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Everything posted by drewpy

  1. if you mean the discount, i think its for everybody!!
  2. :lol: I had to drill one and buy a slide hammer to shift it, that's after a rebuild the year before!! I remember sending one, when I was restoring the bike, to local engineers who had to lathe the plug thin to get out the spring. The foreman told me, the operator was banging the fork down to push out the plug and visually checked every time to see how much it moved. the last time he looked the spring wasn't there and as he looked around, the spring hit him on the head. must have shot 30 feet in the air and took a few seconds to land best £20 I've ever spent
  3. drewpy


    just need to check the jet sizes as they even differed over the 400 range! to all intents and purposes, they are the same carbs as 400. i listed the jet sizes in this forum somewhere
  4. get saving those files as in the next few days it was announced on the radio that youtube are deleting all music videos
  5. Look up and say AAAAAAAAAAA!!!!
  6. you could try OG's rearend trumpet?
  7. drewpy

    New R1 owner

    watch out for volvos and pedestrians common problems are running out of petrol and losing the keys
  8. drewpy


    I like camel foot, but only on women
  9. drewpy


    mines a theakstones, no 3 or old peculiar cheers..... don't forget me nuts!!
  10. who i'll see in MAy at the NW200.....
  11. I give to Cathod as most of the money gets to where its needed, none of this flying look at me stuff.
  12. I was a dick pre 21, nearly killed me self loads of times (thought it was great though!!) wrote off 2 cars and spent 6 months in hospital on me bike (got experience points there!)
  13. drewpy


    HC (why do you hate camels?) I know what you mean about BCF!!
  14. jason moved you to workshop!!
  15. might have to whack it down as sometimes it gets a little rusty. get a partner (the wife) to pick out that thin, stupid, piddling, little bleedin' circlip which pings across the freekin garage and take fookin ages to find. put some copper slip in there before reinserting. and ALWAYS use yamaha O ring in there, as normal O rings are not the same size, then the top cap won't blow off under hard braking and get lost in the middle of no-where and you'll have to ride home with soggy suspension!!!!
  16. was this it? http://www.yamahaclub.com/
  17. Its a JAWA Wet Dream Racer, running on wild foam grown in yugoslavia seriously, the bike was made for the film by an engineering company even building their own engine!! I'm trying to find more info as I def saw some thing a few years on it!
  18. I always "nod" and curse if I don't get a response also I got the "open and closed hand" on top of the helmet to show police ahead
  19. ">" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344">I recon its donnigton, but some say brands ( i don't know brands though)
  20. drewpy


    ">" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344">
  21. in the 90's charlie was a trance hero (charlie being heroine as well )
  22. with the new style forum. Its even easier to post pictures and youtube vids. You click the "share" button and the shortened link will be highlited and copying into the thread box will let the vid embed its self
  23. yep! the bike was designed in uk for the film and used their own engine I belive. I used to know more, but my memory you know........( drifts back off to sleep)
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