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Everything posted by drewpy

  1. https://www.aliexpress.com/wholesale?catId=200000468&initiative_id=AS_20170827120056&SearchText=motorcycle+mirror+indicator
  2. drewpy

    Oh Sugar!

    Jokes about white sugar are rare. Jokes about brown sugar? Demerara.
  3. was thinking of traveling the desert on the TDM so I felt so pleased that a guy in a pub sold me a rare, antique map of the Sahara Desert for only 20 quid. Only next morning when I sobered up I realised that it was a sheet of sandpaper...
  4. frame parts you can get fz600 stuff to fit
  5. it also look s like an FZ600 whats the frame number (1st 3 digits) looking closer, it looks water cooled so will be a FZR400
  6. no photo mate, you need a 3rd party like google photos etc and post an image link.
  7. 160 is high, 120 is ok but 140 - 150 is best. did you try with oil in bores to see if its ring wear? I suspect you need a decoke
  8. need to give it a whack to shock the valve cap off the collets say hello in the new members section please
  9. from high wycome to wales, thats a ride and a half on a 125
  10. it was some art installation at La Guardia. imagine riding open roads with straights and twisties for 300km and don't need to stop, hot weather and road surface to die for, that's what we had going to Andorra
  11. see the forum got another mention in practical sportsbike again. article on FZR600R
  12. try this then https://goo.gl/photos/b7BKxTYmx9YeZHnj8
  13. drewpy

    Posting Pictures

    trying google pics atm
  14. link works for me so no idea what your seeing
  15. Sharing a Joke in Viella so from Viella we went into france and visited lourdes. we all agreed the french are rude and self centred. they don't give a shit about motorbikes and trhe only saving grace was a lovely girl who styed and got us pizzas when the shop was closing. she couldn't speak english so i got by with my O level french we were joined by a solo rider from Keswick, David, who never saw an English plate till now. So we had a chat and bought him a coke found this place ontop of the hill made it to Lourdes where Tommy went rounf the religious shops back into Pamplona and knackered. next was to Santander and this "lovely" Hotel. Imagine visiting your 80 yr old aunt and that musty smell in the house with furniture that is well past its sell by date the adams family springs to mind we also did the "pots and Pans" in the Picos. basically Potes to Panes through a beautiful valley 10 miles long the start waiting for the slow coaches we aslo called into san Vincente do Baquetta, a lovely seaside town near Santander then it was all over, waiting for the ferry final view of spain on the way back, we called into Weston bike night, it was rude not to and also Tintern Abbey and also Ponderosa loads more photos here, knock yourself out https://photos.google.com/album/AF1QipOWf2vd2amq6GdH7uNZRd_1vEdZDsndaNTh5UWc
  16. Finally made it back in one piece and as a virgin european rider, had a blast. little Drewps all ready for the off 5 in all went, me on the TDM, 2 other mates on XJR1300 along with Tommy's and 1 on a Triumph thruxton Ace special. Took the Portsmouth Ferry to Bilbao where I picked up a screw in the back tyre so we got that fixed and had a drinky poos whilst waiting. The guy was 2014 24hr winner at Catalunya for Suzuki and his dad a champ in the 70's riding Montessa's. first stop was Pamplona and the Albret Hotel. typical city centre hotel, but they had underground parking which was a bonus. having a Leffe in an "Irish" pub day 2 took us from Pamplona to castejon de sos, this was an amazing place, a little village and the best ride coming down the N260 at 9pm as the light faded, through this ravene, with the sound of the bikes echoing down was one of the many highlights of the trip. this was the best place to stay IMHO Hotel PLaza, very traditional and great hosts. there was a fiesta going on and the small village was packed with guitar trio singin traditional spanish songs. great watch the senoras and senoritas dancing and the men doing those clapping beats the next stop was to Viella which was a large ski town and again a fiesta was on, but not as personal as the last place. here's some photos it was a bit hot too bike struggled at 2000metres due to lack of air, ran very rich and had to keep revs at 4k which made thwe switchbacks interesting was like being on top of the world so from Viella we did a round trip to Andorra, yes it was awful down in the main city but get up into the mountains and this is what greets you it was a long day, 12 hours riding but it was worth it and had plenty of stops on the way. aparently this was in top gear part 2 to follow
  17. beef your still here mate

  18. OK, it seems you can just upload photos and videos directly into your post via the attach paper clip at the bottom in full editor. Let me know if it works for you? seeing as the Photobucket has started to charge for 3rd party links, we can use Flikr to do the sAME. Hopefully they won't follow Photobucket's business model, I took this from the 2 stroke forum, thanks to markhoopy64 As Photobucket are charging for people to share photos from their albums from today I have been looking at Flikr as an alternative for members to use on the forum instead. I know it's a pain having to use something new but once you get an account set up it all seems fairly easy to navigate so here goes with a step-by-step guide .. Setting up and using Flickr for photo sharing to the forum Go to www.flickr.com Click either of the 'Sign Up' buttons Fill out the 'Sign up' boxes and click 'Continue' Click 'Send me an Account Key' to confirm your email address Check your email account, enter the code you have been sent and click the 'Continue' button On the next screen remove the tick before clicking 'Let's get started' so you don't get lots of junk email adverts sent to you You can change your Flickr screen name to anything that hasn't already been taken, then click 'Next' On the next screen click 'You' then 'Photostream' from the drop-down menu Click 'Go to Camera Roll' On the next screen you will see 'Select files to upload' but after only a couple of seconds you will be taken to a not-very-helpful Help video Just click the 'Got it!' button to skip the video On the next screen click 'Select files to upload' Find the photo you want to upload and click 'Open' to add it to Flikr You can also higlight and upload more than one pic at a time by doing this .. After you click 'Open' you will see your pics are being uploaded You now have pics uploaded Click on the 'Photostream' button You will now go to your Flickr Photostream - basically your photo library I only have one pic uploaded at the moment but you will have more as you upload to your gallery [/b][/font][/font] Click on the thumbnail that you want to share You now get a larger image - click the 'Share' icon here Of the Share options you are given you need to choose 'BBCode' Now copy the blue highlighted code from the box From trying different codes on the forum I have found that using the full code will display your pic but with some added information following the photo If you are happy to post pics with the added info then add the full code to your forum post or comment, or to just display the pic and nothing else then you only need to use about the first half of the code as shown here .. To upload more photos to Flikr click on this icon: Then you can drag-and-drop or select from your computer etc on the next screen ..
  19. to the forum use Flikr for picture hosting
  20. drewpy

    xj 650

    best way would be to say Hi in the new members section, let us know who you are, background etc you'll get a lot more help that way
  21. 1 sleep to go tommy, still 10:30 at the Caff?
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