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Everything posted by drewpy

  1. that's spot on, Jawacide the art of smashing everything in its path (including buildings) I'll keep my bike parked well away from foamy's at stafford next year
  2. HA! basic isn't microsft based its anacronym for "Beginner's All-purpose Symbolic Instruction Code" microsoft did do Visual Basic much later. I meant commodore basic. peeks and poke, run, goto etc
  3. drewpy

    Removing rim tape

    a heat gun is a craft tool not a paint stripper tool. good point though
  4. electrex is a good company, if it were electrix than i would be doubious as they might be trying to drum up trade by association!! ( never heard of them anyway) as for the rd's I'd PM merv as he is mod on the rd aircooled site and speak with him!
  5. drewpy

    hello everyone

    khayman nice buy, keep the Yam flag flying
  6. drewpy


    pre-ignition? check timing if you can and colour of spark plugs could also be piston slap
  7. Ned, I know some peeps who bypass the switch, I don't have one on mine(SOHC Model). I think its just the laws there which determine if one is fitted drewps
  8. could do, then put the finished bike in the gallery in all its glory!!
  9. just gets better and better don't it? glad your having a ball.
  10. do you mean electrex? or is this a new company?
  11. I bet he can't even programme in basic or navigate around in DOS
  12. totally agree, got some knob on an R1 cutting traffic in a 30, double white lines, blind left had bend. just took off at 50 and forces peeps to pull over. saw an old guy walking along the road holding his hands up in despair. i knew what he was thinking " fucking bikes" you could here the bike's revs wind up 1/2 mile away. although I am a "sunday" biker, I don't take risks or upset people without cause!!
  13. its the nose that does it!! he even has OG's poorly toe!!!
  14. OG out on a long summer ride on his DT, pulls up to a tavern in the middle of no where, parks his bike and walks inside. As he passes through the swinging doors, he sees a sign hanging over the bar: COLD BEER: £2.00 HAMBURGER: £2.25 CHEESEBURGER: £2.50 CHICKEN SANDWICH : £3.50 HAND JOB: £50.00 Checking his wallet to be sure he has the necessary payment, OG walks up to the bar and beckons to the exceptionally attractive female bartender who is serving lemonade to wild Foamy and a couple of his Moped friends. She glides down behind the bar to the old biker. "Yes?" she inquires with a wide, knowing smile, "may I help you?" OG leans over the bar, "I was wondering young lady," he whispers, "are you the one who gives the hand-jobs?" She looks into his eyes with that wide smile and purrs "Why yes, yes, I sure am". OG leans closer and into her left ear whispers softly, "Well, wash your hands really good, cause I want a cheeseburger".
  15. drewpy

    Removing rim tape

    wd40 is the thing to remove gum, I kid you not!!
  16. drewpy


    new one to me!!
  17. watch out for "Jawa the Hut"
  18. that's the trouble with youth. you think we never did any of what you do now!! how wrong you can be
  19. I thought you went to India on your Jawa
  20. drewpy

    Removing rim tape

    I suppose they sticl on, so a hair dryer, or heat gun would soften the adhesive backing enough to peel off drewps
  21. well you know, crocs do bite!!
  22. to the forum S-F use the worshop or classic section for your problems and tips
  23. Barwell the Bard!! a nice ring to it. It was a cracking day for biking yesterday, did you go on your own, or meet up with someone?
  24. drewpy


    when I accelerate I get this horrible sound......its the missus yelling to slow down All bikes make "a sound" (whether its horrible is in the ear of the beholder) so a bit better description would help mate!!
  25. is Duke electric?, looks like he's wired into the mains!!
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