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Everything posted by drewpy

  1. cheaper to buy a replacement pack http://www.mrmegapack.co.uk/xs400-stainless-allen-crankcase-covers-screw-kit-15198-p.asp
  2. doesn't look enough metal there with a cast part. Although that's the first I've heard about it
  3. this is the bit where I start thinking if I have done enough prep for the Spanish trip next week. I have lists and I know I've asked peeps about what to take. Just seen the news last night and Spain and Italy are in a drought although I have a friend in Pamplona ATM and she says its raining! so I'm excited and a little worried at the same time. Still wouldn't swap it for the world. I just got to keep the missus sweet as its our 25th wedding anniversary when I'm away too
  4. well that's a bummer, just been told I'm working friday and saturday WTF!!
  5. mates doing it in a few weeks on a Honda C90
  6. give him an ultimatum, poblem is, he's under obligation to his insurance company to report an accident to them, same as you are. If they find out you won't be covered as withholding information from them
  7. lots of peeps are using Flckr now. I just pay the £2 month for photobucket
  8. 3 sisters went bump last month, think they are sorting something though
  9. way too risky, don't know how you can value your life against a few spokes you want a wheel collapse when the wheel is under load? (braking, corners etc) you can do this yourself using youtube vids (I did) get spokes from thailand as I and John have in the past
  10. 'bout time Kev, you've missed loads
  11. nice collection of bikes CCM are built near me in Bolton.
  12. yep, tx more usa focussed 500a and 500b models, XS more European based
  13. its probably running a field coil charging system. it needs a healthy battery to charge the coil up and then get power. the other system like the xs650 use brushes which wear. there was some TX500 stuff in motorcycle mechanics lately, not sure which issues
  14. oops, bad luck there. ironically, at least help was already on its way,
  15. drewpy

    There in (almost)

    sorry still prefer the spokes
  16. pics are out, there's one of me. as you on your new bike, I struggled to find yours
  17. drewpy

    There in (almost)

    looks great I do like spoked wheels
  18. can't beat Merino wool base layers, I got mine from Aldi
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