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Everything posted by drewpy

  1. there's others to choose from, i thought you might like a change!!!!
  2. I'm sure they'll be a charge, or the battery will be flat!!!
  3. drewpy


    you have an air leak sir or your pilot system is blocked. is the pilot screw nice and pointed (ie like a needle?) or is it rounded/blunt?
  4. I agree, get new caliper seals and renew the brake lines (HEL are good as well as cheap)
  5. don't get the areosol version as it works out more expensive. I bought the pump action with 1 litre of the stuff from stafford last year and have used about half of it (i do use it a lot though!)
  6. not sure mate, I only found out today as I bought an xs400 crankcase and it turned out to be be his best friend. It was he who was selling on behalf of his Mother!! spooky eh!!
  7. drewpy

    jet needles

    True..... hope you like my new avatar
  8. It is with sad regret to inform you that one of our forum members xs360 (peter) has passed away. he came back from America about a month ago with a chest infection which led to complications and had a heart attack. As well as his xs360, he was into the Z750 twins in a big way and was well respected in the Yorkshire village where he grew up. In fact at his funeral the whole Village attended. I wish his family my condolences may he rest in peace and gone to biking heaven!!
  9. i had a feeling that was comming (said the actress to the bishop!!)
  10. most use a breather filter. theres an NOS wiring loom on ebay at the mo' Item number: 370108474847
  11. drewpy

    jet needles

    read the posts OG, Bindun!! why don't you try 400 barrells/pistons etc and run the 400 carbs if you get stuck?
  12. drewpy

    Site Update!

    I was suspended from one forum all because i didn't put the info I was asking in the the right order!!! soon moved on from there, noob heads!!
  13. drewpy

    LOVE iS.......

    ....... like pissing yourself - everyone can see it, but only you can feel that warm, fuzzy feeling it gives you.
  14. one here Item number: 7579684608
  15. I'd just restrict the throttle cable so it only opens up so far.
  16. drewpy


    the only bush i like is on the wife's...aherm!!
  17. drewpy

    The Zipper

    Texan....bite through the chocolate and chew.....reeal sloww...
  18. don't think, just do it. you should be able to do at least 100miles. I used to do a lot of cycling and 90 miles all day was easy circa 15 mph (inc pub stops) the pictures you'll take and the laughs you will have will live with you for the rest of your life. Why not try youth hostels?
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