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Everything posted by drewpy

  1. I assume you mean mini disk? couldn't afford one
  2. drewpy

    Fz600 Gulf

    that's sounds a good idea your last post wouldn't work, it will have to be magnetic and probably pretty close to the pickup
  3. bloody wacked it tonite at scouts and expleted a few anglo-saxon words. £2.5k was the limit and is about right for the ped. you dumbasses thought it was £1600? that 65% of 2.5
  4. drewpy

    Fz600 Gulf

    my next Port of call would be to try and re gap the pickup. the main issue is its screwed to the cover and the only way to check was maybe a bit of plasticine on the mag and see where it hits. for reference, all the ignition and charging electrics and motor are '91 xj600
  5. got a call and the driver has admitted fault. so solicitor coming round tomorrow morning and awaiting the assessor to look at the bike. as I am on agreed value, the ins normally call it if more than 65% of value. This means that I have £1600 to play with, so should be ok.
  6. drewpy

    Fz600 Gulf

    I think it works by the raised magnetic "Castles" on the magneto passing the pickup coil with sends a small impulse to the ignitor. whether the ignitor sends anything through the other wire (there's two) is anyones guess. They do have to be the right way round, but if wrong doesn't affect the ignitor ie not destroy it. I think you need an oscilloscope to see the effect as its very small voltages we're dealing with.
  7. drewpy

    Fz600 Gulf

    2.1 ohm coils from '91 xj. the fz's are 2.5 off the top of me head
  8. drewpy

    Fz600 Gulf

    yep and i have all the right connections in place with 12v to coils, all safeties bypassed, coils within specs, ignitor tested and working, earths checked. 3 month gel battery resting with 13volts on and kept on an optimate.
  9. its timing then or you put the piston in backwards?
  10. there was none of that level of grip from the tyres back then. You can even see the difference by the way the bikes handled along with the power delivery. Schwantz said the difference between staying on the bike or leaping 2 storeys was 1mm of the throttle. I saw the 89 GP at donnington and the whole place was electric. I wanted Rocket Ron to win be he was so outclassed.
  11. shit, it was wednesday the TIVO recorded it, but you guys might not have been lucky. some shit going down with all the crashes on those beasts. Even Mick Doohan in there
  12. if your on bt45's i'd go 33 front and 36 rear, big difference in handling.
  13. does this mean the bike is running or that it still doesn't run but you have a blue spark?
  14. drewpy

    Fz600 Gulf

    and mine is 95ohms, still its the only thing I have left to replace
  15. a tangy tasty sausage with a mayo topping
  16. all credit to you John, looks amazing there. I see your thinking of selling it? need to ride a bit over summer, then make your mind up
  17. yes, what a bummer the whole thing is
  18. Grand Prix 500: The Rainey Days Tomorrow 24th april on ITV4 from 9:00pm to 10:00pm Sports documentary follow up programme in the Unrideables series this time focusing on the story of US motorcycling hero Wayne Rainey who dominated the sport in the 1980s and early 90s. Rainey at this time was locked into a weekly two-wheel stuggle in the world championship with rivals Eddie Lawson and Michael Doohan, but it was gangly Texan Kevin Schwantz who was his main rival. The film includes incredible footage of those heady days, and the men involved talk candidly about their amazement at some of the things they did on the track, and about the price they sometimes had to pay in injuries. It also includes contributions from journalists, managers and their busy PR team. SUB Sport Motorcycling
  19. update; driver has admitted liability, which stops all the shenanigans. His insurance phoned me and apologised and they are sending an engineer round to inspect the bike. bankstone are handling the claims and looking at their site are specialists in motorcycle claims. so far so good
  20. Rule Britannia Sent from my RM-914_eu_euro1_280 using Tapatalk
  21. Thanks Foams still got the tracker and the FZ to play with. engineer will inspect and as its agreed value it won't be written off. solicitor booked in to see me too!
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