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Everything posted by drewpy

  1. cakes go hard when old, biscuits go soft when old Barkwind, whats with the blue twig in your avatar?
  2. cool, whatever happened to deCosta boots? og will remember those
  3. I'd say fleabay or craigs list
  4. get the battery charged forst and you may be ok!, my newish battery lasted 2 months and gave up. This made the bike run crap!! So now I always buy a decent named battery. drewps
  5. drewpy


    Congrats Goff
  6. a 1969 R3 2 stroke thing http://www.boats.net/parts/search/Yamaha/M...HEEL/parts.html or an rd350 1973 http://commdataconversions.com/YamahaPages/1973RD350.htm
  7. no, you peg a top trumps card into the spokes and put those free kelloggs spoke beads on. and don't forget the tassles in the bar ends
  8. that young guy who 1st sits down is gotta be foamy! he'll try anything, even for a banana!!
  9. this bike is the one Foamy gets all "foamed" up about. spoke wheels, yamaha yellow, two stroke, ape bars chopper styling etc etc what is it? raleigh wisp engine, chopper frame with chipper rear wheel AWSOME!!
  10. small update, got my tyres, but need a bung for the rear rim to finish that off. I have 2 weeks off starting next week so i'm gonna finish off those carbs and do the wiring and hopefully fit the new rear wheel.
  11. there's some one in the UK ebay selling/breaking an xs500
  12. Not sure i noticed this before, when I timed the left cyl it was on the LF (left fire) mark as per manual. When I go to time the right side, its on the RT (right timing) which is for the valves. I can't get near the RF mark and left it on the RT. It runs fine, but I need to know how this could happen, ive search my brain and its not comming up with the goods any ideas anyone? drewps
  13. TIP; take off the throttle cable with the lifted carbs out of the frame to the right of the bike, reverse to reinstall cable.
  14. now all we need next is a video of where you can stick your peeled banana !
  15. fair comment and I have been deleting posts which do this. I can't be on 24/7 so some may slip the net!! drwps
  16. did you knock the cut off switch?
  17. Ahh but this was for the benefit of other forum users who may have the same problem!!
  18. drewpy

    UGP supporters

    have you tried facebook?
  19. drewpy


    http://www.motoward.co.uk/ motomax http://www.yamahaspares.uk.com/index.htm http://www.cmsnl.com/ and to the forum saviola
  20. I dry my bike with a 2 stroke leaf blower. great fun, neighbours hate me I'm sure I also wax chrome as well as paint work
  21. I thought it was someone who ducked down and then up again repeatedly
  22. everything........? better not tell foamy then
  23. frank, no circumnavigating the "for sale" section please!!!
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