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Everything posted by drewpy

  1. there was a german track race called the yamaha cup which used the xs400 for a while. the bikes weren't heavily modified except for rear sets fairings. the exhausts were not changed at all!! I have seen racing exhausts which are reverse cone megas but not pea shooters and if you wanted them upswept, you will need to change the gear change footrest and brake pedal postions, not impossible but mucha luca!!
  2. SIGN IN A STORE WINDOW 'WE WOULD RATHER DO BUSINESS WITH 1000 AL QAEDA TERRORISTS THAN WITH ONE SINGLE BRITISH SOLDIER!' This sign was prominently displayed in the window of a business in Glamorgan, South Wales . You are probably outraged at the thought of such an inflammatory statement. However, we are a society which holds Freedom of Speech as perhaps our greatest liberty. After all, it is ONLY A SIGN, you may say. 'What kind of business would dare to post such a sign?' Answer: A FUNERAL PARLOUR. (WHO SAID UNDERTAKERS HAD NO SENSE OF HUMOUR?) YOU GOTTA LOVE IT!!! God Bless The Welsh
  3. I remember a certain game called Doom came out on shareware!! it needed 4 mb memory, i had only 2 mb, it cost me £70 for an extra 2 mb, then i had to get a "game blaster" sound card 8 bit of course remeber the Cyrix chips, they were cheaper than intels, but wern't as fast!
  4. i used this guy, he's local to me so no mail issues
  5. that's John Cane, he lives 2 miles from me, nice guy but the only problem is that he's scottish
  6. there isn't any. think about it, you have the camshaft running in two halves and with gaps measured in the thou'. why would they ( yamaha)stick a 1-3mm gasket in there which squishes to whatever the gasket wants? you even have to ensure the top cover and cyl head have the same machining numbers or you'll have a seized camshaft. there are 2 schools of thought on sealing this; 1) use nothing and ensure all surfaces are spotless and true 2) use yamaha herme seal/wellseal very very sparingly ( as in official yam service manual) i have done both and ATM have the wellseal on with no probs drewps
  7. there is a powder coaters who have a 7 year guarantee and the part is galvanised first, an't think of them off hand, but I'm sure they are in CMM!
  8. to the YOC ghandi the xs250 is a simple engine, and if it is old enough, has points ignition. assuming you have a points model; I would use the points coils as they are different then elctronic ignition ones. I'd wire the igniton system separatly from the VF loom, it very simple. the charging system may stump you as it uses a feild coil to create magnetic field ans excite the stator to produce the AC. So i would use a separate charging loom. the way this is going; keep the vf lom for lights and graft in the xs loom just for ignition and charging. wiring diagram here also check out the sticky in the classic section, the xs400 is virtually the same engine.
  9. some guy on chopper underground used a tiny battery http://www.thechopperunderground.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=36508&hl= most peeps go for a 4amp
  10. triple-s charge £69 for frame and free swing arm, no VAT. but that's a ways from you. It'll give you an idea of costs by clicking on "prices" I recon you'll get charged £30 for the swingarm alone somwhere else. always take it to a bike/car powder coater, I've had a test piece done by a powder coaters in stalybridge ( staly-casino)who do gates and eveything metal and it was a Crappy orange peel and it wasn't propery prepared. To rub it in it also cost £20 about 4 years ago!!
  11. you're having a great time and want to capture the moment forever in photographs. you take special care framing the subjects, the lighting and all the other programmable settings..... but you didn't check the background, did you?
  12. drewpy

    For the newbies

    peeps and peepess's
  13. I find communication being the key. last year i won some exhausts ( rare yam ones) which i got for a song, he never sent them, saying this and that. You can get their address and phone number off ebay ( well just address this time) I found his number from 192.com and phoned him. Its amazing when you call and the subsequent service you get when they realise you have access to their home address and phone number coz it suddenly becomes personal to them and not some faceless buyer!
  14. just provide a link Kev and I'll embed for you!
  15. cool, wish my tyres went on that easily
  16. http://www.collegehumor.com/article:1794889
  17. catchy tune and a good story=hit <object type='application/x-shockwave-flash' style='width:683px;height:404px;' data='http://www.rathergood.com/plugins/content/jw_allvideos/players/mediaplayer_4.3.swf'>'>http://www.rathergood.com/plugins/content/jw_allvideos/players/mediaplayer_4.3.swf'> <param name='movie' value='http://www.rathergood.com/plugins/content/jw_allvideos/players/mediaplayer_4.3.swf' /> <param name='quality' value='high' /> <param name='wmode' value='transparent' /> <param name='bgcolor' value='' /> <param name='autoplay' value='false' /> <param name='allowfullscreen' value='true' /> <param name='allowscriptaccess' value='always' /> <param name='flashvars' value='file=http://www.rathergood.com/content/eric/eric.flv&autostart=false&fullscreen=true&image=http://www.rathergood.com/content/eric/eric_thumb.jpg' /> <param name='id' value='myplayer' /> </object>
  18. <object width="560" height="340"><param name="movie" value=" name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src=" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="560" height="340"></embed></object>
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