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Everything posted by drewpy

  1. I would think battery first, but quicker to re-install the glass fuses first as they do corrode easily!
  2. He's a secret motorbike rider.... R Jim, R Jim he tried to give it up but its one of those nights.... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JqBa7eay6Fo happy birthday
  3. has he a brother called Mutt?
  4. where's the pickies? it didn't happen if there are no pictures¬!
  5. carpies cafe racer is a leg end
  6. this had me in stitches, reminds me of me when i was learning
  7. post is the killer now, its so expensive
  8. drewpy

    1996 SR125

    careful you don't leave it near those bins for too long as the council make take it away! only Joking, that seat is right up blackies street, if you get a new on, sell it to him have fun what ever you do to it
  9. that's a firework in Scunthorp! :lol: sounds like a great trip, how did you explain to the customs why you carrying an engine in your suitcase?
  10. It’s officially called a ‘transfer accelerator’ by Dutch railway maintenance company ProRail, but everyone else would say it’s a slide. <object width="352" height="198"><param name="movie" value="http://s.nos.nl/swf/nos_video_embed.swf"></param><param'>http://s.nos.nl/swf/nos_video_embed.swf"></param><param name="allowfullscreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="true"></param><param name="flashvars" value="tcmid=tcm-5-1001356" /><embed src="http://s.nos.nl/swf/nos_video_embed.swf" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="352" height="198" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" flashvars="tcmid=tcm-5-1001356"></embed></object> keeping with the rail theme, here's a knob crossing a closed line
  11. buy an angled adaptor. give us an intro in the newbies section please?
  12. use photobucket, the pictures get resized automatically on the forum
  13. bloody hell, the gall of some people
  14. the show wasn't the best this year blackie, but we def had great weather as always. managed to park my bike in the Honda section stick it to the man etc! never seen so many really pristine bikes wheeled out of vans, started and driven 20 yards to the show my fave was a honda 750 special done as a racer, some cool engineering done on a shoestring. (in other words thought about it and executed the job really well) met a fellow xs owner who has a few 400's in his garage although he came on an xs250!
  15. i went to my MOT tester regards the tracker lights. he said "they don't workdo they" I said, eh? and he repeated the same thing. In other words tape them up disconnect the lamps and get your MOT that way!
  16. cool OG thanks, I'm off next week on hols anyway, back week Saturday (5th August). I'll need one to attched connectors to the TCI etc!
  17. all good pointers guys' I think I'll go 1 size up then and solder/heat shrink the connections, cause that sounds like a good idea and very neat. I need to rewire the stator completly and thay have this cloth binding with sring and glue stuff. is it worth stripping that or just solder next to it. the wires are dodgy just inside the rubber grommet
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