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Everything posted by drewpy

  1. Eh up lads, I've just woken up cracking weekend, great craic and a shame the TDM had a dicky fuel pump and missed the ride out. Airhead and myself still slummed in the pub drinking dark cider and watching the classic bikes go past (there was a local bike meet on but didn't sdvertise it) we even managed to get a Park run in at Bakewell strange event? - a cadilac with sirens on and a union flag blaring "who ya gonna call..." yes a ghostbusters vehicle then we had a silver van blat passed with a high reving engine in, lots of debate over what engine was in the van. Jason showing off his "lorry driver" accutriments ie a stove, dissed my little stove and then didn't have matches to light his (mine had a piezzo ignition) ? thanks to Finnerz for the great location to and for taking us to CMC at Claycross for the jap classic bike meet, some very tasty bikes there. thought i'd share some photos.............. 1st night in Pub, 2 singers, one sung the other just interjected with some awful catawalling, yea babeeee this is what you get if you ignore our requests, no place in the photo facebook watching the world (and bikes go past) PAul telling me to fork off, at Hassop station cafe after the parkrun camp site Claycross CMC - Tommy was looking for a new helmet XSS400 rat took Tommy to Hassop after Claycross, Austin 7 ride out https://imgur.com/crfkTKH thats all folks back to bed now
  2. went to Wray again on the FZ. my hip was really hurting this time but the op is due in 5 weeks so short trips only from now till i heal. the TDM is most comfy and has the most foot positions to stay comfy. anyway, some bikes of note; RD600 X7 RD ypvs special featherbed frame with KTM engine nice MV nice Gilera 150, reminds me of my 50v little Guzzi Hog roast couple of views on the way at trough Bowland
  3. managed to download the GPX and also get it to work! got me bits and bobs together, just need to find clothes etc weather looking pretty good too
  4. ah, but you didn't say which Monday
  5. one more thing, Paul and I would like to do the Park run at Bakewell Saturday morning. starts 9am and we should be back by 10am. Is this OK or does peeps want to set off earlier that day?
  6. nice, well done Yay, glad to see you there Pat finnerz, can't seem to download the GPX file mate
  7. To welcome back the new forum, thought I'd jolly things along with this...... clicky here
  8. do they not have one of those diagnostic ports on the electrics? they also use the tacho to obtain codes for troubleshooting
  9. talked yourself into that one mate. If you can post the route/s then at least we all have a chance of meeting up
  10. TDM is alive and well now. Who is leading the ride outs? can we have an itinery so at least when John and Kev get lost they have some chance of finding their way back
  11. bit of an update; fitted the refurbed wheels with a larger tyre and also a new rear disk. Also fitted the refurbed front disk using original hub. I think I mentioned the saga of the fuel dump into the engine, well I've rebuilt the carbs (even having to helicoil one top carb thread). new inlet manifolds as the old ones were cracking, new throttle cable as I have to cut the old one off. The new throttle cable was a bugger to fit at the carb end as there are so many tubes attached to the carb. reset the TPS as it was out I balanced the carbs after replacing the oil filter and new oil. the bike runs a dream now, even better than before, the clutch cable was very slack but after tightening up seemed no issues and in fact changed a lot better than before. the enfoced fuel in the oil must have flushed the crud out of the engine. no knocking noises and jobs a good 'un
  12. what time are you finishing? I'm out for 4:30 usually, and can load up/check the bike day before so I'm ready.
  13. I'll be there friday evening, might have to go on the FZ as the TDM decided to dump all it fuel into the engine. ordered carb bits and new intakes from Wemoto which aparently is coming tomorrow. you never know, just won't have satnav capabilities. there's another place called the bike hospital "Regular Saturday Bikers Hub. Start or finish your day at The Bike Hospital with free brews. 9am until 7pm (or later) EVERY SATURDAY RAIN OR SHINE Snacks and even bacon butty's are available. Car park is big enough for 100+ bikes. Meet new friends or bring your own and then go for a lovely ride in the Peak District.(Snake Pass, Woodhead Pass etc) Remember to do a free tyre pressure check when you visit. Further details, please contact Danie 07728702965" https://thebikehospital.com/
  14. saw the photos on faceache, very ingenious. My mossy repellant came today so here's hoping I don't get bitten
  15. drewpy

    the phone!

    can you see link now? can't seem to get the embed on the page anymore
  16. thank feck for that, your driving me nuts with all these Q's ?
  17. https://youtu.be/BvjterYmC98
  18. hip is really painful, everything else is fine mate
  19. https://www.relive.cc/view/1584652365
  20. or carbs need a clean inside. spray your easy start around the intakes and if the revs rise because it it, there's a leak so you need new intakes. otherwise it might be best to send your carbs away to be thouroughly cleaned inc jets. I've used NRP in manchester as they are close to me.
  21. if they are dry, no fuel, carbs may be sticking shut of full of dried/stale fuel. keep spraying some easy start in the air box and if it sort of starts, its the carbs
  22. mananged it Guys, was very tough as the temp rose to 30'C The start, empty pen, sson to be filled with 4000 runnners China Town met some guy from darn sarth, running for RMCH its getting full finished and knackered, get quite dizzy with the heat but didn't pass out thanks for your donations (if you haven't you can still donate)
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