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Everything posted by drewpy

  1. are they the clutches with the "mushroom" actuators to pull the plates or is it the rod and worm drive to push?
  2. should have the fz mobile again by then, the A49 looks a good road down. Let you know in summer time, prob Tommy will come too
  3. I enjoy the ride/race out with the two farts, and unfortunately couldn't camp as I was working next day. If ac/rd rally is in Derbyshire again, that's a really nice area for riding in. I think it's best to have something going on at the same time as that what adds to the event I'm seriously thinking of going to the Haynes museum as I've never been there!
  4. that looks nice, the same shape as my tracker. how about getting some black plastic sheeting and you can mold it with a heat gun too?
  5. I've seen a giant heater/blower on the runway at Chivenor de-icing the runway
  6. what I do is copy the img bit in photobucket and then manually put the img tags in
  7. doing me out of a job Jimmy
  8. look forward to seeing the results John, can you toast a teacake on it too?
  9. Bit of '70's nostalgia. Dave Croxford was hilarious about the TT circuit, he could even name a section and was racing it next day! chest felt asthmatic with all that smoking too
  10. some transfers came today from Classic Transfers, £12 delivered had the frame properly welded and they also welded my brackets on the fork legs (I need to dress them though) Frame went to Ashton Powder coat and they'll have it ready for this Friday A bit more painting needed and a bit of machining on some new parts (thanks Bob) as they are not perfect
  11. mechanical removal, ie wire brush, then chemical. you really need to remove the items off the bike as you run the risk of scuffing the surrounds
  12. when's the 2 stroke Squires meet this year?
  13. whats that PVC restorer like. the one you use on window frames?
  14. but did you learn anything Kev?
  15. i clicked forward at 5min intervals
  16. get in your comfy chair, get yourself a brew and watch this masterpiece of craftsmanship. http://vimeo.com/60718161
  17. watching it on bbci player. bit like pulling teeth that ride though
  18. drewpy

    Back to work

    ha ha, that's the way to do it. did some spraying last night. In the kitchen of course as its too cold in the garage
  19. I thought someone must have tried to "polish it", it did bug me and I thought of anodising the swinger thanks, good to know
  20. drewpy


    motoward is another one I use, they have parts others don't governors bridge can turn up useful stuff too
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