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Everything posted by drewpy

  1. just read somwhere about voltage regs. something about a certain type for certain alternators. I'll have a mooch and see if me internet history comes up with something.. found this from chopper underground The reg/rec doesn't know or care what brand bike it is on, all it's looking at is voltage. You can use the reg/rec from a permanent magnet alternator but that's not an ideal setup. In that case you would hot wire the field so it is always on 100%. That is a major drain on the system [40 watts!] and will shorten the life of the already sketchy rotor. try asking here The better choice is one from an electro magnet alternator since it will modulate the current through the field to maintain voltage. There are only two types, ones that mount between the battery feed and the field [where the other leg of the field is grounded], and ones that mount between the field and ground [where the other leg of the field is fed a constant battery voltage]. The XS650 used both types. The early mechanical regulators were the first type, modulating the power. The later solid state bikes were the second type, modulating ground. You can wire either bike with any regulator so it doesn't really matter which you have now. If using a ground modulating regulator on an early bike you will have to insulate the brush screws since they ground out one of the brushes. If you have an extra wire then it's likely a voltage sensing wire. For whatever reason, some bikes read the voltage after the ignition switch rather than directly off of the battery. Every one I've tested doesn't draw enough current to kill the battery so I'm not sure why they did it that way. Just hook this wire to the positive output that goes to the battery.
  2. also for hearts, which you don't seem to have
  3. float could have been punctured and also the inlet float valve could be worn. try for spares
  4. thought you were making a paper gasket, not spreading goo on it! that will still work, but i used to (before i had money) use cornflake packets for low pressure gaskets
  5. you'll need to take off the carb top and diaphram to release the spray bar under the mains, as it pops out through the carb top. try and get the carb ultrasonic cleaned as its the best way.
  6. to cheer up kev, i found his next bike does 5000 calories to the mile
  7. they won't refuse as its not a contributing factor in the accident and any court would'nt deem otherwise! if you bought "in good faith" from a dealer, they have a legal obligation to sell roadworthy bikes, otherwise its back onto them. I'd not mention any of that though unless asked specifically (in writing) I'd do what gas says, get a name of someone who is dealing with the claim, and phone them every day. I got knocked off my bike and phoned my solicitor daily, I also told him i will phone every day. he got sick of it, said i was i PITA and tried to say nothing will have happened in 24 hours TOUGH. he was glad to sort out the claim asap!
  8. apart from rejetting, which could be difficult to get right, will fit. you may need to respace the carbs with homemade brackets (easy to do)
  9. that's the one merv, def would be better with wires
  10. did you see the xs650 tracker on the trailer on the autojumble? they had a bash at crinkle finish but put on too thickly methinks. should have let us know, then we could have said hello!
  11. OK mate no probs, what about september meet?
  12. epic <object width="480" height="385"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GrIp3k5pJQM&hl=en_US&fs=1"></param><param'>http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GrIp3k5pJQM&hl=en_US&fs=1"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GrIp3k5pJQM&hl=en_US&fs=1" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="480" height="385"></embed></object>
  13. i did in me tracker log. but here it is again....
  14. you know you do have to service your bike every now and then!!! never go motorway if can help it. Have you tried fuse box? loose fuses can shift cutting out!! met Blackhat 250 and his mate sy and had a good chat, weather was good and so was the show and autojumble. there was loads of NOS yammy stuff cheap if you knew the part #'s. even saw a NOS TX/XS 500 wiring loom, £40
  15. its a handmade tank made with thick steel. I need to fill welds and even things up/straighten things out
  16. I wouldn't if i were you John weather looks good tomorrow ie its not raining! just been to the eccles Rock festival 12:30 to 10:30 for a tenner, great day/night; state of Quo, guns 2 roses, experience, heatseeker (acdc),zztops and a few i can't remember.
  17. Right peeps, had my tank de-rusted form these guys and it came back yesterday. now I am sealing it tomorrow night and then letting it cure for 48 hours. the question is, they put a phosphor coating on the steel (assuming its to stop the rot) and the guy said to paint it asap. I need to put filler on the tank to get the proper profiles etc. now the question (get on with it dewpy!) 1) do i apply filler over the phosphor coating 2) sand (ie key) the metal first, then fill 3) spray etching primer on over the phosphor and then fill 4) sand the tank, paint then fill any thoughts?
  18. nice artwork, did you do that yourself?
  19. looks like standard yam parts bin on the starter. xs400/250 certainly, ebay has the buttons!
  20. drewpy

    79 xs 400

    if the foam has gone , you can get new foam and cut it yourself and then get it upholstered. RK leighton in UK does upholstery and I bet any general upholsterer worth their salt would be able to foam and recover!!
  21. you meet all the nice girls on a bike
  22. bloody computer, the connections crap and I thought it didn't go through adjusters are cheap enough, I'd give it a go
  23. I think john was talking fantasy writers. G R R martin writes amazing (and complicated) stories.
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