party

    I went to a Roger Moore/James Bond party last night, and for a laugh I went as Sean Connery. It certainly raised a few eyebrows.
  19. big bore doesn't always mean higher rpm as there is more reciprical weight to throw up and down in the bore. if anything it would be safer to keep the revs down rather than risk blowing up the engine!! I know 50cc racers get to 18,000- 20,000 rpm but that is for 1 race
  20. you've not met Goff yet though......................................
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