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Everything posted by drewpy

  1. K , will be there either way as Mike said he'll bring in the "cough" Car if its inclement weather
  2. don't blame you Pat, wait till the weather's better, so see you next year then
  3. welcome back barsteward Barwell
  4. R1 you treat with respect. my friend just come off one, his fault and very experienced. bike's written off but he's ok! just a cautionary tale that's all!
  5. still says cloudy with meatballs for Saturday!
  6. C U next Tuesday http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=see%20you%20next%20tuesday
  7. that's coz dem burds stolen them
  8. Jak. did you see the 250 carbs on ebay?
  9. .and you got a £200 excess
  10. says cloudy, 14'C, rain later in evening
  11. drewpy

    L-Plate F'd off

    some people already are knobs http://www.liveleak.com/view?i=9fb_1255555670
  12. 2 - 3 turns out from bottoming out.
  13. jet up 1 size (goes up in 2's)
  14. M&P and Busters are the same company Puig is a German company so try there, it might be cheaper cheapest i have found http://www.getgeared.co.uk/PUIG_Universal_Mini_Sports_Touring_Motorcycle_Screen
  15. did you soak the plates in oil overnight before fitting. The cork swells slightly taking up any slack
  16. check out my blog on a "how to" with colour pictures
  17. could be leaning too much on the bars or not going fast enough
  18. I use an old leaf blower I got from ebay for £10. see I own 2, 2 stroke machines
  19. Aye, Happy St George's day. We had our march yesterday, blocking all the roads up etc I did a St George's theme day at work which went down really well.
  20. I use a puig screen on the xs and it kept a lot of wind off the chest and doesn't look too bad either. mines similar to this but clear http://www.busters-accessories.co.uk/productinfo.aspx?catref=MP1482F&tier1url=Bodywork&tier2url=Screens-Unfaired-Motorcycles&tier3url=Puig
  21. obviously not heard Kev on the Bog
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