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Everything posted by drewpy

  1. drewpy

    UK moped law

    one just sold on ebay http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/110755255210 http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/side-winder-sidecar-/260736315507?pt=UK_Motorcycles&hash=item3cb5187073#ht_500wt_1156 go on neuman I know you want one!
  2. drewpy

    Whats going on?

    probably thought you were doing trick or treat!
  3. drewpy

    UK moped law

    ...and who remembers the sidewinder? ride with L plates and a 250!
  4. drewpy

    UK moped law

    saw that OT, wasn't very enlightening, anyway the law was 16th december 1971 16 yr ols had to have pedals to ride a 49cc motorbike. ie it became a moped
  5. drewpy

    UK moped law

    15th december 1971 all 16 year olds had to ride a moped, ie with pedals
  6. drewpy

    UK moped law

    the gov, now class any 49cc bike as a Moped, bit like your tappets Fs1-e started as F5B
  7. drewpy

    UK moped law

    found it Up to 14th December 1971, a 16 year old could ride a motor cycle on L-plates up to 250cc solo, or unlimited capacity with a sidecar
  8. drewpy

    UK moped law

    tried Paul, they only say a moped has pedals pre 1977! nothing pre moped! I thought '73 ish too
  9. i was being pedantic, but that's how I am with engines! I always adjust the valve clearances not the tappets
  10. probably needs the float needles and associated parts
  11. no that's rocker arm adjustment for valves, tappets are these or can be mushroom shaped
  12. drewpy

    UK moped law

    when did the requirement to put pedals on 49cc come into effect in the uk, ie a moped? Googled and got naff all!
  13. try these http://www.allensperformance.co.uk/mikuni-carburettors.htm http://www.cameron-site.co.uk/nrp/
  14. all the valves need to do is seal. look for broken valve springs as that helps seal them too. I'd decoke and lapp in the valves, which you need a valve extractor clamp ( or make one from a G clamp,google it)
  15. never had gaskets go on me, i even make my own. The most important one is the head gasket, sealing in the expansion gasses! you need a torque wrench too, impossible/dangerous to guess tightening forces
  16. tappets? pushrod stuff OG looks like the head needs a decoke, and poss the piston rings are not sealing properly. what you should have done is taken a video before you stripped! you now need to check with your manual how much play is allowed and if the bottom end can be moved up and down at all (that may indicate the knocking sound you can hear) that's all I can profer up to now!
  17. YAY glad your sort of OK Jim, sorry to hear about your mother mate! just pop in now and again to let us know your ok etc etc.
  18. my speed is fine, running Firefox too. John hope you get in touch with Jim soon?
  19. <iframe width="560" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/UDV2oBSY7TA" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>/
  20. just in time for Halloween!
  21. @kev = twat @ merv & OG & OT cheers me dears
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