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Everything posted by drewpy

  1. if I can photoshop that good, i'll change me job
  2. my mum had the cornea replaced, never regretted it. just think 1 year down the line after its done, just a memory
  3. drewpy

    Project hakka

    wow, a yin and yan thing there. gutted they are losing their home, but happy you are keeping the bike and finishing it off. maybe you could let him have a go when its all finished?
  4. some numbers there Jason. I'd rather not know what I have spent over the last week or so on fuel etc
  5. yep, the perspex waterproof cover looks like it has a "light frequency" which makes it shimmer. May try and fit some glass instead, already dampened the mic as ther's loads of mods for the Mobius cam in the net
  6. you may upset the handling, the front does need to be thinner than the rear so it can steer the bike.
  7. drewpy


    my forst Rush Album was Archives, their 1st 3 albums in 1 package. Hemispheres was the second and my Bro was into them so between us we had them all. I lost them in their synth stage as it went too far from their roots. took my son to see time machine tour though
  8. wow, great intro. looks like you have covered most biking needs for now. I'd get the op if you really want something, but that's up to yu to the forum
  9. took the Mobious and used its new waterproof case, it amplifies the bike noise so still needs some work on that. can you find Tommy miss the bend?
  10. drewpy


    saw them live playing this in 79 on Hemispheres tour
  11. why was Andrew carrying this? maybe something to do with this? fish and chips in Scarbro' YOC 2015 go faster gaseous intensifier video of that object in action with Kev (not work safe) https://www.youtube.com/watch?edit=vd&v=zZv0ggTye8Y
  12. Micheal Dunlop in practice https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h1SXDI_r3C0
  13. drewpy

    A Fine Farewell

    what a star and a gentleman may he rest in peace revving the nuts off his BSA in Heaven
  14. I did, was buzzing for ages. poor tommy had to endure it for hours after
  15. got one in my tool pouch,see you in a few hours
  16. my first time on a proper race track. Had a hoot and was put into the high BHP class so I was with a Rotay Norton, Laverda Jota and MV triple
  17. the island was one big bike show. It was amazing, took a bit of used to overtaking police cars at 80 on the mountain! I even met a friend at Sound, really random and then a lady in Peel who used to live in Eccles too. Tommy borrowed a go on one of the XJR1300 and pulled out on a Ferrari at the Creg. was funny watching him on an unfamiliar bike hooning it down the road at 100mph+ and a red Ferrari on his bumper. The whole pub was laughing
  18. Tommy and I were thinking leaving McD's at 9am and going straight there
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