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Everything posted by drewpy

  1. I think VOSA has to authenticate it to prove that it is indeed restricted ot anyone can claim that and not actually do the work properly. you would need a paper trail to sort out any insurance/police interest in the future
  2. its a winding engine, takes miners down at 30 mph and coal at 60 mph when under full steam. if you look on the floor when I pan round the corner there are spare piston rings on the floor
  3. great pictures,Mother Shipton's cave is near there, could have left foamy's DT to be petrified forever
  4. Went to Astley green and they started up the winding engine which is now a rare occurrence. S'pose you have to like steam engines
  5. was it a good show? only managed to go local to the Astley Green classic bike show! mind you they fired up the giant steam winding engine which shook the engine house! then a DC3 Dakota flew overhead as I was heading home ( Barton Airport open day)
  6. same years xj, FZ and radian share the same engine
  7. good score, hope it works out
  8. I'm on a sponsored walk with the scouts atm, so don't know if I can go!
  9. drewpy

    Loomies Cafe

    that's a bummer, hope they recover ok
  10. sorry, I got Monton Village Festival with scouts, then a few hours might over to the Ship for a small bike show, Sunday district scout sponsored walk and hopefully another little show at Astley Green Colliery. then I need to wire the towbar electrics inbetween all that
  11. i just think he needs to know where on the block the different coloured wires go eg red/supply, which part of the block etc. no copyright issues there. I don't have a 900 so can't help
  12. just seen this on ebay http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=221482123134&ssPageName=ADME:B:SS:GB:3160 useful for spares
  13. weather looks good too, enjoy
  14. got a flyer at Show with go for the BBS 27th July Barnsley RUFC, Shaw lane S70 6HZ 10am - 5pm £3 in
  15. I went in a hughes with a great big V8 behind me, full bubble canopy. fantastic I could almost smell the napalm in the morning
  16. you can build the weld up with that stud, it won't stick to ali using a stick welder, then finish off welding on a nut. let it cooll and it should move. I do all of them studs. try some ally wheel cleaner on the engine, its phosphoric acid based and should help get rid of the white dust
  17. I find in my empirical research that commuting by helicopter reduces my commute time considerably more, even better so the further it is!
  18. next will be 29th, Lotherton hall near Leeds. unless work gets in the way
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