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Everything posted by drewpy

  1. nice one, could have warned me it was LOUD! jumped outta me skin, well done
  2. you gotta have faith
  3. give 'em a rub down and see if they are pockmarked with rust. If they are smooth, then I think your ok. I'd prefer to renew myself if i doubt
  4. "But Kevin Clinton of the safety charity Rospa said the rise in the number of deaths was disturbing." and If Kevin is disturbed whats a little bit of VTE within society! (I'm being factitious there)
  5. John would, he'd do anything for money
  6. you need to get a bike manual, it tells you all the procedures. head over to xs400.com as your q's are answered many times over
  7. less motorcyclists on the road due to crap weather maybe?
  8. if a battery gets under 50% of its charge, you will not be able to reclaim most of the amps back due to sulphating. If it goes completly flat, then your in deep doodoo!
  9. I always wondered how blackhat can afford a KH750 and Dt etc etc. Then whilst watching this video, there he was. WHAM! it must be the royalty cheques he gets from appearing. 40 seconds in with the hat on
  10. pound shop degreaser for me. Peeks polish on everything as its a gentle polish bit of wax on the bodywork and chrome Motrax clean and polish on other bits dry off with a leaf blower on full chat,now that pisses off the neighbours
  11. I think it costs and the benefit isn't there yet!
  12. drewpy

    YOC T-shirt

    too busy faffing with minis that's the problem
  13. I enjoy using my open face, its quite liberating. I just don't ride silly as the protection isn't as good as a full face!
  14. I think you have the DOHC model. these bikes don't like standing so the carbs foul up. usual thing is to strip 'em down and thoughly clean them. putting on pods exasperates the issue as you will be running lean. a size up on mains won't go amiss when cleaning carbs. just give the bike a tune up and you'll find starting a lot easier. An intro/hello in the newbs section won't go amiss too
  15. hasn't been activated.
  16. that was good He sounded like Airhead when he went in Kev's tent last year
  17. I think we should get a YOC jingle written for us
  18. Out Illustrious Admin and owner of this site has his birth-date today happy Birthday
  19. the advice is, always shop around. I was at an insurance company and overheard in the board room how they set prices and which business they want. they allocate a limit to attract punters, then when its used up, charge more to put the rest off. It spreads the risk profile for the company. there are other factors like renewal and new business. think abut it, you don't want a portfolio of just high risk punters as you'd soon go bankrupt.
  20. keep practicing, it takes a while. So long as the the readings are the same on each carb, it doesn't matter what they are saying. Did you rig up a temporary fuel supply?
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